My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 53: Hongjun cuts out three corpses and breaks down

Luo Shui killed three quasi-sages with the innate treasure of the world, the black lotus and the killing of the sharp gun, seriously injured Yang Mei, and then killed the upside down Taoists with the Soul Banner. Although the Qiankun Taoist and Yinyang Taoist sometimes refused to come forward, They practiced carefully, but in the face of such crisis, they couldn't back down anymore.

Finally, Qiankun Daoist and Yin-Yang Daoist chose to explode and Luo Sui at the same time when they were exhausted. The power of this quasi-holy self-detonation was extraordinary, not to mention that the two quasi-sancts of Qiankun Daoist and Yin-Yang Dao blew at the same time.

This self-explosive power directly wounded Luo Ai, and even Luo Ai's extinct black lotus body protector could not resist such a great power, and directly spit out a large mouthful of black blood.

Cultivation to the state of quasi-sacred is to absorb the aura in the wild and then strengthen your own physical veins and soul, and the absorbed energy also exists in your own physical veins and soul, the flesh and the soul The energy comes from the flood, and if it detonates this breath, it is a force of terror.

When the Honghuang people were fighting with the demon soldier Warcraft, they were directly fell to the ground by two quasi-sacred self-explosive forces, and their bodies suffered different degrees of internal injuries.

Fortunately, Nagato had chaotic Qinglian body protection. This force didn't hurt Nagato. Instead, Nagato felt his body was strengthened.

"It feels like my body is charged."

Nagato did not yet know that if the quasi-Saint was killed or exploded, their power would be returned to the Honghuang, and to the Heavenly Path, making the Honghuang Continent more abundant, but the Honghuang Continent is so large, this power will not cause the aura of the entire continent. Fluctuation, but at such a close distance, this powerful force can be clearly felt.

At this time, Nagato saw Luo Sui was seriously injured, and the wound on his body was cracked and there was a burst of black gas at the wound.

But Nagato looked at Hong Jun and found that Hong Jun spread his hands as if he was absorbing the energy after the quasi-sacred explosion just now.

"Now there is only you and me left in the quasi-sanctuary in the wilderness.

"Hongjun Lao'er now has you alone. You claim to be right. This is not the case for the quasi-holy. It hasn't all been killed by me."

Luo Su's eyes were full of anger, and the red in his eyes was like a burning flame.

"These mediocre people are not afraid of death. They dominate the heavens and luck in vain. Now they are returning to Honghuang through your hands, and they are also benefiting Honghuang."

"It turns out that this is all your conspiracy, Hongjun old man, you are so shameless, I want to use my hand to get rid of them, gather luck for you, depends on whether you have the ability to enjoy it, and come to life."

Luo Sui was even more annoyed. He didn't expect this to be Hongjun's conspiracy. He wanted to use himself to get rid of other quasi-sanctities to gather luck for himself, and then kill himself. This is a good abacus.

Luo Sui did not cultivate himself, but pierced the gun directly towards Hong Jun.

Hongjun sacrificed the central Wuji Xinghuang flag and stopped it.

This Wuji Xinghuang Banner is formed by the five petals of the chaotic Qinglian, and has a very strong defense, which can trap people.

But Luo Ai was not a vegetarian. Even the power that killed the six quasi-sacred realms of Honghuang was seriously wounded, and his strength should not be underestimated. Luo Ai's sharp gun spun left and right under Hongjun's defensive posture. Hongjun's defense was avoided, but Hongjun escaped thrillingly.

The guns, which were all sharp guns, still hurt Hong Jun.

Hong Jun is like a fighting mania, despite the wounds on his body, he still fights with Hong Jun.

Now in the flood, which of the two of them wins is the first saint of the flood, but he can live together in heaven, immortal, and preach in the flood.

What Hongjun cultivated is Xuan Dao and Luo Sui's devil's Dao. The Dao are different from each other, and today they can only have one person who can live to teach his own way to Honghuang.

Hong Jun saw that Luo Su's attack power was not diminished. If he went on, his mana would be exhausted, and he might end up with the Qiankun Taoist and Yin-Yang Taoist.

In the war just now, Hong Jun has realized something, and Hong Jun has realized a way to cut off the three corpses.

At this time, Hongjun conveniently trapped Luo Su with Tai Chi map and the central Wuji Xinghuang Banner, and he used Pangu stream to cut out his own body of good thought, evil body, and obstinate body.

It cuts out its own benevolence, enthusiasm, justice and other good thoughts on the side of good deeds, as well as cutting out its own envy, killing and other dark and evil evil thoughts, as well as its obsession with the power of Pangu stream.

The three corpses are an independent individual, each has magical powers. Only the three corpses are cut out, and then the realm of self is silenced in time, and its own evil realm will rise quickly. Finally, the three corpses are combined with themselves, so that they can be transformed into billions. Thousands, preaching sanctification.

Hongjun now realized the way of the three corpses, and he cut out the good corpse, the evil corpse and the obstinate corpse. ,

Then Hongjun held the Pangu stream, the good corpse held the Taiji map, the corpse held the central Wuji Xinghuang flag, and the obstinate corpse held 24 Dinghai beads.

Hong Jun and the three corpses trapped Luo Sui.

Hongjun's own realm has been greatly improved after cutting out the three corpses, and the three corpses are also in the realm of the late sage, and their strength is also very arrogant, and the three corpses have magical powers.

Luo Sui saw that Hongjun had this kind of comprehension, so he was naturally very anxious. If Hongjun could not be eliminated this time, there would be no chance in the future. Hongjun had already touched the threshold of the sage. If he really gave Hongjun some time to practice If it does, it may directly preach sanctification.

But Luo Sui was also unable to withstand the attacks of Hong Jun and Hong Huang's good corpses, corpses, and obstinate corpses, and soon Luo Sui fell.

The obsessive corpse looked at the right time and threw out 24 Dinghai beads. The 24 Dinghai beads changed endlessly. Luo Ai unexpectedly had no time to parry. Twenty-four Ding Haizhus hit the back of Luo Ai heavily. Luo Sui couldn't eat the power of this Ding Haizhu and spit out a big sip of blood and was hit with an internal injury.

The good corpse and the evil corpse seized the opportunity to trap Luo Su with the Tai Chi map and the central Wuji Xinghuang flag. Luo Su was trapped. One was unable to move, and Hong Jun shouted hard with the Pangu stream.

Luo Sui saw the Pangu streamer hacking, and wanted to be hit by the Pangu streamer. Today I am afraid that it will only be explained here.

Anxious in his heart, the pressure of the whole body erupted, and he used a sharp gun to break through the control of Taiji and the central Wuji Xinghuang Banner.

Although Luo Ai broke through the control again, the mighty Pangu flag still caused Luo Ai to be seriously injured. When Luo Ai saw the situation was bad, he turned into a black air and escaped.

Luo Ai escaped all the way and wanted to return to his hometown of Feng Mo Mountain. After all, Luo Ai has been in Feng Mo Mountain for so many years. If there, Luo Ai may have a chance. ..


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