My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 436: Product of the times

You know, at any time, they will have any such idea of ​​wanting to become stronger, because this kind of thing is really not unusual on the mainland of Budo.

Even simpler, it is said that this kind of thinking has a lot of possibilities in the minds of the people of Budo Continent.

"In that era, anything can happen." Donald Tang said solemnly, "This kind of secret realm is the product of that era!"

"However, there are indeed many things that may appear in the secret realm."

So at any time they will do anything, it is not difficult to see, Nagato can be regarded as how he will make these changes after he is now integrated into this world, and he will really face it. There are many possibilities for these things to happen.

Because of any such changes, it is indeed at this period, what progress they will go to, and now these changes have brought them more.

What can really be done now, at the same time, does have their own understanding of themselves.

"Huh? It seems that you seem to know a lot!" Nagato said lightly. "It seems that you are quite familiar with this kind of thing."

How do you really do it at this time, and now when you can really bring more change to them, how many of these things do you really need to face?

In fact, it is not difficult to see that while facing these things now, they will go to the real changes at this time, whether they can really deal with them, and now any will go to the real These dangers of becoming stronger.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that they will go at this time. These things that are really done now are really changed in these, and indeed they will really go through their own efforts to learn how to do now. everything of.

"I also heard that the secret realm is a very magical place!"

"Well, the secret realm may be a ruin, it may also be a cave house, or even a possible inheritance."

"Yes! These are possible ..."


And at any time, what Nagato will need to consider is true and true, but at this time it is now facing anything that will happen.

Sometimes these changes that can really be faced are also really able to be done well. At the same time that these things will happen to these changes, they can also really do it, and they are also through their own efforts. Go so strong.

And Budo Continent has a very simple and brutal rule, that is, whether they really need to strengthen these determinations at any time, whether they bring real such ideas to them, they are really able to face it, Many of these changes can happen.

And what really needs to be considered at any time is really in the face of anything that will happen.

In fact, it is not difficult to see what is going on at this time, and there will be many kinds of changes that will persist in efforts to achieve these things.

While Nagato is facing anything now, it is indeed what kind of change it really progressed in this era. It will be reserved next time to do anything that will happen.

Nagato will also be able to truly achieve any kind of transformation that can bring them a change at any time, whether they are as strong as they will be in this era.

"Yes, many peerless geniuses were born out of these secret realms and small worlds." Donald Tang said seriously, "so, as long as you find such a place, it is a fatal temptation for many Zongmen families."

So at any time, when you really can face these changes through your own efforts, you are really facing the situation that will happen through your own efforts.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that when facing anything, Nagato is really able to really compete with anyone in this era, and these opportunities are really very important.

Because at any time when I really face these things, it is also true that under the changes now facing, Nagato is also very clear, knowing how he needs to do these things.

And at any time to do these things really, Nagato also understands that when any of these changes are going to go out of the market now, it is really how to do it in this era, and it is really true. Facing anything.

We will definitely make these changes in this way, indeed under the premise of the changes we can face now. ,

In the face of any such situation that will happen, Nagato is really able to do these things, and it is indeed through his own efforts to really make any changes that will happen.

When I can really face the challenges of these people at this time, as well as those things that can be obtained in this secret realm, it is actually not difficult to see what to do at this time. Whether these real changes can persist.

"It is true that there are too many possibilities for this kind of place." Nagato nodded.

"So, any secret realm and small world is a treasure!"

"What a place to look forward to!"

"Yeah yeah!!"


And most of the time, the things that Nagato will need to consider are the changes that can really be faced, as well as the truly powerful things he has acquired on this Wu mainland How much promotion is there.

In fact, Nagato has always considered many things now, and at the same time, he still has a lot of these changes in his heart and really brought them such changes. occur.

Because when these things can be brought to them in the eyes of Nagato, he is indeed through his own efforts to truly face any changes that will happen.

So at any time, what needs to be done, or to what extent, is actually what Nagato has always insisted on and insisted on.

Because the things that Nagato will need to consider all the time, it is true that it will really make these changes at any time, and it is really how to do what can be done now at this time. Kind of change.

"However, these opportunities and dangers coexist, and this kind of thing is indeed a double-edged sword." Tang Lao said seriously.

And the reason why Nagato will really do anything is also to really face these things, and indeed will have his own special thoughts.

At any time, Nagato will go to such a level of learning and progress to such a degree, and indeed it is now able to go through his own efforts to truly be able to do things.

It is true that these changes will be made in this way, and how these changes will be made now.

So the things that you really need to face at any time are indeed the way you learn through your own efforts, to the changes they should need to learn.

Because at any time, can they really do what these challenges do at this time, and how many such things can bring room for improvement?

"So, you will invite me to come, it should be because of my strength?" Nagato said casually.

So at any time, when Nagato will really need to make these changes now, it is indeed true that he can really go through his own efforts during this period.

When these changes are made, it is true that the special secret realities we are facing now are correct only if we know how to do it. ..


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