My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 9: Finding Congenital Renshui

The Nagato just happened to refine the monster's violent gas, so he sent out aura near the monster's den and went to find out.

The long gate looks around the feng shui changes around here.

The place chosen by these Huaihuai is the hinterland of Shangu Mountain, which is surrounded by left and right, and the mountain on the left stretches like a green dragon. Although the mountain on the right is not as high as the left, it is steep and abnormal.

Behind this nest, it is a stretch of full **** behind the main peak of Shangu Mountain. Majestic and straight. There is a more majestic peak behind this single solitary mountain, but in the clouds, the distinction is unclear.

In the past life of the nest, the land was open and flat, because these arms destroyed all the forest in front, resulting in the land resembling scorched soil and no grass. In front of the mountain is a large, winding river. The water surface is calm, and the winding meanders to the southwest. The outlet and inlet are all covered by the mountains.

"There is a good place for Feng Shui, with the left green dragon and the right white tiger, looking forward and leaning back. Feng Shui is excellent. This nest is right on this longan. There must be good babies here.

Nagato was so excited that he knew one or two of the geomantic terrain, and thought of this textbook-style geomantic treasure, Nagato recognized it at a glance.

The long gate went into the cave to check it. This cave is a place where heaven and earth were made. It was born to be long. The stone walls in the cave were smoother than those artificially excavated. There was a faint light in the inside, and there were spirit flowers and weeds on the ground. Although the spirit flower is very attractive, Nagato felt that a bigger surprise was still there.

The long gate slowly walked deep into the cave, the spirit flower became clearer and clearer. The long gate could not restrain the inner excitement, and quickly walked. At the end of the narrow passage, the scene appeared to make the long gate very happy. .

The space here is much larger, surrounded by clouds and fog, and there is a lake below, which emits purple and green aura. Around it, precious spirit grasses are everywhere, and they are all herbs that are very difficult to find in the mainland. If it is refined, it can greatly improve the cultivation base, heal the bones, and save the dead.

"This ... is this congenital Renshui" Nagato's excitement is beyond words.

This congenital renshui is congenital divine water, which can cultivate all kinds of spirit grass celestial roots. In the future, the peach peach garden of the Queen Mother of the Chi Pond was bred from this congenital renshui.

Without saying anything, Nagato used a storage ring to put this innate water into the ring. Even the lake and the rocks by the lake were taken in by Nagato as a container.

After the long door ransacked the cave, he left the cave with satisfaction.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for receiving congenital water, rewarding three thousand flat peach saplings." At this time, the sound of Hunyuanzhu sounded in the head of the long gate.

"Well, what's going on, it's not a flat peach."

The water at the long gate will lie down.

Nagato planted all the flat peach saplings in the storage ring and irrigated them with water.

"When the flat peach is ripe, I will also hold a flat peach event."

In the heart of Nagato, we are preparing for the scene of the flat peach after the ripe peach.

"I hope that I will hold the Monkey Brothers in the Peach Fair to avoid trouble. Oh no, I must invite the monkey brother to participate."


Nagato began to think of beauty in his heart. Nagato likes the monkey brother very much, likes the kind of free and easy, not sticking to the world.

"It's still early days, and it's still a long time since the monkey brother happened." Nagato thought of returning to reality.

"Master Brother Monkey may not be born yet!"

Nagato turned to think about it. At this time, the Western Two Saints may not have been born yet. It is too early to think about these.

Nu Wa walks on this wild continent. If she thinks about it, the mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars, although beautiful, seem to be a little less viable.

When this chaos first opened, there was a silence between heaven and earth. Since Pangu realized the avenue and self-modified everything, there seemed to be something missing between heaven and earth. But I can't say it for a while.

Nüwa wanted to create a man who was explained to him by Hongjun. How did she create a man? What is a man?

On that day Nu Wa walked to a lake and saw her shadow in the water. She used the lake water to mix the surrounding mud and fabricated it as she wanted.

After the clay figure was ready, she placed it on the Honghuang Continent. Unexpectedly, the clay figure was able to move around and jump around because of the direct aura of the flood and the Nuwa ’s thoughts when she made the clay figure.

Nu Wa was immediately enlightened, and then she made a lot of clay figurines successively and put them on the ground. These clay figurines all had life.

In this way, Nu Wa called the person who was on the floor alive and kicking.

Nu Wa is like this day and night, but this vast continent is so vast. With her day and night crumple, when will the Honghuang continent become full of popularity!

Nu Wa took off a dead vine on the cliff next to it, and poured it into it with her power. Whip up the soil with the dry vine, and the soil splashed and landed on the wasteland and became alive and kicking.

Nu Wa continued to use this method as soon as she saw that this method was feasible. After Nu Wa's unremitting "making people." Honghuang Continent began to gain popularity.

But people are not immortal like a fairy. Once a person dies, he has to recreate it, which makes Nuwa feel distressed again.

She thought of a way to give humans a gender distinction, so that they can reproduce themselves.

In this way, mankind began to multiply on the mainland.

Tian Dao felt immense merits of Nuwa's creation of human beings, which reduced hundreds of millions of merits. Among them, nine layers were directly absorbed by Nuwa, and the remaining one was absorbed by human beings. Honghuang gradually has feelings and warmth.

Nu Wa has merits in making people, and she also proves her sanctification through hundreds of millions of merits. This is also the first saint in Honghuang mainland to be sanctified by merits.

But the wilderness has just stabilized. There are many monsters and beasts from the chaos. They are ferocious and brutal. Some of them are refining birds and beasts. They are like people who eat food and eat people.

This person is Nvwa who gathers the spirit of heaven and earth, and then integrates her own thoughts, and is loved by heaven and earth. These monsters violate the laws of nature and fight against Heavenly Dao. They naturally kill these wild monsters. Heaven Dao will give merit to those who kill.

However, Nagato didn't want to have cause and effect with Tian Dao merit, so he attributed Tian Dao merit to Honghuang, and did not accept it.

During this trip to Shangu Mountain, Nagato has gained a lot, and his heart is naturally beautiful. These monsters who escaped from the chaos were so evil that they should have been destroyed long ago.

It was in the heart of Nagato that he remembered the Naidan in the arms, plus the blood of the Chaos Demon God, he had not yet figured out what the specific use was.

"Chaotic Pearl, do you know what this Nedan can do?"


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