My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 24: The tribal patriarchs will discuss and

Nagato did not immediately express his intentions, but first looked at Yuanfeng Patriarch. I saw that Yuanfeng was not as proud as when he first saw it. More sincere, Yuanfeng looked at Nagato now, hoping Nagato can give a satisfactory answer.

Nagato turned his head slightly to look at Muyun. Muyun's anxious eyes now also hoped Nagato could give the answer he wanted.

Muyun was originally forcibly drawn into this war. Although Muyun had ambitions, his strength was not allowed, so he had to guard his territory peacefully, and occasionally played a small role on the border of the Phoenix or Dragon clan. Cheap.

If it was n’t for the Feng patriarch Yuan Feng to visit him several times and explain to him the situation in the flood, otherwise Mu Yun would like to stand by and take advantage of it.

Seeing the expressions of the two patriarchs, Nagato said his plan.

"The two patriarchs are a little restless, and these three tribes don't have to fight. The so-called disputes are detrimental, and the common benefits are common. I think the two patriarchs don't understand it. Just now we came from the dragon clan account. Agree with the dragon clan chief Aotian, as long as the phoenix and the kirin clan can withdraw their troops, then the dragon clan will also be willing to stop the war and make peace, from now on the well will not violate the river. "

Yuan Feng still had a sad look on his face, and felt that the issue of reconciliation was difficult.

"That proud old man has a lot of tricks, how could he be willing to give up, if he is really sincere, he will retire first, then our children of the Feng and Qilin families will retreat."

Seeing that Yuan Feng agreed to withdraw his troops, Namen said that there was still room for discussion on this matter, and he continued.

"If the war between the three tribes begins, hundreds of billions of children will die on both sides, and the danger of genocide may be attained, and this great flood may also be destroyed once. By then, what face do we have to face Pangu The great **** has a great desire to create everything. "

After listening to these words, Yuan Feng and Mu Yun were completely shaken.

"If the boy from Aotian agrees to retreat, our two families also agree to retire. But the premise is that the dragon must return the children of the Feng and Qilin custody, and return the land that occupied us. Otherwise, it is impossible."

Longmen saw the Feng patriarch's remarks in his heart.

"Well, Patriarch Yuanfeng and Patriarch Muyun, I will tell Aotian the words of the two patriarchs, and I will invite the tribal patriarchs to sit down and talk. If there is any misunderstanding, I cannot sit down and talk. As long as we plan for the future of the flood and the future of the three communities, this will definitely reach a consensus. "

"Okay, then you tell Aotian, you will be at Pangupo under the Mount Zhou at tomorrow afternoon. Muyun and I will be there."

"Okay, let me go now."

"Brother Nagato, I will go with you."

"No, Luaner, you just came back, and you have a good rest at home."

"No, I'm going."

Naturally, Nagato knew Qingluan ’s thoughts. She wanted to see the gluttons. Now, the spirits in the gluttons may be out of control at any time. She is worried.

"Yuan Feng patriarch, let Qingluan go with me. She has seen Luo Sui with her own eyes, and she is the third princess of the Feng tribe, which also shows the sincerity of the Feng tribe."

"Okay, then you must pay attention to safety. The dragons are insidious and cunning, and you don't care about their words."

"Patriarch Yuanfeng is assured that I will protect the three princesses comprehensively."

"I wait for your news. If there is no news for you tomorrow, we will send troops to attack the Dragon Clan."

"Okay, don't worry about the two patriarchs, let's go back quickly."

Nagato pinched a decision, and then, in the eyes of everyone, sat in a panda bear and galloped away.

Lian Muyun and Yuan Feng both sighed in their hearts that this long-door practice Xuan Miao didn't know who the master was, so a pair of immortal spirits.

Longmen and Qingluan went out of the account of the Feng clan and drove all the way to the account of the dragon clan. Qingluan worried about the gluttons in his heart, so he went to see the gluttons first.

The gluttonous condition is much better than before, and seeing the blue luan is naturally better by three points.

"There is a congenital dragon spirit in this dragon palace. The gluttonous dragon was originally a real dragon body, with strong muscles and bones. In addition, the father king infused me with true qi and forced most of the devil qi to Dantian. I can do this as long as I practice well. All the demonic qi is discharged from the body. "

"That's really great. Brother Huang is waiting for you. You will take me to Honghuang Continent to play. It's so big. I haven't been to many places. I heard people say that there are too many beautiful places in Honghuang. It ’s very interesting. "

"Okay, I will definitely show you."

In the Dragon Account.

Nagato brought the words of the Patriarchs of Feng and Qilin to Aotian, while also saying.

"Aotian Patriarch, please think twice. If the three tribes go to war, the only beneficiaries will be Luo Sui and other people who take advantage of the harvest. The Feng and Qilin tribes are not weak. It ’s easy to say. Please make a decision. If you want to reconcile, please show your sincerity. The patriarchs of the Feng and Qilin tribes will invite you to rehearse at Pangupo in Mount Zhou, tomorrow.

At the same time, Nagato told Aotian about the requirements of the Feng and Qilins, and Aotian thought for a moment.

"Okay, you tell Yuanfeng and Muyun, I will go to meet old friends."

Seeing Aotian, Nagato agreed, but there seemed to be something in his mind, but Nagato was not good enough to ask more. So farewell Aotian took the Qingluan back to the Feng Clan account.

At first, Qingluan didn't want to go back, but Nagato told her that it was a critical period. If she knew that you didn't go back, she thought you were detained by the dragon clan. In case of a misunderstanding and a war between the three clan, the consequences would be unimaginable. Hearing what Changmen said, Qingluan was reluctant to part with the gluttonous monk, and returned to the phoenix account with Changmen.

Among the Feng clan accounts, Nagato told Yuanfeng and Muyun that Aotian promised to go to the Pangupo tribe to discuss tomorrow, and then Yuanfeng arranged for Nagato to take a rest first, and he and Muyun were in the account It was discussed until late at night.

Early the next morning, Nagato saw Mu Yun and Yuan Feng being energetic and energetic, and naturally dressed gorgeously.

Yuan Feng is wearing a purple-gold phoenix crown and is wearing a deep red robe embroidered with auspicious clouds and flowers. It looks solemn and elegant.

Twilight beam hair bun, wearing a blue robe, stepping on cloud boots, holding a long strip of jade in hand, clearly like a scholar scholar. ,

Yuan Feng and Mu Yun took their personal servants and went to Pangupo first.

Nagato followed up, and the three patriarchs had discussed for a while. The heads of the three tribes finally reached a consensus, and at the same time each of the three tribes returned the prisoners.

The borders of the three tribes are based on the borders that have been kept for a long time a hundred years ago.

But when it comes to withdrawing troops, the three families have reached a deadlock. ..


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