My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 29: The Long Gate explores Feng Mo Shan

Nagato stopped at a hill just tens of thousands of miles away from Fengmo Mountain. Flying over with a panda bear would certainly cause Luo Su's suspicion and awareness.

He also took the panda back into the ring and allowed him to practice well in the ring. The ring also had plenty of aura, as well as the innate guishui and three thousand flat peach saplings.

Today, the flat peach saplings are already two tall in the ring. The ground water, wind and fire of this ring are all indispensable, as well as all kinds of auras that are very scarce in the wilderness, strange flowers and plants have been included in the long door. This is completely a world, a system that can survive independently.

That innate guishui not only moisturizes the three thousand flat peach trees, but also makes the aura more intense here. That panda bear is a blessing to follow Nagato.

Nagato first checked the situation, and then concealed his breath. Nagamon felt that this mountain was a little different from other mountains, and felt very strange in his heart, so he took out the exquisite colorful glass leaves.

Nagato used force to click on this leaf, and then used this leaf to block his eyes. Through his eyes, his eyes discovered the strange weather here.

There used to be a strange formation, which was very strange, but Nagato has never seen it. This formation originally enveloped the mountain. There was a cave here, but it has now been filled.

There seems to be a war broke out here, and the strange and strange formations set up here seem to be torn apart by some kind of tyrannical force. This power is extremely overbearing, but it broke the big formation in an instant, and now the big formation remains. There is a hint of mana, but in front of the exquisite colorful glass leaves, all traces of formation can't escape his magic eyes.

Nagato lamented that those who are really a good baby.

"Hey, it's a pity that this spirit treasure is good, but there are too many wraiths attached to it during refining. If it is used for a long time, people with incorrect heart skills can easily get mad."

But Nagato was not very worried that he would get into trouble, and the chaotic Qinglian in his body could help him resist this power. Don't let the long gate get into trouble.

Nagato thought that his priority was not to investigate the reason why the formation was suddenly destroyed by someone, but to go to Fengmo Mountain to check the situation.

The long goalkeeper wrote down the situation here a little, and it was convenient for me to think about it later.

Nagato slowly and cautiously marched towards Fengmo Mountain, and nothing was needed when he did not use this exquisite colorful glass leaf, but when he used this, Nagato found that this magic mountain had Luo Sui for thousands of miles. Set traps, formations, and various early warning formations. Nagato was also dazed, and there was a trace of luck on his face. This luck was really good. I did n’t find so many formations and enchantments in the first two visits to Magic Mountain. With my luck, None was trapped.

This is really very good. If you are trapped by these formations, even if you are lucky to be alive, it is already a blessing. Besides, it is so close to Luo Su's cultivation ground.

If the devil Luo Luo took time to cultivate and took me back in this formation and couldn't get away to take it back for refining, then he would die and come to this world. Everything is the rules of this world. careless.

Nagato used the exquisite colorful colored glaze leaves to look at the nearby formations little by little, passing through the gaps in the formation. Without this Lingbao longmen and his party, there can be no such success.

Soon, Nagato slowly approached Fengmo Mountain.

The long door scolded.

"This Luo Sui must be nervous. There are so many formations in this three-kilometer radius. No wonder this magic mountain does not even have a single person. It is estimated that none of them came or went out. Everyone or the beast dare not come Here comes. "

Nagato was careful along the way to the foot of Fengmo Mountain.

This Magic Mountain stretches for 30,000 kilometers, and the mountain is steep. Numerous peaks are surrounded here, but if you look closely, the mountain in front of Feng Mo Mountain is low, and the left and right Ping Shan are towering, and it surrounds the middle. Extension is a lucky land where the stars hang on the moon.

However, after Luo Shuo was entrenched here, the wild creatures here slowly decreased, and there was a little more gas to kill. The devil qi in the valley is getting thicker, eroding the surrounding trees, and the flowers and trees are black, very terrifying.

Pass through the gate of Fengmo Mountain, because there are towering peaks on all sides of the magic mountain, but there is only one place in front of the passage to go inside.

Nagato cautiously walked into the inside of Fengmo Mountain, but the formations here are not as much as those of the previous periphery, but there are occasional small formations to serve as an early warning effect.

But with the help of this exquisite colorful glass leaf, Nagato slipped away from the gap of formation.

The place surrounded by two mountains on the left and right of this magic mountain, after entering a wide entrance in the middle, the terrain inside is very tortuous. It can be said that the mountain road is eighteen bends, the road is curved, sometimes the road is open, sometimes the terrain is narrow , Only tolerating the next person.

Nagato followed these winding roads. After passing countless bends and narrow areas, an open field finally appeared in front of me. The breath here is very different from the rest of Fengmo Mountain. , It seems that there is no erosion of magic energy here.

The trees here are vigorous and upright, each tree has a very large trunk, and the trunk is still covered with blue moss. Some moss also has strange flowers and plants, and the flowers and plants on the ground are all vigorous, and there are various unknown wildflowers that bloom one by one.

Although the scenery here is very beautiful, if it is in other parts of the Honghuang Continent, the Nagato may feel sparse and ordinary. What is not lacking in this Honghuang Continent is these big trees and exotic flowers.

But here is Fengmo Mountain, the ancestral ground of Mozu Luoshu. The trees and flowers on the hills outside Fengmo Mountain have not been eroded by the demonic energy, and slowly become wilted, and there is no vitality at all, but only on this open land There is such a large area of ​​forest that has not been eroded by magic energy, which makes everyone feel surprised.

Nagato did not stay too much but surrounded the past from the outside of this forest, because this is the old nest of the demon ancestor Luo Sui. As a result, Nagato cannot use mana in his actions here, but can only rely on his own martial arts. The door is very long and flexible, and he has not suffered much in the forest. He flashed left and right through the forest.

The mountain shape inside the forest is even more precipitous. The mountain here is very tall and tightly embraced, and it weighs more than one weight and has nine weights. ..


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