My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 6: The ultimate power

There is only one belief in Pangu's heart at this time, which is to create a clear world.

"Oh, stop me from dying, then destroy your dazed dog."

Pangu is brisk and heroic. According to the strongest trend from ancient to modern times, it shows no mercy. If you want to open up a new world, you must break the old world and reformulate the order. He swept across the mountain axe and blazed a dazzling light, colliding violently with the Chaos Demon God's condensed road network.


These three thousand Chaos Demon God elements and Chaos 'woven Chaos' most powerful killing tricks are enough to destroy the world's heavenly web. When they are in contact with the open sky, they are like a kitchen knife and a cucumber. Come on, turn into nothingness, and return to chaos!

After severing the large net woven together by the demon god, the axe swept through the chaos, traversing the infinite space and time, slashing three hundred chaotic demon gods, the demon **** blood chaos, attributed to the chaos of chaos.

Even Yang Mei, the time demon who masters the changes in space, was too late to avoid it, and was injured by the gas field at the edge of the axe. If it was not the original source of the time demon itself that was the original chaos stone, blocking part of the impact, then he will die.

But he was also seriously injured, and at the same time, he was frightened and broke away.

"How can it be!!"

The time demon is tight, the shock is leaking from his face, and the fear in his heart is revealed!

You know, even if he was the one who dominated Chaos and battled the space deity Yang Mei, although he defeated Yang Mei, he also lost a lot of skill, and did not hurt him.

But now, just the force at the edge of the mountain is seriously hurting the space demon, almost making him return to chaos.

This gap makes the time-devil God, who has always regarded himself as invincible and dominates the chaos, unable to help but take a breath.

The ultimate strength can destroy all methods.

"This mountain axe is indeed amazingly powerful, but this artifact, I am afraid that only in Pangu's hands can it play such a big role!"

Nagato could not help being shocked by this scene.

In front of Pangu, the helpless feelings of the three thousand demon gods emerged spontaneously, and a fear that spread from deep inside shrouded in the demon gods who survived by chance.

With one axe down, three hundred chaotic demons were destroyed. Like cutting a melon and slaughtering a dog, even if all the demon gods underneath add up, compared with the Pangu great god, I am afraid they are not of the same level.

Under such coercion, the minds of the chaotic demons gradually appeared. Knowing the power of the Pangu, the demon gods looked at each other, but they had more than enough power. Faced with this power, what can be done other than yielding?

Pangu doesn't put this day's ruddy dog ​​chaotic demon in his eyes.

His eyes were as sharp as a torch, condensing all strength, and splitting the giant axe towards the chaos in front.


Chaos was divided into two by the extremely powerful force of the mountain axe. With the rumbling body, the chaos gradually split.

In chaos there are rules in chaos, which govern everything, and the chaos is heaven.

Pangu wants to destroy Heavenly Dao, and Heavenly Dao cannot naturally agree. Lowering the endless robbery of destruction, it is necessary to destroy all chaotic things, and then re-cultivate life.

Heaven is indifferent, almost crazy, and hundreds of millions of chaotic gods never pity. If it is really down to the Avenue of Truth and Goodness, then there will be such a doom and chaos heaven and earth rampage.

Opening up the world must have an extraordinary will. In the chaotic green lotus that the Eastern Fan Dao turned into a king, every time Pangu suffered a bit of pain, the will in his heart was stronger.

Chaos Demon opened a joke about Pangu. "Hum, dare to contend with heaven and earth, the inevitable result is death without burial"

The path of enlightenment of the Eastern Fan Daojun is the great merit of saving all creatures. Although the road is long and obstructive, it must be firm. Even if you die, you must help Pangu open up the earth.

The chaos Qinglian transformed by the Eastern Fandao continued to bless Pangu and protect Pangu from the erosion of chaos. At the same time, recite the road in chaos to help Pangu purify the mind.

Pangu is fighting the sky with strength, this process is very long, and it has gone through dozens of disasters.

The sky is ten feet tall and the earth is sunken one foot. The body of Pangu grows with the world under the shelter of the chaotic Qinglian. The world will not return to chaos until the world of heaven and earth is finalized.

It takes a long time to establish a new order. Pangu used Taiji maps to determine the rules of the flooded world and set the five elements of Yin and Yang.

Tai Chi produces two instruments, two instruments produce four elephants, four elephants produce gossip, and gossip determines everything.

With the support of Pangu's tremendous power and the blessing of Dongfan Daojun, the wild world is gradually taking shape.

The most primitive appearance of the wild world gradually took shape.

But the air of chaos is not so easy to sink and float.

These chaotic demons knew that they were no better than Pangu, and secretly engaged in small actions underneath, destroying the formation of heaven and earth, and arbitrarily agitating this chaotic gas, so that Honghuang could not settle down.

The road is benevolent and wants to keep these chaotic demon gods a way of life. As long as they concentrate on practicing in the Honghuang Continent, they can reach the realm of the time of chaos. Moreover, in this Honghuang World, Qing is Qing, Turbidity is Turbidity, and everything is Yin and Yang. It will only be more beneficial to cultivation.

The remaining chaotic demon gods, who are somehow unlucky, have fallen ill and cannot be saved, so only all of them will be wiped out directly for the flood.

The Chaos Demon Gods thought that Pangu had to support the world and could no longer clean them up.

Pangu went up to the 33rd heaven and stepped on the 33rd earth. The burden is beyond words.

Seeing Chaos Demon God without repentance, Pangu was finally angry.

Free one hand and grab the four demon gods of thunder, wind and fire, and then refine them directly, turning them into the five elements of the floodland.

The Pangu Great God has no fear of all kinds of spells. What time Demon God, Space Demon God, and Speed ​​Demon God all seize and refine directly.

This is the power of the powerful, no fear of any small spells, tips.

All these make Nagato envious. The Pangu God is simply invincible. The Chaos Demon God is higher than Nagato's skills by a few orders of magnitude. Watching them fight, they have grown by leaps and bounds.

The Great God of Pangu swept away the threats he thought existed for the opening of the new world. Paved the way for the development of the wild world.

Dongfan Daojun said day and night next to Pangu's ear, I will not go to hell, who will go to hell, can save the life, I am willing to return to chaos to protect the world.

Pangu thought that he had cleaned and refined these 2,999 chaotic demon gods, and that the only thing left that could threaten the wild world was himself.

This world has been finalized, and there are no external threats. Pangu has an epiphany at this moment.

"It turns out this is the avenue."

After Pangu Epiphany Avenue, he is willing to incarnate all things in order to nurture life.

The picture came to an abrupt end.

Nagato is now on Naiji Island ...


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