My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 7: Evangelism

When Nagato awakened from the imprint of that ancient memory, he had already passed through the enchantment and was inside Naiji Island.

I saw that the island is full of aura, and the souls of the island are peaceful and intoxicated in the light of the Mild Buddha.

A fairy mountain in this path comes into view, and this Buddha light is scattered from above this fairy mountain.

"What a fairy dojo!"

Nagato couldn't help but sigh with the beauty of this creation.

"This is Chaolian Qinglian?"

According to records of later generations, this chaotic Qinglian, when Pangu opened the sky, was broken because it could not bear the power of the mountain, and it became a few innate treasures scattered in the wilderness.

There is a spring under this chaotic green lotus, from which spring water flows, and the spring water follows the small stream less than seven or eight meters into the small lake where the chaotic green lotus is bred.

The water glowed with gold, silver and purple.

"This turned out to be the most famous Sanguang Shenshui in Honghuang." Nagato couldn't believe what he saw.

At this time, a Dao stepped on Zixia Qingyun, and the aura that exuded from his body instantly calmed his mind.

With these immortals, their realm naturally increases.

Nagato knew that this was Dongfang Daojun who turned into chaos in the chaos and helped Pangu cleanse the chaos.

"The disciple, the longest man, visited the East Brahma Daoist and was lucky to meet each other today."

Dongfan Dao said: "Meeting is both for you and me, and for the fate, I also accept you."

Dongfan Daojun is a sage of Hunyuan, and he knows the heavenly path. Today, when I saw Nagato, I felt that this man has a relationship with himself and a Buddha.

"Thank you Master for your guidance."

Nagato didn't expect that the East Patriarch Patriarch directly accepted himself as an apprentice.

In the beginning of this flood, the saints have not yet preached. Now, apart from Hongjun, the most powerful one is only Dongfan Daojun. Hong Junyuan was in the Zixiao Palace thirty-three days away, even the big Luo Jinxian was difficult to enter.

I have worshipped such a good teacher, and I am naturally not afraid of anyone in the flood. No worries about being bullied.

Dongfan Daojun saw the long gate is only the early stage of Taiyi Jinxian, but the cultivation method is really solid. The exercises he practiced are indeed like his own, and he has a good impression.

Seeing that there was no spirit treasure in Nagato, he reached out and took the chaotic Qinglian in his hand and said to Nagato.

This chaotic green lotus was transformed by my nature. At that time, the bead in the chaos was shattered by the huge air field in the sky, and it was scattered on the wilderness continent. I cultivated this seed of Qinglian with a seed in the Three Lights God Water. There are currently ten products.

When this chaotic Qinglian reaches the twenty-fourth grade, your state will be considered.

This chaotic green lotus is an innate treasure, he can attack and defend, attack and break all spiritual treasures, formation, defend can stand in an undefeated place, evil spirits do not contaminate, all methods do not invade.

However, it is necessary to improve one's own realm in order to bloom the twenty-four grades of this chaotic Qinglian prescription.

This chaotic green lotus is transformed into a avenue, which has its own deep and profound Taoism, plus the blessing of the East Fan Daojun. This chaotic green lotus is like being born for a long gate. Nagato's Enlightenment Avenue can improve the quality of Chaos Qinglian, and at the same time there is a higher and deeper Taoism for Nagato to learn.

It's like the Dongfan Daojun came to guide in person.

Speaking of driving Chaolian Qinglian into Nagato's body, so that Chaolian Qinglian and Nagato slowly merge together, which is also to enhance Nagato's heels.

At the same time, it can cleanse the body and mind. If you are practicing among the chaotic green lotus, cultivation will be more effective.

Just like the Pangu Great God.

At the same time give the Longmen three light **** water.

These three lights are composed of golden sunlight, silver moonlight and purple starlight.

If the sunlight **** water, moonlight **** water, and starlight **** water are separated, they can wear away the essence of blood and flesh, corrode the soul of the soul, and devour the consciousness.

But these three kinds of wicked hydration are combined into one, then it is the first healing magic medicine! It can remove all toxins, but it can save diseases that can not be saved by Daluo Jinxian, and can be brought back to life.

Sun Wuhong made a fuss about Wuzhuang Temple and overturned one of the ten congenital roots of Honghuang's conservative grass, which is ginseng fruit. Guanyin Bodhisattva saved this innate spirit root with three or two drops of three light **** waters.

Naturally, Nagato knew the magical use of these three light gods, and quickly thanked Master.

"Thank you Master for your gratitude. The disciple is very grateful. But the disciple is too low, and I am afraid that it may damage the reputation of these relics."

"Hahaha, you kid, I understand what you mean, and you follow me."

He said that Dongfan Daojun brought the Long Gate to Biyueqingbo Cave where he practiced.

The breath in this hole is not too good for enlightenment and cultivation.

Sitting on the futon at the long gate, luck practiced, consciously smoothing the meridians, refreshing, and with his breath, he felt very comfortable.

Nagato was immersed in this breath, and a thousand years later.

Time in chaos is the least valuable, saying it is a thousand years, but Nagato didn't think it took long.

Suddenly, the long gate felt that he had reached the mid-term of Taiyi Jinxian, his whole body was unobstructed, and the pores of his body were all spread out in this Biyue Qingbo Cave, absorbing a strong aura.

Cultivation and refinement in the wilderness is fast, one is because of the strong aura, and the return of heaven and earth, a world of Langlang, no longer a chaotic world like chaos, such as today's Tao is different from the past.

Taoism is natural! Make up for the loss.

Heavenly Dao senses the merits of opening the heavens, especially lowers the merits, hinders the cultivation of all things, and gains insight into the Avenue.

These are incomparable to later generations.

Nagato worked hard in the later generations to reach the summit, but at best it was the early days of the Xuanxian.

"This is the environment that makes the saints!" Nagato sighed.

My heart was determined to follow the example of the saints, and strive to mix the saints in the wilderness.

Dongfan Daojun was very pleased to see that Nagato made rapid progress.

When Nagato sees that the chaotic green lotus in his body has reached the twelfth grade, his heart is naturally a little fulfilled.

"Nagato, you will have insights in this millennium." Dongfan Daojun asked.

"The disciple consciously calms his mind, and his spirits continue to flow into his consciousness. He can feel the chaotic green lotus growing slowly in the body as if she is part of my body."

Dongfan Daojun nodded, "You are indeed destined to my Buddha, today I will pass on the Avenue to you, I hope you will realize the Supreme Avenue as soon as possible, and save all creatures from fire and water."

After a thousand years of investigation, Dongfan Daojun saw that Nagato was indeed a material that could be made, and that he was gifted with wisdom and had a connection with the Buddha. He taught the avenue to Nagato.

Nagato understood Master ’s aspirations and learned the Tao seriously. ..


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