My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 23: Longmen lobbying the Feng and Qilin clan

The Feng patriarch Yuan Feng is the only female patriarch among the three patriarchs, but he is decisive and decisive. He has a natural kingly temperament. However, in the face of the other two tribes, the Feng tribe wants to have a place in the flood. Yuan Feng You must stand up and fight.

Under the painstaking management of Yuanfeng, the Feng people dominated the flood, but under the influence of the Dragon people, the Feng people were not enough to fight against the Dragon people, so this had to make the Kirin and the Feng people put away their prejudices, and they were calm. Sit down and discuss your strategy against the Dragons.

This is also a strategy for survival. Yuanfeng only wants the Feng family to gain a foothold in the flood, and has no ambition to dominate the flood. As long as the Feng family can prosper, Yuan Feng will be content.

The Dragon clan has been aggressive and cannibalizing the border of the Feng clan. Although Yuan Feng has repeatedly withdrawn, the matter of the Three Princesses made Yuan Feng think for a long time.

This dragon clan has the ambition to wipe out the floods and dominate the world. This is a fact that will not change no matter how you make concessions. Rather than raising tigers, it is better to fight harder, maybe there is a chance of victory.

At this time, a young little phoenix took Qingluan and Changmen to the phoenix tent.

Qingluan was also very excited, with a smile on her face, sweet and playful. A string of hurried steps.

Qingluan couldn't restrain the excitement of seeing her mother, urged the Nagato to speed up, and the person became cute and cute.

"Mom! Luaner is back."

"Let me see it! It's finally back after so long."

Seeing that her third princess was haggard, her slender figure was thinner than before, and Yuan Feng, her mother, was very distressed. Yuan Feng's face was sad, and his eyes were distressed.

"Luan'er, you are suffering, just come back, just come back."

But this sad and gentle look was only a moment, Yuan Feng immediately put away the love. Then looked at the long door.

Yuan Feng saw the delicate facial features of the Nagato, with clear eyebrows and a pair of thick eyebrows. He looked very spiritual. He was full of aura. He saw the Nagamen's extraordinary momentum. He was young and cultivated to be the peak of Taiyi Jinxian.

"Dare to ask this Taoist friend?"

"Mother, this is Nagato's brother, who saved us."

"Yuan Feng thanked the long-door Taoist friends. In the future, whenever there is something wrong, the Taoist friends just talk, and the Feng people will do their best."

"The Patriarch Patriarch does not have to be polite. Today I have something to discuss with the Patriarch Patriarch and the Kirin Patriarch."

When Yuan Feng heard it, it was a matter of the Feng family, and he was not surprised in his heart.

The head of the Qilin clan, Mu Yun, heard that it was also related to the Qilin clan, and was puzzled and asked.

"I am Mu Yun, the head of the Qilin tribe, and dare to ask Daoyou what happened to us."

"It was for the tribal war."

Both Yuan Feng and Mu Yun were surprised. Yuan Feng saw that this matter was not trivial, so he arranged for the long door to sit down, and Qingluan also found a place to sit down.

After Longmen and Yuanfeng and Muyun sat down, Longmen looked at Yuanfeng and Muyun and asked.

"Changmen dare to ask Yuanfeng and Muyun, but he was ready to fight the dragon."

Twilight Road.

"Huh, the dragon clan is too deceiving. The proud old man has violated my borders many times. The people in my clan don't know how many died in the hands of the dragon clan. This account must be calculated with him this time."

"It was the evil dragon that forced us."

Yuan Feng also blurted out without thinking.

"Then the two patriarchs, how many people are there in Qilin and Feng?"

"Close to trillions."

"How specific is that? The two patriarchs don't have to hide me. When I came here, I had initially explored the camps of the Feng and Qilin tribes, and I guessed seven or eight."

Yuan Feng and Mu Yun looked at each other, knowing that this could not be concealed, Mu Yun made a wink and gestured to Yuan Feng, and Yuan Feng said on the tray.

"The Fifteenth Battalion of the Feng Clan has 150 billion elite soldiers, including 320 billion in the Mixed Birds Battalion, a total of 470 billion. The children of the Feng Clan are all martial arts and strong, and they are above Taiyi Jinxian. There are more than 100,000 people. "

"There are 200 billion elite soldiers in the Qilin clan camp, and 500 billion in the beast mixed camp, each of which can be used for warfare. There are countless Taiyi Jinxian and above. There are hundreds of Dalu Jinxian Xiu Xiu Xiu. The momentum is tremendous, two The combined force of the clan will definitely kill the dragon clan. "

After listening to Yuan Feng and Mu Yun's words, Nagato disagreed and made a bitter gourd face.

"Do not hide the two patriarchs. Just before we came to the Feng clan account, we went to the Long clan account. We saw that the Long clan's camp stretched for tens of thousands of kilometers. The banner waved to cover the sky, and each person took a handful of soil and put it in Mount Zhou. Among the big rivers, the river can be cut off, and all of them are fully armed. "

Seeing that the two patriarchs did not answer, if they thought about it, they continued.

"The Patriarch of the Dragon tribe said that the children of the Dragon tribe had 800 billion people in their own soldiers, which is not even about trillions of mixed camps of various scales. According to me and Qingluan and my investigation, Naotian did not lie to us . "

Nagato also deliberately exaggerated the strength of the Dragon clan. In fact, the Dragon clan ’s own soldiers are 400 billion yuan, and the various scale armor mixed battalions are 500 billion. The weapons are outdated, and some soldiers have no armor at all.

This is also to allow the Patriarchs of the Feng and Qilin groups to compromise.

After listening to this, Mu Yun's face suddenly became serious and he couldn't show a smile.

Muyun couldn't believe what he heard and asked weakly.

"There are so many people in this dragon family now?"

Yuan Feng's chief Yuan Feng's face was not much better, and his face was sad. But again suspicious of Nagato.

"Dare to ask Dao Youming to say the purpose of coming this time."

As soon as Nagato saw the time was ripe, he said.

"I also have an important thing to tell the two patriarchs this time, because it is about the survival of the three tribes."

Nagato made a very detailed presentation this time, and gave a complete account of Luo Mofeng in Fengmo Mountain. How does Luo Moi practice step by step to today, and Luo Jiu ’s practice is to absorb the grievances of the people who died in the floods. Own strength.

And Na Luo Sui now has both the top defensive Lingbao innate treasure Black World Lotus, and the top attack Lingbao killing the sharp gun. With these two pieces of Lingbao in hand, Luo Sui was in an invincible position.

There are also Luo Sui who kidnapped Qingluan and the 6th Royal Highness of the Dragon clan, creating conflicts among the three clan, provoking the war between the three clan, and finally using the blood and resentment of the children of the three clan to improve their cultivation, and finally kill the devil and sanctify .

Coupled with his daughter-in-law Qing Luan to testify, Yuan Feng took a breath after listening to it, but did not expect that there was such a heart-wrenching devil. But Yuanfeng's city palace was not simple, and he did not immediately express his position, but asked the long gate.

"Dare to ask Nagato Daoyou what he should do now?"


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