My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 42: Three tribes retreat

After Aotian's short silence, he released a tyrannical coercion, which was almost the last mana of Aotian. The children of the Dragon family were very familiar with the energy, and then they stopped attacking.

Under this coercion, the Feng and Qilin clan were also shocked, and saw that the soldiers of the Dragon clan stopped their attacks, and the soldiers of the Qilin clan and the Feng clan also stopped their attacks.

The eyes of the soldiers of the three tribes all focused on the three of Aotian, Muyun and Yuanfeng in the air.

The robbing clouds in the sky also slowly subsided, and as the power of this wickedness weakened, the children of the three tribes slowly recovered their senses.

At this time, looking at the black cloud that was about to dissipate, he said.

"Heavenly Dao is on the top. The tribal wars and the wilderness are all made of charcoal. They are all my arrogant sins. I am willing to bear all the sins of the three tribal wars. Now there is little left in the Dragon clan, please pray for the compassion of the Heavenly Dao, Let my dragon clan guard the sea of ​​the flood and the wild, keep the flood and the peace forever, and never compete with the flood and the hegemony again. "

At this time, the black cloud had dissipated cleanly, and the dark-yellow clouds descended from the Heavenly Dao among the Dragon Clan. After the Dragon Clan absorbed the merits of the Heaven Dao, they all retreated to the sea of ​​the Quartet.

Yuan Feng saw Aotian like this, and felt deeply guilty.

"Heavenly Dao is on the top. The tribes’ wars and the wilderness are all charcoal-bearing. It ’s my Yuanfeng ’s sins. I ’m willing to bear all the sins of the tribes ’war. Now that the Fengs have little left, beg the heavens for mercy. So that the Feng people can guard the undead volcanoes, keep the floods in peace forever, and never compete with the floods for hegemony. "

In the same way, Tiandao also descended into a group of black-yellow merits. After absorbing the Tiandao merits, the children of the Feng clan retreated to the undead volcano.

Twilight saw that the children of the dragon and phoenix were able to be preserved. They felt that these three clan wars had added countless troubles to the floods, and the Kirin clan would certainly be contaminated by countless causes and consequences. The clan may disappear on the wild land, and Mu Yun thought of a long sigh here.

Then swear the same.

"Heavenly Dao is on the top. The tribes’ wars and the wilderness are all made of charcoal. They are all my sins of Muyun. I am willing to bear all the sins of the tribes. Now the Qilin tribe has little left. Ask for mercy. So that the Qilin tribe can guard the flooded central continent, keep the floods peaceful forever, and never compete with the floods for hegemony. "

Heavenly Dao lowered the mysterious yellow merits of the Tuan Tuan, and after the Qilin tribes received the tufts of clouds, they also returned to the central place.

The children of the three tribes have retreated, leaving only Aotian, Yuanfeng and Muyun in the sky above Mount Zhou.

Aotian sighed and said.

"Our three tribes are in the midst of a flood, and now we have such a situation. There is no way to do it. I only hate my selfishness, which is the burial of the Dragon tribe."

"Because of the bravery of this moment, the fate of the three tribes has been retreated to such a point, and now this cause and effect is only borne by the three of us."

There were also Qiankun Taoist, Yinyang Taoist, and Upside Down Taoist at Longmen, who watched Aotian, Yuanfeng, and Muyun turned into a golden light, but in a blink of an eye, all three disappeared and disappeared. No one knows where they went, and the three tribes have also withdrawn from the historical stage of the flood, such a huge dragon, unicorn, and phoenix. In the middle of the flood, the three powerful ethnic groups disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Only the countless corpse-blood seas of blood remain in the flood, and it appears even more desolate among the flood land.

Nagato's infinite emotion, Nagato seems to have gained a new understanding in this war. As long as there is time to retreat and practice, I believe Nagato's cultivation will definitely be improved.

Without Zhoushan, only Nagato and three Taoists were left in the air.

The three Taoists saw that the breath inside Nagato was extremely unusual. They vaguely felt that it was a breath from an excellent spirit treasure, which made them feel very comfortable and comfortable.

However, the Taoists of Qiankun who are good at deduction have not figured out the origin of the Lingmen, and they dare not directly kill the Longmen and then grab the treasure.

After all, there are too many powerful people in this flood, and you may offend other powerful people if you are not careful, and they will not take any action until they have checked the details of the long door. People who don't know the details are more afraid to provoke them.

Saying Fengmo Mountain.

Luo Su felt that when the three quasi-holy figures were going to Feng Mo Mountain, he was as close as Zhu Xianjian to break the array, and then got Zhu Xian four swords and Zhu Xian array, he was proud.

Continue to use the Soul Banner to refine the Zhuxian array map, but the robbery cloud can reduce Luo Hui's mana consumption by relying on the Soul Banner. Mana will not be used continuously.

You need to adjust the interest rate to recover yourself, and then Luo Shui's mana is slowly weakened, and the robbery is slowly weakened.

But before that, Luo Sui had given Zhu Xian Si Jian and Zhu Xian Zhen Tu enough to satiate the grievances and evil spirits in the flood. And he still has a lot of grievances and evil spirits in the Soul Banner for his own use in refining Lingbao and improving magic energy.

Luo Shu refined the prohibition of the four swords of Zhuxian layer by layer, which was surprisingly refined with the sword sacrificed by the soul-wrenching in the wilderness.

The four swords of Zhuxian are also congenital treasures. The energy contained in these four swords is much stronger than the killing of the sharp gun, but Luo Sui has not spent much time refining them. This is probably the reason why Zhuxian Sijian **** the grievances that have filled Honghuang's souls.

Luo Sui slowly mastered the usage of the four swords of Zhuxian, and was able to move freely in his hands, just as flexible as using his own palms.

When the black clouds in the sky slowly subsided, Luo Ai collected the Zhaohun Banner and Zhuxian Zhentu.

Luo Su must now spend time enlightening the Zhuxian array, and then learn the essence of the Zhuxian array. If he learns to arrange the world's first killing array, he will be closer to his own sanctification and sanctification.

Luo Sui now wants what he wants, what he wants, and now he has the world extinct black lotus, killing the sharp gun, as well as Zhuxian four swords and Zhuxian array map, plus his own magical power combined with special materials collected in the wild Luo Hui, the system's soul-warming flag, is now full of confidence. He thinks that he is the first in Honghuang, and no one is in the eyes.

Luo Sui's strength during this period was indeed quite against the sky. Although the forces of the three tribes occupied the entire flood, no saint appeared. If Luo San became a saint in the flood, Luo Sui had the right to dominate all Hong Huang. ..


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