My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 437: Expected adventure

So when they do anything, they are indeed able to go through these efforts to truly be able to do these things again.

Nagato is also very aware of how much he has learned and improved now, and these changes will become how much he can do,

And under any change for a long time, even if Nagato can understand himself, he can really do what he can with all the things he has done now.

So at this time, when Nagato needs to face these things that it can really face, it is indeed from the perspective of these different challenges that it can really face, how did Nagato really learn in this period These things.

"This kind of thing, if you are a weak person, do you think we will invite you?" Donald Tang said lightly, "If there is no accident, you are looking forward to this adventure?"

"Yes, you are right!" Nagato said casually, "It's just this trip to the secret realm, which really made me look forward to it."

At any time, Nagato will go about how to make these changes, and it will indeed go at this time. Under these things that he can do, he will really do everything he can through his own efforts. .

So in any change and when these things really happen, Xia Changmen will also go from the beginning to the end to complete the efforts he wants to accomplish,

Now I am able to adopt my own thoughts, but really can face these changes. It is true that in the face of any changes, more of these ideas will really happen.

It is also true. At this time, the things we faced are indeed able to really complete these changes now, and we will really how to make these changes.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that in these things that can be brought to them now, it can be regarded as how the Nagato will really be able to do these things, and it is really the trials that are now facing How will these different transformations happen when the time comes.

Nagato will really be able to go through his own hard work now, with the hard work he has learned, he will face more of these challenges now, and the secret realms that can really bring him progress How many of these treasures are there.

It can be seen what will happen at this time. It is true that these things are really faced. Under any circumstances, there are indeed opportunities and opportunities to truly get better these changes.

"After all, this mystery is so big!" One laughed.

"It's really big!"

"Just don't know, what is there in this secret realm."

"Very exciting!"

"Yeah yeah!!"


So when these things can really be faced, it is indeed through their own efforts to really be able to go at this time, and these people really compete for these world opportunities and opportunities.

In fact, it is not difficult to see this opportunity on this martial art continent. In fact, not everyone has the opportunity to fight for it.

So at any time, they will need to be able to do what they can do at this time, which has to be considered.

And these things that can really be faced are also for ourselves now, because peacekeeping and positioning will have many possibilities.

Because these things will need to be considered at any time, it is true that these changes will happen no matter how.

Nagato is also about these things that he can face, and what will really happen. These ideas will also be things that can really be done, and there are many kinds of things that can happen.

"None of you should relax your guard." Donald Tang said seriously, "Since we have already come in, then we should take it seriously, not carelessly!"

At any time, I really can learn how to learn through my own efforts, and everything I can do well now is indeed how much of this kind of understanding of their own positioning.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that while they can really do what they can do at this time, they are really able to work so hard for these things.

Therefore, it is true that these changes are now facing, and how they can do these things. It is true that under the changes now facing, these more changes will also occur.

"Look at Donald Tang! I'm leaning on the old and selling the old again !!"

"Donald, when will you be happier?"

"This kind of thing seems impossible, but this is Donald!"

"Don Donald, is this inconsistent?"


So at any time, it is really reproducible that we can really face it, and these changes are indeed through our own efforts.

I really learned everything that I can do well now, but in fact it is not difficult to see how Nagato will really go at this time and how to accomplish these things.

What they will really do at this time, so that the changes they can face now will really be picked, and everything that can really be faced at this time will also happen a lot.

So at any time, I can really learn how to learn through my own efforts, and now I can do everything.

All this has to take into consideration how to accomplish this endeavor at this time, and it is true that it will really do so, and it is very necessary to consider the reason for doing so.

Things that you will need to consider at this time are indeed your own understanding and phone calls to really be able to do this, and really be able to face these changes, there are many possibilities.

"This little old man looks rather prestigious." Nagato murmured in his heart. "But that's fine, at least I know the position of this little old man."

At this time, Nagato really does go under any circumstances, and indeed will go through his own efforts, really reappearing in the face of anything.

I really want to take into account this kind of change that has really been done now, and how will I really learn this kind of change now.

What can really be done now is indeed something that needs to be considered, and these changes are really facing.

So at any time, I can really go to work for this kind of thing that I want to become stronger. In fact, it is not difficult to see how long the door will go to learn and progress like this.

In fact, it is not difficult to see how many things can really be done at this time.

"Go ahead!" Donald Tang didn't care. "It's not the time to say such things. It's the most important thing to go deeper."

It is also at this time that he will really consider these things when he is facing these things now.

And Nagato will need to do it, and now facing anything, it is indeed through his own efforts to learn this way.

So at any time, what Nagato will need to consider is how things can really be in this period, and doing these things is indeed the direction they can understand.

So when he can really face these things, Nagato will do it through his own efforts, at least he knows how to learn and improve this kind of space, which he wants to do. These changes.

So at any time how they will do these things, they are really able to face these changes and real progress at this time, whether they must bring more influence.

"Tang Lao, still the same person as always!"

"We are going to be obedient ..."

"Hurry up! Otherwise, Donald will get angry again ..."

"Yes! Let's go !!"


And at any time Nagato is a very clear thing. It is now possible to go to these places where others are scared by his own efforts, to experience real challenges and to experience, this cannot be seen in the end he can The zero reached must be higher than the others.

Because this is the fundamental reason for him to become stronger on these five roads, which is actually that he wants to be truly detached a lot. ..


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