My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 5: Difficult to open the sky

"The arrogant child, how can you make this time."

Although Pangu felt something abnormal, he didn't care about it. After all, looking at the Chaos Demon Apes with their current strength, they are regarded as ants, and they don't care.

The so-called extreme power can open up the earth and destroy all methods.

Coupled with the four innate treasures of Chaos, Chaolian Qinglian, Three Thousand Forged Jade Discs, Tai Chi Figure, and Kaishan Axe Naturally has this strength.

"Nonsense, and eat me a stick."

The Chaos Demon Ape was angry, and there was so much nonsense there. Speaking of the dark blue sky-blue giant wood, a step, jumped up and rushed over.

The chaotic demon holds the sky-high giant wood and carries the thunderous power to the Pangu. The speed was so fast that even the Nagato did not see clearly. Just before Pangu Zheng.

This giant tree was born of chaos, and gathers the atmosphere of chaos. The momentum is sharp and unreasonable. No one in chaos can eat this stick. If you eat this stick, it will destroy everything, and return to chaos.

"Oh, to death."

Pangu smiled coldly. Swing the sky axe and cut it.


The huge tree was broken, and the loud noise shook the chaos.

The body of the Chaos Demon Ape is also split in half, and the blood of the Chaos Demon Ape is sprinkled like rain, and every drop of essential blood is enough to destroy the world.

Chaos Demon Ape is dead and soulless, and it is attributed to chaos, and the world of chaos is reverted to silence, as if the previous war did not happen, and chaos is still silent and lifeless. Those lingering creatures are waiting to get rid of this initial chaos, so that they can appreciate the road. After all, what is the difference between being alive and dead.

With just one blow, Chaos Demon Ape fell.

The demon gods knew that Pangu was not a good stubble, and immediately calmed their minds, dared not to fight this treasure again, and dared not to have any conflict with Pangu anymore, to avoid it.

Seeing this, Nagato was also quite shocked!

After the death of the flesh and blood of the four wild monkeys, such a powerful chaotic demon ape, in Pangu's hands, actually killed in a stroke of death.

It is worthy of the ultimate strength, which can destroy all methods.

The vast chaos is eternally muddled. When Pangu was suffering from the chaos of Qinglian, the number of millions of robbers in the chaos is unknown. During this period, the killing between chaotic demons is not limited. Countless demon gods are dead in the midst of the robbery or in the attack of each other, and return to chaos.

Therefore, the evil spirit in this chaos is gradually getting worse, full of a predatory psychology.

In this mutual attack, the old demon **** fell, and the new demon **** was born, becoming the new pride of heaven. There are also many powerful chaotic demon gods, reincarnation demon gods, fate demon gods, yin-yang demon gods, earth water wind and fire four demon gods, etc., one by one by virtue of brutality, notorious in the chaotic world!

During the period of time when Pangu was burned by the Qinglian industry fire, the time demon **** suddenly emerged, and after defeating Yang Mei, he became the hegemon in this chaos.

As for Pangu, because of chaos in the chaotic green lotus. It has long been forgotten by other demons.

"The opportunity has arrived, and I will redefine this as the world."

In the rhythm of the endless avenue emanating from Jade Butterfly, Pangu's body shape is also growing. Already billions of feet tall.

Nagato was also enlightened and contemplative in the rhythm of Taoyu, who was a master of jade butterfly. Compared with the previous qualifications, I do n’t know how much he improved.


Pangu held the sky axe in his hand and waved in this chaos, but it was shocking.

Nagato gathered his mind, and he knew that the good show was coming, that is the moment when Pangu opened up the earth and created a flood! I have the chance to see this scene. It was really worthwhile to walk through the flood.

And the demon gods in the chaos, the mind can't condense more and more, plus the sense of heaven. The Pangu wants to destroy this chaotic heavenly path, and the demons can no longer sit still.

Pangu opened the sky, Tiandao was willing to agree there, and brought down the air of endless calamity.

In the chaos, the demon gods are restless, and Pangu wants to split the chaos, which means destroying them.

Chaos demon gods were born in this chaos, and grew up in the chaos by chance, and cultivated to the demon **** realm. The central acid is only known to you.

But now Pangu and this guy are going to split the chaos, then all the abilities, exercises, and even the flesh in this chaos may be destroyed.

The devil gods of this kind of danger are willing to follow.

"This guy in Pangu is crazy! It's actually going to split the world. After the sky is opened, how can I wait for peace."

"We have long been accustomed to this mixed world. Now that we want to destroy the world, don't we want to ruin everything? We must not spare that Pangu."

"Today, it was not Pangu who died, or we died."

The demon gods gritted their teeth like crazy. At this time, the demon gods and their enemies are desperate to fight with Pangu.

These three thousand demon gods are the arrogant sons of heaven in the chaotic world, mastering the supreme power of chaos.

Pangu Kaitian is tantamount to smashing these people's way of life. This is the source of spiritual power that will kill people and cultivate people. It is not surprising that these demon gods have these actions.

"Chaotic Heavenly Path is dim, and the world is filthy. Are you waiting for the formidable generation, are you willing to sell your life for this Heavenly Path?"

Pan Guyi said rightly.

Now that I have been washed by the chaotic Qinglian, and by the fire of infinite karma, I have now removed the smell of chaos from my body. Today, I'm going to split the sky and wait for the rest to stop.

Under Chaos Heavenly Dao, there are three thousand demon gods blocking the avenue. Pangu once said that those who block the road will die, but those who block the three thousand will kill three thousand.

Chaos Demon God cultivates in this chaos, and can still control his mind at ordinary times, but at this time the green bars are soaring, and he has red eyes, exhausted all his energy, and used his strongest tricks to kill Pangu.

"The power of time."

"The pendulum of destiny."

"Space Secrets."



This endless and strongest move, all condensed the most powerful blood of the demon gods, representing the supreme power of the chaotic world.

These tricks converged into a net in the air, condensed into an endless net, and came to Pangu. Suddenly chaotic flying sand and rocks, chaotic gas is mixed with it, it is to promote the momentum.

With the condensing of the primitives of other life in the chaos, the chaotic demon does not care about other lower chaotic creatures, forcibly extracts its chemical nature, and condenses into this super-large network of heaven and earth.

Sure enough, under the chaotic heaven and earth, all beings are ants. With everything as a ruminant dog, it won't care if it grabs a snatch.

If it was before, Pangu grew up in chaos, and the body's chaotic gas is rich. If the powerful heavenly nets condensed by these demon gods are mixed with chaotic soul elements and chaotic gas.

This is the same origin as Pangu, that is, even if Pangu is powerful, he can destroy him.

But Pangu's eyes were firm at this time. ..


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