My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 20: Luo Suide's Divine Soldier Kills the Gun

Nagato tried it with chaotic beads to see if he could see how Luo Su gradually became a climate. Knowing each other well knows each other, and you can't fight a hundred battles.

Unexpectedly, there was Luo Ai's breath in this chaotic bead, and there were still all the things Luo Sui had experienced before. Nagato was very curious, wondering how this world's devil became a devil.

At the beginning of the flood, it was just to follow the heavens and kill the chaotic warcraft. If you want to become a demon ancestor, these are not enough. After all, there are too many powerful people in this flood, and some chances are so good that you just go out and go around. You can pick up treasures, and some people are searching hard for the wilderness, but they never find a spirit treasure. This is a good chance.

Some have good heels, even sleeping at home, and the same practice is improving. For example, Pangu Sanqing and the Twelve Ancestral Witches, they are born better than others, and they are destined to be extraordinary once they are born.

But Luo Sui didn't have it at this time, and Nagato was curious to continue to search among the chaotic beads.

I saw Luo Sui smelling a trace of wild warcraft, and followed the smell all the way to one place.

I saw the trees vigorous and upright here, and the rocks were all around, and there was an inexplicable deep fear everywhere. Ordinary people who come to this place are bound to tremble with a leg and run. But Luo Sui and who are there, Luo Sui looked slowly to check the clues left by this monster. Slowly Luo Sui found a pothole along the trace.

The pothole is covered by strange rocks, and there are huge trees on the sky to cover the sky. There is only one entrance. The space inside is very large and it is 100 feet high.

Luo Sui saw that the monster was more than twenty feet long, with three heads and eighteen feet, like a centipede, but it wasn't. The monster's eyes grew on its back, and there were only two pairs of tentacles in front. It was breathing and breathing in its nest. Refine Neidan.

The monster's Nedan has been purified and purified, and there is a deep red in the Nedan, and there is a trace of blood gas floating on it. The monster constantly exhales black gas to warm up Nedan, which is in the black gas. Once brighter than once, brighter than once. The black gas above the monster's Nedan turned along the Nedan above, and the black gas also merged with the bright red blood gas while turning.

After flashing black light, it became even brighter red.

"I didn't expect this monster to have this method of cultivation, and today it is cheaper for me."

Luo Ai was secretly happy, taking advantage of the monster's breath and vomiting, and within a flash, there was more than that monster's Nedan, clutching it in his hand.

"Hahaha, you ugliness, you have turned this world into such a realm, and you have formed the inner pill. Seeing you is just the early days of heaven, just getting started."

When the monster saw that Luo Sui had robbed his treasure, he was so desperate that he would come to seize Luo Dan's Nedan. But this monster was just an early state of Tianxian. Luo Su thought it was nothing fun. With a trick in his hand, a sword gas passed through the monster's body.

The monster snorted, his body exploded in the air, the broken body covered the ground, and the ground was messy.

At the same time, with the explosion of blaming me, a colorful cloud fell on Luo Su's head, Luo Su grabbed and absorbed into the body.

The explosion of the monster caused fluctuations in the surrounding positions, causing Luo Ai to find a trace of anomalies. There were many strange stones around the cave, but there was a stone pillar in the strange stone. The stone pillar stood beside the pile of stones and was covered with it. Moss, there are many roots wrapped around it.

"How does this stone column look like it has a protective cover? The aftermath of the monster's explosion was resisted by the stone column, and there are more or less traces of the explosion on the rocks in other places. Although the explosion of the fairy monster did not It ’s so big, but it ca n’t be blocked by an ordinary energy shield. "

Luo Sui noticed the abnormality and went to the stone pillar to see it. He saw that the stone pillar was perfectly natural, and the whole was very well-proportioned, not like the power of nature. It seems like a magic weapon, but it is not sure, because this stone pillar looks very ordinary.

Luo Shu used his power to remove the debris from the stone pillar.

Only then did he discover that the stone pillar was translucent, but it was the stone fluorite that exuded a faint light. Luo Sui was very excited. He knew it must be a spiritual treasure.

This innate spirit treasure is made by heaven and earth, and it has to be gestated for thousands of years. The appearance of this stone pillar is a spirit treasure here. A layer of mana surrounded by the spirit treasure absorbs the fluorite powder between heaven and earth.化 化。 By the. Such characterization is rare.

Luo Ai hugged the top of the stone pillar, struggling to lift it out. The stone pillar was buried in the ground in half. When Luo stone bar was completely pulled out, he found a sword-pointed head under the stone pillar.

Luo Su struggled to hug the stone pillar and waved. The forest within a hundred square feet was flattened to the ground, and the stone pillar became more and more shining under the bright light of the sun star.

Luo Ai poured mana into this stone column. With the flakes of fluorite around the stone column falling off, Luo Ai discovered that this was actually a sharp weapon that could hurt the Heavenly Saint. This is the innate treasure.

It is the lotus stem of the chaotic green lotus that gave birth to the great **** of Pangu. Its power is so powerful that even a saint should be afraid of three points.

The picture ends here.

"Luo Sui's chance is so good, so that he will be able to pick up such an ingenious treasure."

Nagato was a little jealous, murmured at such a powerful innate treasure.

Luo Sui had this spirit treasure, and he and his associated spirit treasure extinct Helianthus are peerless in one attack and one defense.

Luo Sui got this spirit treasure and returned to Fengmo Mountain to refine these two spirit treasures. You must know that this spirit treasure is good, but the prohibition in the spirit treasure is heavy. If you do n’t refine it, you ca n’t get all the spirit treasures. Power, and refining Lingbao can also have the opportunity to obtain innate skills in Lingbao.

So Luo Sui, who got the treasure, immediately returned to Fengmo Mountain to start practicing and refining the spirit treasure.

Luo Sui has traveled through the wilderness for so long, slashing the Chaos Warcraft to get the Chaos. Now he has accumulated a lot, and he needs to slowly refine and increase his skill.

The mainland of Honghuang is very knowledgeable, and Luo Ai accidentally knew that the formation of the Magic Mountain was the Great Immortal Formation of Zhuxian. In addition, Luo Ai was already in the early days of the Golden Immortals of the Great Luo.

This Zhuxian array is powerful. It is the most powerful formation in the flood except for the Twelve Ancestral Witches' Duxianqi Formation and Emperor Juntai's Zhoutian Starfighting Formation. It is impossible to perceive this formation if it is low If you accidentally break into this formation, no matter whether you are a Daluo Jinxian or a Heavenly Dao saint, you will be killed.

But the saints are not so stupid, unlike those who are low-cultivated, they can't see the mystery of this great formation.

If you want to take the four swords of Zhuxian, you must break this big array of Zhuxian, but is this big array a wait-and-see flow?

But Luo Sui already had a solution in his mind. ..


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