My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 45: Luo Sui singled out the powerful

Qiankun Taoist was shocked.

"This ... Is it Luo Luo?"

Everyone looked at the direction that Qiankun Taoists looked at.

Nagato also looked in the direction of the black cloud. Between them, the black cloud was very large, and the tail dragged very long, just like the tail of a comet. Then there was a little yellow halo behind the black cloud, which was wrapped in red light.

The red light wrapped in the black cloud was looming, very strange, and it made people feel creepy when they looked at it.

"No, that's the big devil Luo Sui."

When everyone heard this, they were so scared that they lost their colors on their faces. Staying there, they could see that everyone was very afraid of Luo Su, but their faces were not easy to realize, so that their faces were now stiff. There.

Qiankun Taoist, Yin-Yang Taoist and Upside-down Taoist also have such an expression, and they feel a lot of panic in their hearts, and they don't panic at all.

In a blink of an eye, Luo Ai had come to the front of the crowd, and was positioned within a hundred feet of the great power of Honghuang.

Some timid people, seeing Luo Sui actually so courageous and so close, must be ready to escape, seeing that everyone has no movement and is not easy to escape.

If this escapes, I may not be able to gain a foothold in the floods in the future.

It's not obvious what I did, but just moved my body to the back of other people.

Luo Ai smiled casually when he saw the appearance of Honghuangzhongneng.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

Suddenly Luo Ji couldn't control his expression, but changed his usual seriousness and became frivolous.

Turn the Taoist upside down to see the surrounding Qiankun Taoist, Yinyang Taoist, and thousands of great powers, even the lowest mana is also the peak level of Taiyi Jinxian. There are more than ten quasi-sanctuaries.

Then the upside-down Taoist wearing a gray robe said to Luo Luo sharply.

"Luo Sui, you dare to be so presumptuous."

Luo Su packed his smile.

"I'm laughing that the great people in this wilderness meeting here in Zhoushan to discuss and discuss me with someone, but now there are results."

"Ravage, Luo Sui, you provoke the tribes, causing tribal wars, countless deaths and injuries, blood flowing into the river, everyone in the floods will be blamed."

Luo Sui said when he saw a Taoist in a blue robe.

"I saw you here for a long time to discuss, and I haven't seen the movement for a long time. I am anxious to seal the magic mountain and wait for it. I came to see it."

"Bang, the devil Luo Luo, you are not arrogant, today I will wait to remove you from Honghuang."

The Five Elements Taoist see Luo Luo arrogantly, it is unbearable, and here are the characters with faces and heads in the wilderness. Today I really want to be insulted by Luo Sui here. Who would dare to walk in the wilderness in the future? Karma!

The Five Elements Taoist is also a quasi-saint power, so he sacrificed the Five Elements Pagoda and attacked Luo Su.

Luo Ai was overjoyed to see that the Five Elements Taoist couldn't stop first.

Luo Sui came here to humiliate the power of the Honghuang people and make them self-proclaimed. In the face of the absolute strength of his deity, Luo Sui, all can only be convinced at his feet.

"Good job."

Luo Sui also screamed, ready to respond.

Although Luo Ai has just reached the quasi-saint level, but he has absorbed hundreds of millions of Honghuang grievances, his magic power has greatly increased, and his strength cannot be underestimated.

Although the Five Elements Pagoda's Five Elements Pagoda is also an innate Need for Defensive Spiritual Treasure, it is also inferior to Luo Sui's magic weapon.

Luo Sui directly sacrificed the sharp weapon without mentioning it, and when he lifted it, he shot at the attacked Wuxing Taoist.

The magic weapon for killing the sharp weapon directly penetrated the defensive border of the Wuxing Tower of the Wuxing Taoist and directly stabbed the chest of the Wuxing Taoist.

The Wuxing Taoists did not expect that Luo Sui was so powerful, he spit out a big mouthful of blood, and then his body turned into nothingness. The body of the Wuxing Taoists exploded directly in the air.

Fortunately, Luo Sui did not use all his strength. If he used a sharp gun to stab him in the past, the Wuxing Taoist would die.

However, the soul of the Five Elements Taoist also suffered a lot of injuries. His three souls and seven souls have broken up the two souls and three souls. Now there is only a ray of residual soul. There is no way to save the Yuanshen for tens of thousands of years. Re-condensed, I am afraid that it will be difficult to return to the present state.

The Five Elements Taoist quickly picked up the remaining remnants and then escaped in a hurry.

Everyone saw that the Five Elements Taoist was physically destroyed by Luo Su, and they couldn't sit still anymore. They didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

At this time Luo Sui said.

"The prosperous ones are prosperous, and the rebellious ones are dead. As long as you can understand the situation and obediently swear to Heaven, I will let you go and let everyone go."

When everyone saw Luo Su killing the Five Elements Taoist, they were still frightened.

Everyone saw Luo Sui's saying, out of fear in their hearts, they all had the urge to be sincere.

But everyone looked at each other.

When the long gate saw this, he thought badly in his heart. If he goes on like this, everyone will be convinced by Luo Sui's obscenity.

If everyone swears to Heavenly Dao and submits to Luo Ai and is loyal to Luo Ai, Luo Ai will be able to master most of the luck of the flood. By then, Luo Ai wants to prove his sanctification, and he must have the help of luck to sanctify.

When Nagato was worried.

Qiankun Taoist stood up and said.

"Luo Sui, even if I wait for you to submit to you, you still want to prove your sanctification. This brutality cannot tolerate such a brutal and fierce person."

The Qiankun Taoist looked at the Yin-Yang Taoist standing beside him, and turned the Taoist upside down.

Although the three Taoists were selfish, they stood up at the juncture of life and death in the wilderness. The three eyes looked at each other, showing a firm gaze.

The three often talked together and had a certain tacit understanding.

The three of them secretly touched their soul treasures, preparing for a battle with the demon Luo Luo, even if they died, they should not surrender to Luo Su, and could not lift their heads in their lives.

Just as the three were ready to start, there was a movement around Bu Zhoushan, and the dust in the sky was accompanied by a large cloud of black gas, and they came to the great powers of the sky above the mountain.

Honghuang was all surprised.

Long door looked closely, in the east is a monster with a dragon horn, the body deformed and twisted, only three legs, with two huge claws on the chest, the monster's head is very large, on the huge head There is also a large mouth that occupies two-thirds of the entire head area. No matter where the eyes and nose are placed, they are squeezed and deformed.

Although it looks like this, Nagato still recognized the monster at a glance.

Nagato regretted secretly in his heart, but he didn't expect that he was finally unable to resist the magic energy.

The whole body was eroded by the magic energy. ..


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