My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 8: Goodbye Master Tu Zhuhuai

In Biyueqingbo Cave, Dongfan Daojun preached for Nagato.

The saint's preaching is naturally extraordinary. For a moment, the sound of the Buddha sounds curled, and the spirits of Naiji Island are all under the sound of the Buddhist sound of the road.

The Buddha's light spreads to all things. It doesn't feel that the Buddha's light is dazzling or a little bit of discomfort. On the contrary, it feels particularly comfortable. The feeling is like the comfortable comfort of a baby in an embryo.

The islands and mountains are surrounded by colorful Qingyun clouds, and the lotus grows on the ground. Nagato listened intoxicated, dreamlike, as if he was empty in the void, but felt that everything was within reach.

Slowly my self-cultivation is slowly improving.

In the past three thousand years, Nagato has learned a lot from Master Dongfan Daojun, and his level has risen quickly. It has reached the late Taiyi Jinxian. This kind of speed cannot be compared with other creatures in the flood. .

The chaotic green lotus in the body also reached the fifteenth grade.

"Today I have passed on the Supreme Avenue to you. Whether you can enlighten yourself depends on your own creation. You will travel through the wilderness to find your chance."

With a wave of his hand, he sent the Nagato out of Najima Island. Nagato didn't even say anything about the gratitude taught by Master Xie.

In a blink of an eye, I was already on the flooded continent, but this is not Dongshengyingzhou.

When I opened the Honghuang Guide, I found myself in a place called Shangu Mountain in Beiyue.

Looking around, there are many elm woods on this solitary mountain, dense and green, and it is a precipitous mountain, which is covered with a breath of grief.

This was in the early days of the flood, and the mighty power was transformed into an incarnation, or the sanctification had not yet been proved. During this time, the Honghuang continent was initially determined, and some marital and chaotic lives in this chaos lived on this Honghuang continent.

But these wildernesses have only good and evil animals, and some animals, because they are accustomed to the breath of chaos, become cruel and violent, and do nothing evil in the wilderness continent.

The Sanqing of Kunlun Mountain has just been incarnate and is still practicing retreat. At present, it is still in the early days of Taiyi Jinxian, and the Stygian River of the Nether Blood Sea is just an embryo that has not yet been transformed into an incarnation. The second ancestor witch is now too busy to practice to take care of the scene of monsters raging on the wild land.

Nagato noticed the abnormality of Shangu Mountain and looked around. While walking, he smelled a stench.

Nagato followed the scent to check. There was a large scorched earth in the lush forest of Shangu Mountain. There were a large number of corpses of living creatures in the scorched earth. Under the shining of the sun star, it gave off a very foul smell.

Seeing this scene, Nagato couldn't help being sick.

This is too bloody, I do not know what is so cruel, it hurts so many souls to absorb spiritual power.

Then there was some restlessness in the forest.

"Isn't it that the hunter is back, and today I was hit by it, and I'm going to ask this servant for his life."

The long gate was hidden behind a big tree, holding the Yuanshen.

I saw that the monster was very tall, like a cow but had two pairs of horns, eyes like humans and ears like pigs.

"Look at this monster, this is nothing but the arms of one of the ten fierce beasts of the wilderness."

Nagato was somewhat doubtful.

But with the roar of the monster, the long door was determined, and the monster was all cherished.

These arms are evil beasts in chaos, they are the followers of the thunder chaotic demon god, and they are so powerful that they can shake the wild land. "The Great God of Pangu refined the four demon gods of thunder, wind and fire, but I didn't expect to forget you. Today I will take the beast for you on behalf of Heavenly Walk."

Nagato was not used to the charcoal spirits of the fierce beast, so he wanted to find a chance to destroy it.

But these bosoms are by no means good. They have been cultivated in chaos for millions of years. By cultivating chaos and violent gas, they have become a climate, plus wanton killing of creatures in the wilderness continent, absorbing the qi, and walking on their own Above, it reached the state of the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, and this guy was so weak that he would be injured when rubbed and knocked to death.

With the current cultivation practice, to deal with it, you can only outsmart it, not attack it.

"If you want to destroy the enemy, you must understand the enemy. Knowing the weakness of this fierce beast, it is a perfect strategy to kill you in one blow."

Nagato patiently held the Yuanshen and was not discovered by the monster, and then secretly observed the monster's every move.

After a few days of observation, this guy was found to be in a drowsy state when the flame of the Sun Star was at its heaviest, the violent gas was suppressed, and his skill was greatly reduced.

On this day, the long gate saw the right time and came to the door to provoke. Mana lifted a rock the size of a hill and hit it from the air towards the monster. The stone weighed a million, and if it took a slow blow, Taiyi Jinxian had only half his life left.

Unexpectedly, the monster reacted super fast, flashing to the side with a thunderbolt.

This monster came from Chaos and was already belligerent. When he saw a good opponent, his fighting intentions surged and he was very excited.

He jumped up when he said, struck towards the Nagata Gate, opened the road with a horn, and drew a white light in the air, driving the surrounding gas field, and the forest was also broken by the wind field brought by this powerful power, breaking a towering tree.

Nagato saw that the monster was coming violently, and dodged sideways.

In such a couple of situations, the monsters emptied, and their eyes flashed. There was a roar.

If the Nagato does not have the chaotic Qinglian bodyguard, I am afraid it will be damaged by the visceral shock.

Nagato blamed me for anxious red eyes, and then looked at the sun star, which was burning, and the erupting flame was about to reach its peak.

Nagato evaded from side to side and did not confront Zhu Huai directly, seeing that the monster was tired and panting.

These arms are already anxiously red, and they still care about the strongest flame that the sun star is about to explode. Then he exhausted himself with all his strength, and opened the big mouth of the king, trying to eat the Nagamon directly.

When Nagato saw the monster, he did n’t panic and sacrificed the chaotic green lotus to drive the mana. This chaotic green lotus spun in the air and emitted a five-colored light, accompanied by the sound of the sound ringing through the clouds.

I saw a piece of Cai Xia suddenly in the sky. A golden light traversed the Yun Xia and shone directly on the chaotic green lotus. Then the chaotic green lotus sent out thousands of golden light sword spirits, penetrating this strange body.

These screams screamed in a moment and died like solidification, with a terrible look, and they fell on the wild land from the air.

"The violent gas in these fierce beasts is too heavy, and if it is not refined, it will be a disaster in the future."

When Nagato said, he read a dharma and reached out to refine the violent gas in these arms.

With the refining of the violent gas in Zhu Huai's body, Zhu Huai's flesh gradually disappeared, and finally slowly condensed into a bright golden inner pill.

"This fierce beast can't do anything. It turned out that the inner devil with the demon's essence and blood to help it refining." Nagato was pleasantly surprised.

This Neidan is bigger than Nagato's body. Such a huge Neidan is rare!

"Shut up first."

At this time, the Long Gate found that the spirits near the nests of these arms were surging, and they looked closer. ..


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