My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 25: Negotiations between the three tribes are deadlocked

The heads of the three tribes in Panlongpo discussed the tribal reconciliation, and all the previous parties reached a consensus, and they are willing to return the prisoners to prison, subject to the boundary of 100 years ago, and do not violate each other.

But when it comes to the tribes who withdrew their troops first, all three are in a stalemate.

Aotian said.

"If the Feng and Qilin tribes withdraw their troops first, then the Dragon tribe will immediately withdraw their troops, and they will surely abide by the treaty later, and will no longer infringe on the border between the Feng and Qilin tribes."

Yuan Feng also said.

"I didn't have any opinion on the front, but the Feng nationality is very close to the border of the Feng nationality. If the dragon tribe evacuates, the Feng nationality will then withdraw to the undead volcano, no longer invading the border of the two tribes."

Mu Yun also said firmly.

"It was originally the territory of my Kirin tribe. Where there is a guest who didn't leave, the reason why the owner left first is to ask the guests of the Dragon tribe to evacuate first. It is not too late for the Kirin tribe to withdraw after the guests are sent away."

The three tribes reasoned that no one wanted to retreat first.

When Nagato sees that the negotiations have reached an impasse, he tells the patriarchs of the three tribes.

"The three patriarchs are stalemate about the withdrawal of troops. It is really because of small losses. It is better to do this. How about the three tribes withdrawing together."

"Why should we withdraw? Within the border of my Kirin tribe, we will withdraw whenever we want. There is no need to control it."

As soon as Mu Yun heard this, he was not angry.

"Muyun Patriarch, this is not what I mean. I mean if the three tribes all withdraw troops at the same time, wouldn't everyone stand still here? After all, there are more important things among the three tribes waiting for the three patriarchs? "

"That won't work. To withdraw the troops, the dragons must withdraw from the border of our Qilins before we can withdraw."

Longmen said this to Chief Muyun, and he thought this was the reason. After all, it was the dragon who invaded the territory of the Kirin clan. How could the Kirin clan retreat first, and then Longmen thought about it for a moment and looked at Aotian.

"Aotian patriarch, look at how the dragon clan first retreated to the border."

Aotian did not answer immediately, but pretended to be calm, did not speak, and did not express a stiff face, as if someone else owed him money and did not pay it.

Yuan Feng, who was not speaking on the side, spoke with Aotian's attitude.

"Aotian Patriarch, since it is a tribal peace talk, please invite everyone to show their sincerity in the peace talks. No one wants to develop to the point where they have to resort to a knife. The lives of the children of these tribes cannot be bought with money. "

Muyun has no such good temper.

"I watched the talks and talked or not, since people don't want to talk, then what are we doing sitting here." Long Gate looked at Mu Yun's performance and thought to himself. Muyun deserved to be an old traitor. At that time, he heard that the dragon's strength was almost over two trillion yuan, and he was so scared that his face was blue, and there was no smile on his face. However, he was free and easy on the negotiating table. Step by step test the bottom line of the dragon.

However, Nagato knew that Muyun was a pretense gesture, but if he didn't cooperate, it might cause Muyun not to come to Taiwan. At that time, there was no way to talk about the peace talks.

"Patriarch Muyun don't worry, please be restless. I believe that since the three patriarchs can sit here, they all came with sincerity. Don't be hurt by a little thing."

"Yes, Patriarch Muyun is not in a hurry, and you will listen to the words of Taoist friends."

Yuan Feng saw the situation, so he pushed the boat along the river, and La Muyun came back to sit down and discuss.

"These tribes are now deadlocked here, and it is not a long-term plan. For a long time, the army is stationed at the border. It is sure that the demand for food and grass is greater among the tribes. If the border within the clan is lost, or their children are killed, the three patriarchs are unforgiving. "

Nagato began to persuade the three patriarchs with a long-term focus. In fact, Nagato's heart is also very fierce, and he is a good old man to mediate among the three clan. The three patriarchs also put on a stinky shelf, especially the dragon clan, but In order to be quiet and peaceful on the flooded mainland, Nagato temporarily ignores it. Let me first settle the matter of withdrawing the troops of the three tribes.

"Okay, the friends of Naruto Dao are justified, and please invite the Dragon Patriarch to show their sincerity, otherwise we insist on here, the daily consumption is huge, and if we continue this way, it will not benefit everyone."

"Yuanfeng Patriarch is right. If we have been stalemate here, the strength of the tribe must have weakened. At first, it was not conducive to the development of the tribe. Second, it gave the hostility to the tribe to take advantage of it. Just like Speaking of Luo Ai, Luo Ai is now the greatest threat of the three tribes. Luo Ai has high mana. He also invites the three patriarchs to work together to deal with the matter here. It is best for the three tribes to join forces to suppress the devil Luo Ai. "

Seeing that none of the patriarchs spoke, the Nagato said again.

"The three tribes are now so powerful that all the tribes in Honghuang look jealous, but they dare not provoke the tribes. If the tribes start a war, or just stalemate and consume each other, causing the tribes to weaken, then It will definitely be remembered by the other ethnic groups, and the devil Luo Luo will not get rid of it, and the three families will not have a good life. He will definitely try every means to provoke the conflicts of the three groups. "

The three patriarchs still didn't speak, but in fact they all had their little abacus in mind.

Nagato sees this and finds a breakthrough first!

"Aotian patriarch, your six sons were hurt by the devil Luo Luo. Now there is still a devil qi remaining in the gluttonous body. I see that the devil qi is deeply rooted. I tried to use force to push the devil qi out many times. , But it does n’t work, then the magic energy seems to be a part of the body. "

Hearing Luo Sui talking about Liu'er, then Aoyun spoke.

"As for my six children, my Aoyun will definitely make Luo Zui ’s devil pay the price. My children ’s wounds have been cured. There is no major problem. My dragon clan is strong and strong, and he is protected by innate dragon qi. , Those evil demons are simply not opponents of the Dragon race. "

Aotian did not forget to boast at this time.

"My dragon tribe is the first big tribe of Honghuang. If we let the dragon tribe retreat first, then spread it, not to make people from the whole Honghuang continent laugh, saying that we dragon tribe fear you Qilin and Feng tribe."

Muyun Patriarch began to arrogantly wait for Aotian to finish talking.

"Then why did the Qilin tribe withdraw their troops first, it is your dragon tribe that occupied our borders, aren't your dragon tribe so unreasonable?"

"Aoyun patriarch will not harm the majesty of the dragon clan, but we have been stalemate like this, and it is dangerous to the dragon clan. After all, the dragon clan is rich in resources, and you are also a matter of opportunity. There must be big things waiting for you to deal with."

Seeing this, Nagato was busy going round the field. Nagato broke his heart for the three families! ..


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