My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 28: Nagato obtains Lingbao Linglong colorful glass leaves

Nagato looked at the baby so beautiful, but he didn't know what it was for. But Nagato intuitively knew that this treasure is definitely not a simple spiritual treasure. From the tone of the gluttonous tone and the location of the spiritual treasure, he knew that this treasure was definitely not simple.

"This is really a good baby. But what is the use of this piece of treasures, brothers and sisters."

Gourmet looked excited, but said to Nagato slowly.

"This spirit treasure is not simple. This is when my father king was traveling in the wilderness, there was a colorful insect with a slight glow when he was in the Three Gods Mountain in the east. I wanted to take advantage of my father king when he was practicing Dragon blood, but was caught by his father, who stayed when he saw the insects strangely. "

"The father took it by his side, put it in a bottle with mana, and when he traveled through the wilderness, he would buzz every time he met the prohibition set by someone, or encountered any trap enchantment or something. Sound, my father knew the magical use of this bug, which can be used to explore the hidden enchantment prohibition. In this way, you can avoid accidentally entering the formation set by others. "

The Tao Tao speaks endlessly. Speaking of these adventures, the words of the gluttonous people can't be collected as if the river water broke down.

But Nagato also listened with interest, listening curiously to his parents Wang Aotian's adventures.

"But later, the bug died, and the father-in-law was particularly sad, because if the bug was carried around, it would make him feel safe. He wouldn't enter other people's formation without knowing it without knowing it. . Has an early warning effect. "

Hearing this, the long door asked.

"Then the bug is dead, oh, is that the leaf here ..."

"Well, yes. This leaf was made from that spirit, and it did n’t bother the father. He first collected a rare spirit grass on the steepest cliff in Mount Zhou, what is it called? I forgot the name, but it is very precious. I also went to Kunlun Mountain to collect the five-colored stones, which are extremely strong. "

"The father king grabbed the Feng family's small wind and refined it with their unique Nanming fire. It has been refined for a hundred years. It also joined the dragon family's blood, the wind family's blood, and the Qilin family's blood. Then Only refined into this exquisite colorful glass leaf. "

"The exquisite colorful glazed leaves are crystal clear, like a leaf, the veins are clear, and there is a little glow. If there is a formation or enchantment nearby, it will flash, and if you can see through the leaves, just Can clearly see the hidden formation or enchantment. "

"Wouldn't it hurt many children of the Feng and Qilin clan, did not kill them!"

"I also heard that because it is difficult to get the Nanming Lihuo of the Feng ethnic group, you can only put the captured Fengzui into the refining furnace, and then you can extract the Nanming Lihuo, so this has hurt many people of the Feng ethnic group. , I also learned about it later. But the Feng and Qilin clan also often grab the dragon clan to refine the spirit treasure, because the dragon, phoenix and kirin belong to the essence and blood of the innate aura, so it is very powerful to refine the spirit treasure. , So that the tribes often fight for these things. "


"The exquisite colorful colored glass leaves were later given to me by my father for self-defense, but I felt that this thing took so many lives, and I couldn't bear it, so I kept it useless. But this time to seal the devil If it is a mountain, this spirit treasure can be used in a useful way. If it can be used to save the dragon clan or protect the Honghuang mainland from disaster, this is also a kind act! "

Nagato thought about going to Fengmo Mountain for exploration this time. If he had this spirit treasure in his body, he wouldn't be afraid of falling into the trap of Luoshou.

"Lingbao originally had no good and evil, only talents divided good and evil. As long as the good use of Lingbao is in the hands of those who keep good, it is naturally justified, and in the hands of those who are evil, it must be done for the tiger."

"What Brother Longmen said was exactly that Brother Longmen did n’t know how much danger he would increase if he did n’t bring the exquisite colorful glass leaves? Then I would n’t be relieved. Brother Brother Long must bring it Get on this exquisite colorful glass leaf. "

Nagato sees what he said is true and sincere, and although this exquisite colorful glass leaf is too cruel to make, Nagato is a little disgusted, but at this time, it is most important to deal with this devil Luo Shou first, otherwise it will endless And Luo Su's exercises are even more brutal.

"Okay, then thank you Brother Gao."

Said to take the piece of exquisite colorful glass leaves from the hands of gluttons.

Then Nagato stayed there for a while and left the Dragon Clan on the panda to set off at Fengmo Mountain.

Nagato sees that the panda is following him, but it is gradually getting bigger. It turns out that this guy followed Nagato to understand the exercises, and the panda's skills have gradually improved. He has moved from the original first-level high-level Warcraft to the second. Advanced Warcraft, this progress is really powerful.

Nagato secretly sighed that the ferocious beasts were truly extraordinary, and the panda of the Neidan refinement was so savvy.

Nagato, when he gave this guy a name, was afraid that this guy would do the same thing as the pandas of later generations, and then made himself a national treasure. He had a martial art, a big bite, and a fast run, but he would only be cute.

Now it seems that this panda bear is indeed very talented. In just a thousand years, he has advanced to second-level advanced Warcraft. Now he is also bigger and can sit more than fifty long doors.

Nagato meditates on the panda and does not miss the opportunity to practice enlightenment.

Nagato has been busy with the battle between Luo Sui and the three tribes during this time, and has never had the opportunity to meticulously comprehend. Although Dongfan Daojun taught the avenue to Nagato, the level of Nagato has not broken. I feel like I want to be separated by a layer of yarn, but I just can't understand it.

Although it didn't take long on the way, the skill of Nagato was improving, and it felt like it was about to break through to reach the Da Luo Jin Xian.

Although the peak of Taiyi Jinxian Peak and Daluo Jinxian are only a small difference, the difference is indeed ten thousand miles.

That is, a hundred monks at the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, they are not necessarily able to beat the Dalu Jinxian cultivation, because this is not a level!

The Nagato slowly understood the meaning, seemingly absent, and then the body's chaotic green lotus grew slowly in the body, exuding a touch of green lotus, which emptied from the top, Converge, and then spread Qinglian's qi to the whole body's meridian along the whole body's meridian. Changmen suddenly felt refreshed and exhaled, and then his own practice went a step further, but has not yet broken through the big Luo Jinxian.

Nagato opened his eyes and opened, not far from Feng Moshan. ..


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