My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 21: Ways to crack Zhuxian

Nagato saw the various past experiences of Luo Su in the chaotic beads, and then sorted out the recent events in his mind. At that moment, Long Gate seemed to guess what Luo Su's conspiracy was.

Luo Su relied on absorbing the grief and resentment in the flood to refine the demonic qi, and then summed up his own cultivation practice. If the three clan wars begin, hundreds of billions of creatures will die because of the battle. The grievances of a life tragically killed in the war will be full of heaven and earth, and Luo Ji will be greatly enhanced by this skill.

"No, this Luo Sui wants to use the blood and resentment of the tribe's children in the tribe battle to strengthen his own strength."

Nagato has figured it out.

Luo Sui abducted the third princess of the Phoenix tribe Qingluan and the six sons of the dragon tribe in order to cause the conflict between the two dragon and phoenix clan, thus provoking war.

Nagato suddenly looked anxious and wanted to stop the battle.

"Qing Luan and gluttonous. Yes, their disappearance is the fuse of this war, if you let them out to pull through Luo Sui's conspiracy, you can stop the tribal war."

Although Nagato knew that this should be a catastrophe of the dragon, the phoenix and the unicorn, but according to his own inner thoughts, he was reluctant to watch so many life spirits fall, and the battle of the three races will inevitably improve the skill of Luo Sui ’s big devil Quickly, at that time, Luo Sui will surely make Honghuang mainland mourn everywhere.

Nagato thought of leaving here near Fengmo Mountain, sitting on the back of the panda, and hurried towards the place where he was cultivated.

Although this great immortal array is powerful, Luo Suo has a good chest, and he has found a way to break the array.

He now only has to wait quietly, waiting for the tribal war to begin, and far away to absorb the grievances left by the tribal children's tragic death. Then to prove by killing, Luo Sui's first realm of the middle age of Daluo Jinxian was not enough to decipher this innate Zhuxian array. Only by relying on the dead souls of the hundreds of billions and trillions of the tribe's children to sacrifice the natural killing spirit of the Zhuxian Great Formation, can they break the formation and obtain the Zhuxian Four Swords.

Luo Shumou planned well, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Then he began to refine his attack to the treasure killing spear.

Nagato rushed all the way by the panda, but saw that the two were walking by a lake. Although Nagato was anxious, he knew that the evil spirits of gluttons could not be suppressed sooner or later.

Seeing that the gluttony was pale and weak, but still talking and laughing with Qingluan, and comforting Qingluan don't worry about him, it will be fine.

"Sister Qingluan, look at that tree in that lake is so beautiful."


"The clouds above are so beautiful, the red ones are like fire. Then does that cloud look like a phoenix?"

Gourmet pointed at the sky like a cloud like a phoenix, and was so innocent to tell Qingluan to see it.

"Well, it's beautiful! But there is only one, solitary."

"No, it won't be alone."

馕 鬄 said to Qingluan, but there were attachments in his eyes, and there were also concerns. Gourmet knew that this devilish energy could not be suppressed.

"Luan'er, if one day I was devoured by the devil qi, you must kill me. I don't want to live like that, okay?"

Qingluan couldn't help it anymore, and the tears could not help falling.

"Grandma, no, not one day, aren't you all well now?"

Qingluan was reluctant to admit that his condition was getting worse.

Seeing this scene, Nagato was also in a state of sadness, and he was determined to remove Luo Luo and the magical energy of his body.

The long gate fell in front of gluttonous horses and green luan.

"The two don't have to worry, now there is a way to completely get rid of the magical energy of the gluttonous body."

Qingluan can be treated at first sight, excited, and asked.

"Dare to ask Brother Nagato Dao, is there any good way to get rid of this devil qi. Every time I use my power to remove it, this devil qi is extremely stubborn, just like a part of the body, it can't be completely removed, only control. I don't know why , The devil qi has increased a bit in the past few days. "

"Well, this devil qi was refined by Luo Ai. If you want to get rid of it completely and uproot it, you must destroy Luo Ai. But there is one more important thing that needs to be dealt with."

"What is it?"

"Luo Su kidnapped you just to provoke the contradiction between the dragon and phoenix Kirin tribes, so that the dragon and phoenix Kirin tribes can fight. In the war, he can absorb the blood and resentment of the children of the dragon and phoenix Kirin tribes, refine the magic energy, and improve his cultivation. . "

"This Luo Ai is too poisonous, and actually used the trillion-and-a-long tribe of the dragon, phoenix and Kirin to improve his cultivation. I must stop him as soon as possible. Although I asked Jade Bird to go back and report his safety, I still don't know Luo Ai A huge conspiracy. "

The long door frowned.

"Let's get up quickly. Let's go to the Dragon Clan first to persuade the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Clan is stronger than the Feng Clan Qilin II Clan and has the most say."

Nagato sat on the back of the panda with the green luan and gluttonous pigs until the dragon palace saw the dragon patriarch Aotian.

On the way, the gluttonous monks were eroded by the magic energy. With the strength of Luo Zui increasing day by day, the magic energy in the body of the gluttonous monks became stronger and stronger. Nagato's mana cooperated with the chemical jade dish to temporarily control the magic energy.

When Longmen and their party rushed to the Dragon Palace, the little dragon at the gate saw that His Highness returned, and he paid a visit.

"Subordinate, see His Highness."

"Free courtesy."

Then one person first went to the palace to report, and one led the way to lead the long gate to the dragon palace.

Long Gate was walked by the leading dragon for a long time in the Dragon Palace. After many rounds and corners, it finally arrived. Among the magnificent palace, there are various flying dragons carved outside the palace, and various totems of the dragon family In the palace, there are magnificent palaces, huge pearls, radiating a golden light, all corners of the palace are illuminated.

There are more important things in Nagato ’s heart, and he has no time to look at the luxurious and luxurious palace. He does n’t like it or envys himself. He still likes to live freely.

After the people were seated, the gluttonous man barely supported the sick body and asked a slightly longer grade dragon next to him.

"Where is my father? We have to ask him to discuss something important."

"His Royal Highness, the patriarch and the elders are heading the dragon clan to fight against the phoenix and the kirin clan. Once this battle is opened, this wild land will not be peaceful for a long time."

"What, where is your patriarch now?"

"It should be almost around Zhoushan!"

"We have important things to report to our party. This war was specially instigated by Luo Zui. We came to stop the war."

Qingluan also hurriedly explained the intention to the man, hoping to get his help.

Nagato was in a hurry, and gluttons were reluctant to see the children of the three tribes killed or injured.

"Brother Naomen, it's not too late. Let's rush to Bu Zhoushan as soon as possible to stop the tribe from fighting."


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