My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 22: Nagato stops the tribal war

Naturally, Nagato knew the seriousness of the matter, too late to say anything to the dragon in the dragon palace. He took the gluttonous pigeon and the green luan to the panda and flew away.

The three of them galloped all the way. Time is precious now. Time is trillions of lives. They speed up. Nagato spends their real money to speed up. Fortunately, they have innate guishui, which can help them restore their mana. There is also a chaotic Qinglian bodyguard, otherwise the true element will have dried up and died.

Bu Zhoushan is in the east, it is the spine of the Pangu Great God. The Pangu Great God died for the flooded continent, but his spine has never fallen, and has become a pillar supporting the world. The Zhoushan innate spirit, rich, is very suitable for cultivation, and There are also many treasures.

Long Aotian, the head of the dragon clan in the dragon clan near Buzhou Mountain, is discussing strategic deployment with his subordinates.

"King, due to the fierce and abnormal nature of our dragon clan children, and our superior strength, a single charge will kill the little babies of the Phoenix clan and the Kirin clan."

"Yes! King, we have a large number of people and good weapons. It is completely unreasonable to rely on the Phoenix and Qilin clan to disperse the soldiers. It is completely not a matter of concern. The King only needs a command, and then the dragon army will charge forward, like the desolation , It wiped out the flood. "

"Yeah, King."

"Phoenix Kirin is all scum, which is not a concern."

"Tomorrow's war will directly capture Muyun and Yuanfeng first. The phoenix Kirin group has no head and must be defeated."


After hearing these words, Aotian was naturally proud and proud.

The public will know very well what their patriarch Long Aotian likes to listen to, and then they all follow the patriarch's temper. No one wants to touch the mold.

Xuan Tian was a little worried when he heard them, and his face was sad. The proud soldiers will be defeated. If this kind of self-righteous and proud posture permeates the barracks, no matter how many people there will be a defeat, and such people will not have the perseverance to resist failure.

But King Aotian's temper, Xuan Tian was very clear, Xuan Tian thought again and again, but still decided to say his own words. Adoption or non-acceptance is the business of the patriarch, but his duty is to analyze the overall situation objectively and comprehensively.

"King, although our dragons are strong, the Kirin and the Fengs are now fighting against us. This strength is not much different, and this Kirin is in charge of the land beasts, and there are many brutal beasts who are also subject to the Kirin and Feng. Although the clan's strength is weak, they have a congenital Nanming away from the fire, wipe this up, if they are sprayed, they will be wiped out directly. "

Aotian had already put away the smile just now, and looked serious.

Although Xuantian knew that Aotian was already unhappy, but as a counselor, he should know everything.

"And that the current cultivation of Muyun and Yuanfeng is already in the middle of Daluo Jinxian, and their strength should not be underestimated. It is the so-called not to win, to lose first ..."

"Bold Xuantian, you dare to grow others' ambitions, and destroy my prestige of the Dragon Clan. My Dragon Clan is the first in the wild, can it be compared with the birdman Yuan Feng and the mediocre Mu Yun?"

Aoyun is used to the position of the overlord in this world, and no one is allowed to pose a threat to him, even to speak.

"Get out of me now."

Aotian was so angry that he didn't want to hear what this kid said.

How can I say defeat on the eve of this war, Xuan Tianyun is proud, this time we must educate and educate.

"Come here, take Xuan Tian out and watch it. No one is allowed to see him without my orders," All the generals were stunned, and within a moment the **** were silent.

The generals would not dare to speak, Aoyun was in a rage, and no one would dare to touch this mold again.

Suddenly a subordinate soldier came to report.

"Report the king, three people are flying towards the big account in a monster."

Aoyun thought to himself that he must be from the Feng and Qilin ethnic groups, but he did not know that they were only here to spy on the military situation or to fight.

"Come well, no matter what the purpose of his coming is, he must be told today whether he will come back or not. The crowd will listen to the order and return to the camp quickly, ready to fight."


He will finally answer in unison, and then quickly return to the camp to prepare for battle.

When Aotian went out to look at it, he was surprised, how could this mount have not seen it before, how could it be so divine, and fly so fast.

The soldier was preparing to attack, but Aotian saw that he was his favorite six son from afar, and ordered to stop the attack.

The panda fell before the big tent, and after Nagato and others came down, the panda was retracted into the ring with a wave of sleeves.

Longmen, gluttons, and Qingluan saw Aotian only. After a few words of greeting, how will Longmen meet gluttonous villages, and Luo Zui kidnapped gluttonous villages, Qingluan to initiate a tribal war, and then use the tribal war The blood and resentment of those who died in the middle increased their cultivation behavior and told Aotian.

Aotian will have to think carefully after hearing this. Although this is a misunderstanding, the contradictions between the three tribes have a long history. It is not only a few words that can be made clear, but this is a good opportunity once in a lifetime. If not Take this opportunity to wipe out the other two races, and then it will be difficult to wipe out.

"Now even if you want to withdraw your troops, the other two tribes will not agree. The Feng and Qilin two tribes will attack us when the dragon tribe withdraws."

Although this arrogant is usually overbearing, no one pays attention to it, but he is not stupid because he knows his opponent too well. If he has the opportunity to kill the opponent today, he will not stay you until tomorrow.

"Aotian Patriarch I know that you are also a good patriarch who pity the children of the Dragon clan. If the Aotian patriarch promised me not to send troops first, they would go to the patriarch of the other two tribes to make peace with the patriarchs of the other two tribes. Go back to your own territory, and no longer have disputes. In order to flood trillions of creatures, please ask Aotian Patriarch to think twice. "

Aotian sees that Changmen Qiyu is extraordinary, and he also cherishes the children of the Dragon clan. Moreover, the grade of the Nagato is already the peak of the Taiyi Jinxian. It is unclear the origin of the Nagato. It is naturally not easy to offend. I also agreed to give it a try.

"Okay, I promise you, I will give you three days. If there is no news of you after three days, I will destroy the Feng and the Qilin clan."

Nagato didn't dare to be indifferent. When he got out of the Dragon Clan account, he went straight to the Feng Clan, because the gluttonous demon qi was repeated, and the gluttonous clan left to recuperate, and then he and the Qingluan went straight to the Feng Clan account.

The Feng clan tent was extremely lively. The Feng clan chief Yuan Feng and the Qilin clan chief Yun Yun were discussing their strategy against the enemy. At this time, they heard the report from their men.

"Report ..."

"Report the patriarch, the three princesses are back, and there is a person who claims to be the long gate."

Yuan Fengxi smiled when he heard that his beloved female Luan came back.

"Come on, let them in. I want to take a good look at my Luaner."


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