My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 44: Luo Sui went to Mount Zhou

Luo Sui mastered the four swords of Zhuxian only, and after thoroughly understanding the array of Zhuxianjian, he immediately left for Mount Zhou.

At the same time, the demon army he cultivated in Fengmo Mountain can also be used this time. In addition to enhancing his own cultivation practices, Luo Ai secretly cultivated a demon army in Fengmo Mountain.

This demonic army was collected by Luo Ai in the floods. One of their biggest common denominators is that they are surrounded by demons. Only when a demon is born, can Luo Suo's avatar smell the demon's taste, and then bring them back in the flood.

Only those who gave birth to demons can be used by Luo Su.

The Dragon Patriarch Aotian was also easily used by Luo Su because he had a demon in his heart.

If Aotian didn't give birth to a demon, he didn't want to punish the four swords, or agree with Honghuang. That Luo Sui did not know how long to wait for the tribal war. But later, Aotian pulled out the demons with the breath of Qinglian, the long door of chaos after the Zhoushan War.

After the demon was removed, the dragon clan guarded the sea of ​​the Quartet, the Phoenix clan guarded the undead volcano, and the Kirin clan guarded the central land.

This time Luo Sui's demon army followed Luo Sui to Bu Zhou Mountain.

Because Luo Ai knew that there was a great war that shocked the entire wasteland continent in Mount Zhou, the powerful person was disturbed by such a big movement, and he must definitely go to Fengmo Mountain to check the news for the first time.

The three quasi-Saints who fled without fighting last time will definitely be in Zhoushan.

Luo Sui went first, and the Demon Army followed closely, but how did Luo Sui's speed Demon Army keep up.

So Luo Sui went to Zhoushan first. Luo Ai is now a big man in the quasi-saint realm. Naturally, the speed is very fast. After a while, he saw Luo Ai coming.

Not Zhoushan.

Longmen and the three Taoists saw Aotian, Yuanfeng, and Muyun in Bu Zhoushan, and they disappeared as a flash of golden light.

At the time of doubt, the scattered repairs in the flood and the powerful people came to check the situation.

Just like five-way people.

What surprised Nagato was that he also saw Yang Mei, the chaotic demon.

Nagato thought.

Didn't Chao Mei, the **** of chaos, be directly captured and refined by Pangu? Now the person in front of me is clearly Yang Mei, the chaotic demon!

At the junction outside Naiji Island, Nagato entered an ancient memory and saw the earth-shaking details of the Great God of Pangu. The scene was so shocking that after looking at Pangu, the Nagato directly raised several realms.

The scene of Pangu Great God brandishing an axe and beheading three thousand chaotic demon gods is still vivid.

That Yang Mei is the demon of time, mastering the law of time. Among the chaos is also the top three chaotic demon.

At the opening of the sky, three thousand Chaos demon gods blocked, Pangu went directly to the axe and beheaded more than 100 Chaos demon gods, Yang Mei was also injured by the axe of Kaitian axe.

Later, with a big wave of Pangu God, he crushed Yang Mei directly and threw it into Honghuang to directly fill the heaven.

Now Nagato was very surprised to see the time demon Yang Mei who appeared in Bu Zhoushan.

It did n’t take long for a lot of people to gather over Zhoushan, these people were hermits in the flood, or this mighty person, and some were like the Taoist people of Qiankun, the Taoist people of Yin and Yang, the Taoist people upside down, the Five Elements The Taoist was born in this way of chaos. Later, Daoji was destroyed, and later he became a quasi-saint in Honghuang. Or it was the survivors of a chaotic demon like Yang Mei who had survived, condensed the three souls and seven souls in the flood, and then returned to practice. So many powerful people gathered this time, and the Long Gate looked around, but they have n’t seen Hong Jun yet. In this Dao and Da war, the main characters should be Hong Jun and Luo Sui. The supporting actors are very active without appearing.

This is what Yin and Yang Taoists said.

"Don't be restless, I'm a Yin-Yang Taoist. Just now, I and Qiankun Taoist and Daoist Taoist witnessed the war of these three tribes. Now the tribal chiefs have sincerely repented and are willing to suffer for the three tribes. The wild world is in seclusion. "

Then the Yin and Yang Taoist people informed you of what they saw and heard along the way.

Finally, Qiankun Taoist said.

"Now Luo Ai has now broken through the Quasi-Saints, and he has the World Extinguishing Black Lotus, Killing Divine Gun, and Zhuxian Four Swords, each of which is innate treasure, plus the grievances and evil spirits of the three clan wars. The strength should not be underestimated. "

Everyone heard Qiankun Taoist saying that Luo Sui was already a quasi-holy, and there were so many spirit treasures.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Although the Five Elements Taoist thought about the treasures of Luo Sui, he had just entered the quasi-saint, and he had no spiritual treasure, so he only had a picture of Five Elements. Even shamelessly embarrassed to take it out.

But fearing Luo Sui's current strength, he whispered in his heart.

Nagato said that after seeing that everyone did not speak, they said.

"Now Luo Ai's strength should not be underestimated, but if Luo Ai really proves the sanctification, you are afraid that there will not be a good life. The Luo Dao and your Dao are not the same Dao. As the so-called Dao is different, it is not conspiracy, if Luo Ai If the sermon succeeded in becoming the first saint of Honghuang, can Luo Ai still be able to accommodate you? Moreover, Luo Ai would not hesitate to use the hundreds of millions of souls in the Honghuang for his own improvement, that is, you will be buried with the three tribes. Luo Ai will not blink A glance. "

These words speak of the powerful hearts of all of you. Although Luo Ai is still hard to entangle, if Luo Ai proves to be holy and sanctified, they will not even have the chance to live in the wild, they will not agree.

Even if the rabbit is anxious, it will bite.

"That Luo Sui is nothing more than a ray of remnant soul cultivation, now he wants us to die, we also have to take him to be buried."

"Luo Sui's children are too successful in deceiving people. I have always been in peace in Honghuang. Now Luo Sui is disturbing me to clean up. I can't let him go for the first time."

"If you want us to die, first ask Lingbao in my hand whether he agrees."


Everyone put a ruthless talk for a while, the general meaning is to break the net with Luo Suiyu.

Qiankun Taoist people looked like this to everyone and could not help admiring the long door.

Then Qiankun Taoist said.

"Luo Ai is proud now, thinking that no one can compete with him in this flood, we will use his arrogance to defeat him."

"Yes, Luo Sui is now in full swing, we must think of a complete strategy."

Everyone gave out cruel words, but the thought of the killing of the sharp gun in Luo Sui's hands was still very worrying.

At this moment, a black cloud flew from the west to the crowd quickly.

When everyone saw this momentum, they were all yellow-faced. ..


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