My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 41: Three big losses

Yin-Yang Taoist, Upside-down Taoist, and Qiankun Taoist originally wanted to robbery by fire, but they could not break through the holy realm through hard work. It is difficult for them to grow in hard work in the cave house. catastrophe.

If they can contribute to such a great catastrophe, then the immense merits of the Heavenly Dao will surely allow themselves to reach the sanctuary, and the three Taoists are very eager to be sanctified.

When Pangu opened the earth, they were the unrecognized random repairs in the chaos. When Pangu opened the sky, they were scared to hide at home by the might of Pangu.

Later, the world was opened up, and the dojo where they began to practice was destroyed. Although their foundation was damaged to some extent, it still had a certain foundation.

The so-called cultivation method is similar, even in the wilderness world, the cultivation method in chaos is also effective, and the beginning of heaven and earth, Pangu incarnate into everything, making the aura between heaven and earth particularly rich, suitable for cultivation.

At this time, Heavenly Dao lowered immense merits. The Taoist people of Qiankun, Yin and Yang, and Taoism were reversed. They also gained a lot of merit by taking the opportunity. At this time, there are few monks, and there is sufficient aura. The breath of the spirit vein is also very pure.

In such an environment with no natural enemies and sufficient aura, their monks have no natural enemies at all and can practice meditation.

The advantage of the wild world is that unlike the chaotic world, there will be a chaotic storm soon.

Chaos Storm is very powerful. If it is accidentally swept away, it means that everything starts from the beginning, and your own Taoism and physical body will all belong to Chaos. The Honghuang World is very peaceful, so the chaotic world's unrelenting repairs left behind are basically quasi-saint monks in the Honghuang World.

That Luo Ai was one of the three thousand demon gods in the chaos. In the chaotic period, he was already a figure of the wind and clouds. Which one does not know the strength of Luo Ai, although the three Taoists are now quasi-holy, they are naturally afraid of Luo Ai.

There are also Luo Ai's luck, and there are so many innate treasures, and these three Taoists, concentrating on Taoism, did not collect spiritual treasures very much.

When Nagato sees the three Taoists leaving, he swears inwardly, and there is no way. After all, his current strength is that he can't fight Luo Su who has been promoted to the quasi-holy realm.

Now Luo Sui, killing a big Luo Jinxian is like killing an ant, let alone a peak of Taiyi Jinxian like Longmen.

The three Taoists and Nagato returned to Mount Zhou.

The long gate saw the dead bodies under the Zhoushan Mountain ran across the field, bleeding and drifting, and there was a wailing sound, and there were small dragons and small winds with arms and legs missing. The tribal war has already dyed the entire foot of the Mount Zhouzhou to red and red. The surging liquid flowed into the sea of ​​nether blood.

The three patriarchs are also fighting together in mid-air. Aotian is already the peak of Daluo Jinxian, and Yuanfeng and Muyun are also the realm of the later period of Daluo Jinxian. Although they are a short distance from Aotian, Muyun and Yuanfeng are also reluctant to join forces. Neng and Aotian have a tie. Both sides are full of anger. Each blow releases infinite energy, which affects the children of the three tribes who are fighting, ranging from injuries to death. The Nagato felt complacent and gave out his own chaos of Qinglian, but he still dared not let Chaos Qinglian appear again in the flood, the Yin-Yang Taoist, Qiankun Taoist, and the inverted Taoist I don't know what medicine is sold in the gourd.

If the three knew that there was a chaotic green lotus in Nagato's body, they wouldn't be able to make the idea of ​​grabbing the Nagato and extracting the chaotic green lotus. This kind of thing happened in this wild world is too common.

The most abominable thing is that there is no reason to be killed and treasured. Here is the world of the strong, and the supreme authority has the supreme power.

Under the urgency, Nagato combined his chaotic Qinglian's breath with his own mana, so that this Qinglian can purify the qi and let out the flood.

Although this breath cannot protect people from this strong aura, it can restore a person's intellect.

The brutal battle of the three tribes has made them all irrational. Now they only have hatred in their hearts, and only by killing all their enemies can they lift their hatred. They rushed towards the enemy insanely, and all of them used their twelve points of strength to split towards the enemy.

But after feeling a stunned moment, a breath of breath entered their bodies. The soldiers of the three tribes bowed their heads to see the bodies of the compatriots around them, and then a sadness rose from their hearts. But it didn't take long for such emotions, and they began to fall into fighting again.

The tribal chiefs who fought over Zhoushan Mountain also purified their souls with this light breath. They stopped fighting, and then looked at themselves with scars all over, and looked at their opponents.

Then I saw that my children from the three tribes were killed together, and the bleeding blood could support the boat, and I made this unexpected holy place, Zhoushan, unrecognizable and messy.

The children of his own ethnic group were all dead and wounded, and the war did not know how long it had been going on, but now his own ethnic group is running out, and the bodies of the children of the three ethnic groups are everywhere.

The three patriarchs are the leaders of the ethnic group. To a large extent, the three patriarchs have unshirkable responsibilities. Seeing that the prosperous Dragon Clan is about to perish in their own hands, Aotian regrets not the first time.

If it were not for their own ambitions and wanting a unified flood, this genocide would not happen. Unexpectedly, the reality was so cruel. Aotian's eyes were full of remorse. He could not speak, and shed tears.

The moment when Ao Tian was crying was seen by Nagato, and Nagato was also extremely sympathetic to the fate of the three clan. Nagato kept thinking about saving the fate of the three clan, or to enable the three clan to save fewer people, but still unable to Change the fate of the three tribes.

The same Yuan Feng looked at his children of the Feng family, and there were very few left. The soldiers of his own Feng family were fighting with the remaining soldiers of the Dragon family. The scene was very bloody. Yuan Feng was very sad, a kind of self-blame. Emotion instantly occupied Yuan Feng's mind.

The same is true for Muyun, and the three of Aotian, Muyun, and Yuanfeng have fought for some time, and their mana is exhausted. They are also seriously injured, and their own blood is also dripping down the unfavorable mountain. Dropped in the grass and rocks of Mount Zhou, these hills and trees stained with the blood of the three patriarchs, under the blood of this powerful wilderness spirit, slowly cultivated, and there is still some opportunity in the future wilderness world.

Aotian looked at the **** wound on his body, and then looked at Yuanfeng and Muyun again. There was an indescribable sadness in his eyes. ..


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