My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 10: Refining Neidan to get mounts

"This Neidan is a spirit pearl refined from the blood of several demon gods in the chaos. Take the Chaos Qi as a guide. If you are a Neidan, you can strengthen your cultivation. If you purify the spirit pearl, then you can purify May be able to breed a high-level spirit beast. "

Chaozhu Zhu really is omniscient and omniscient.

This chaotic green lotus is the treasure of the world, which can purify all evil spirits in the world.

It is said that the chaotic Qinglian can be used to get rid of it, and maybe a perfect high-order spirit animal pet can be cultivated.

"Then find a secluded place and refine this high-level spirit beast."

Nagato thought about it.

This solitary mountain has been entrenched by the arms for many years, and it has almost ruined the living creatures of a hundred miles, not even a bird. Is there a more secluded place than here?

As soon as Nagato pondered it, refine this soul pearl here!

Nagato set a triple ban with a wave of his hand, and began to purify the spirit beads inside.

The Nagato then sacrificed fifteen grades of chaotic green lotus, and placed the spirit clan above the lotus table with mana.

Chaotic Qinglian emits a dazzling multicolored divine light, urging the spirit beads. Eliminate the evil spirit contaminated by Lingzhu, this process is completed in just a hundred years.

The purified spirit beads were crystal clear and translucent, spotless and slightly reddish, with golden veins vaguely visible inside.

"This is the essence of the chaos. I do n’t know how many thousands of years it will be able to condense this size. If it is not the inner pill that was forcibly occupied by the Zhuhuai as his own, if this spirit bead is refined, its ability is afraid Zhuhai is one hundred times and one thousand times stronger. "

However, I have my own destiny in the midst, and I have a relationship with this spirit bead. Looking at the spirit bead, I can break through this original form and become a higher-order spirit beast. Nagato wants to help it today.

When Nagato sees that the merits of his chaotic bead rewards are still 2 million, he only reserves 500,000 for his spares, and he directly puts 1.5 million merits into this spirit bead.

Suddenly, the airflow began to surge in the spirit bead. As the airflow in the spirit bead violently operated, as soon as the golden light emerged from the sphere, the light was radiant.

"Kaka Kaka!"

Lingzhu's appearance has become more and more fissured, and a gleam of golden light emerges from this gap.

If the prohibition triple prohibition is not set in advance, this aura of light can not be paid attention to its power in the flood, only the strength and weakness theory and the strong are the most important in the flood, and those with high ability are eyeing this class. The spirit beast can't stalk people.


The spirit bead exploded, and then the white smoke erupted inside the spirit bead slowly condensed into a type.

The long door waved his sleeves to blow away the mist. A closer look, where is this mythical beast, is this not a panda?

"This is actually the goods."

But at first sight this guy can still be a high-level spirit beast.

"What's the use of this product other than selling it to death?"

It was not unreasonable for Nagato to say this. Later, the big witch Chiyou rode this to fight the emperor, and then in the later generations he would only sell Meng and play himself as a national treasure. There is no breeze for the bear race.

Although I like pandas, this is a flood, not a joke.

But Nagato looked closely and found that this spirit beast is not ordinary. This spirit beast is not only super fast, but also able to go to heaven and earth, and looks docile and cute, but if it is really angry, the attack power bursts.

Some are better than none. Although Nagato is not very optimistic about this spirit beast, it is also very fun to sell cuteness!

A spell was imprinted on the spirit beast immediately.

"Dirty beast, I am the saint of Dongfan Daojun who is a saint of Wuda Avenue, and he passed on to his big disciples. When he saw that you were destined to me, he accepted you and followed me to enlighten the Taoism.

"Willing, the grace of the merits of Longmen Daojun's merits has not yet been repaid. Today, fortunately, when Daojun is enlightened, the disciples must do their best to repay."

"See you like a bear and a bear, like a cat and a cat, call it a bear!"

Nagato wants to separate this man from the panda that makes people cry and laugh, so that he doesn't think that this is the panda of later generations. After all, that guy is really cute and especially capable.

"The disciples listen to all arrangements made by the Master."

Then Nagato chanted some simple and introductory Buddhism and Taoism theories, which was profoundly esoteric, so that the panda could not understand it.

"The disciples were taught, and their minds suddenly became enlightened."

Nagato nodded. This panda is not as stubborn as later generations, and has a very high level of understanding.

There are many chaotic monsters in the wilderness, which have been eroded all over the body by brutal anger.

Nagato was most envious of enemies in his life, but he couldn't see everyone suffer. Now that he has this ability, he must manage it. If you are a busy and ineffective person, if you are unable to do so, you will be far away from it.

"Panda, the fierce beasts are rampant in the wilderness. You and I got up quickly to go beyond these violent beasts."

To say that it is excessive, to put it plainly is to send them to the west.

Oh no. Now that the Western Two Saints haven't cultivated yet, send it to Xitian. No one has led it yet.

Thinking of this, Nagato thought, as soon as possible to let the Western Second Saint incarnate, with his own strength, the flood is so big, how can it exceed so many beasts.

The long door stepped on the panda and traveled westward all the way, and met with fierce beasts that wounded people. There were countless deaths and injuries. The people formed an alliance to fight against the beasts, but helpless mortals have no magic power.

The long door along the way is very sad. Although there are countless beasts along the way, this flood is extremely wide. When can we save the people from the fire and water!

"It may be too much to teach people who were founded by Laojun, teach mortals to cultivate immortals, and demons and demons to give them the ability to defend themselves.

It is better to teach fish than to teach it. Even the saints have their own interests. If you want the normal operation of the flooded world, you must establish rules as soon as possible.

Nagato killed all the beasts along the way, delaying a lot of time. Fortunately, the panda was really powerful and the speed was amazing. It didn't take much time to arrive.

Although the Chaos Beads arrived in a blink of an eye, since they want to travel through the wilderness, they can use the Chaos Beads as much as possible in the future. On this journey westward, Nagato felt a lot, and his understanding of Dadao followed up again.

There are three thousand avenues, one of which can reach the perfect sage. As long as the heart is full of life, it is the road to relief. Laozi's inaction, or the Purdue people of the Western religion, who do not go to **** go to hell. This is to make a living for the world, all to establish a good order, there is a good order or cause and effect.

Longmen rescued many people on the road, and there were many fierce beasts.

Nagato felt that Fangcun Mountain, the spiritual site of the Western Second Saint, was approaching. From far away, he saw the golden mountain, the golden light, the heavenly clouds, and the strange flowers and plants. The golden light flashes. ..


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