My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 54: Luo Sui exploded to detonate the Western spirit

Luo Sui saw that Hongjun's ability to cut three corpses was greatly enhanced. If he continued to fight Hongjun, he would definitely be unable to fight it. If Hongjun did not realize this level of reality, Luo Sui relied on brute force and Hong Jun struggles, it is hard to say who wins and who loses.

However, the current situation forced Luo Ao to escape to his own Fengmo Mountain, relying on Fengmoshan's natural terrain and Hongjun circle, after all, it was his own base camp.

Hong Jun has now realized the method of slashing three corpses, and successfully slashing the three corpses. The current strength is several times that of Luo Su. The three corpses he cut himself are enough for Luo Su to drink a pot.

Now the situation has changed, and the winning balance has tilted to Hongjun's side.

Seeing Luo Sui want to run away, Hong Jun snorted.

"Humph, I still want to run."

Where Hong Jun is willing to let the tiger return to the mountain, if this opportunity is missed, Luo Ai will be relieved, and the future will be endless. He may prove that the sanctification will also be postponed indefinitely.

If he can successfully kill the deity Luo Zuo, then Heavenly Dao will surely lower his countless merits. At that time, Hongjun ’s sanctification and Heavenly Dao will be a breeze.

Hongjun chased Luo Sui with a chuckle.

Nagato reacted when Hongjun left. Luo Sui would detonate the Western spirit. By then, the West would be barren and the spirit would be scarce. Even a good spirit treasure would be gone.

Nagato immediately set off for Fangcun Mountain in Western Lingtai. Lingshan has half of the spiritual veins in the west. If the spiritual vein of Fengmo Mountain is really detonated by Luo Sui, then the spiritual vein of Lingshan will certainly not be able to keep it.

Long Gate sat on the back of the panda. Because the panda succeeded in the advanced stage, it is now an advanced third-order Warcraft, and its flying speed is more than ten times faster than before.

At this time, time is life. If you can keep Lingshan, there are millions of souls near Lingshan. The long gate could not help but speed up again, using mana to help the pandas gallop.

When Longmen rushed to the foot of Lingshan, he saw the opportunity of Lingshan. Obviously, this was the way in which Leading and Zhunti operated well in the West. Longmen, under the leadership of the disciple who led Zhunti, saw Meet and Zhunti Then he warned Luo Su and Hong Jun, and Luo Su's return to the West would detonate the Western Spiritual Vessel, and informed him of the introduction and quasi-proposition.

Centennial of Longmen and Retrieval and Quasi-Tibet began to form arrays near Lingtai Fangcun to prevent Luo Sui from detonating the spirit pulse and reaching Lingtai Fangcun Mountain.

Luo Shuai hurried all the way back to Fengmo Mountain, thinking that Luoluo was already Jianglang before he could come up with no effective defensive formation. Luorui knew that Fengshan was a congenital formation and the structure of Zhuxian array Almost, I wondered how to form this natural Fengmo Mountain into formation.

After Luo Fei's arrangement of Feng Mo Mountain was still unsuitable, he arranged a very clever formation to prevent it from being used when he had to.

This magic mountain was managed by Luo Ai. This devil qi was very rich. Basically, all the trees were eroded by the devil qi and died. The special terrain of Feng Moshan can help Luo Ai gather the devil qi and cause the devil qi to gather and not disperse. It is the so-called possession of qi in Feng Shui.

Luo Sui meditated in this environment for a moment, and felt that the wounds on his body had been effectively restored, and his mana had been restored to a certain extent. However, before waiting for Luo Ai to rest for a long time, Hong Jun chased outside the mountain gate. Luo Ai was anxiously corrupted at the time, and was very panicked. At this time, Luo Ai was injured all over, and he had not recovered. .

Where does Hongjun willingly give Luo Sui a chance? Once everyone who thinks of Dao Dao Avenue thinks that he is doing the right thing, then as long as he is hindering himself, he will be a demon out of the Dao. It was the idea of ​​returning the tiger to the mountain.

Luo Sui sees that he is being pressed by Hong Jun step by step, he is also very angry, and he is also a character of Hong Huang's head and face. After being forced by Hong Jun in this way, it still has to be. How can he stand in Hong Huang, and what he said will be laughed at.

But all powerful people are somewhat proud, and they can be killed without humiliation.

Luo Sui did not want to keep hiding like this anymore. Even if he could steal his life, he would still be suppressed by Hong Jun.

Luo Suixing scolded Hongjun in the air.

"Elder Hongjun, you are so deceiving. You used to rely on many people to deal with me. You used my hand to remove the other quasi-holy people from the flood and straits. Today, I will also kill me to death."

"Luo Shui, I advise you not to make unnecessary resistance. Now that you have been seriously injured, you have already hurt your roots, and you have not recovered from disaster for thousands of years."

"Hongjun, you are too mean, claiming to be a decent person, and using other people to weaken me, you are a good fisherman. You have proved that the way is the road, the road is invisible, only to break all the frames of this wildness You can conquer the Dadao, but you, Hongjun, and Dao Tiandao, betray your soul to Tiandao, which is indifferent and cannot tolerate any aliens. "

"Luo Ai, you need to be rampant. I want you to die clearly today. The Devil Dao you are building is exactly what the Dao Dao lacks. Today, only by destroying you to complete the Dao Dao, can you make the Dao Dao function properly, so that you can also be the Dao Dao make a contribution."

Luo Ai is now exhausted in his mind and body. It is very difficult to cultivate Dadao. First of all, Tian Dao is not allowed to have any aliens. At this time, Luo Ai is desperate. Tian Dao must run along the general trend of Tian Dao. This is No one can exceed it.

Luo Sui's mana is still very little, he has no power to fight Hong Jun anymore.

And now that Hongjun has touched the threshold of the saint, he can become a saint with a little training.

The secret Luo Ai used the last point of mana to gather the spirit veins of the Western land, but could only gather 50% of the spirit veins of the West. Luo Ai wanted to continue to gather, but his mana was not allowed.

Luo Sui thought, even if there wasn't all of it, it would be enough to have the power of the Western spirit.

Luo Su suddenly rushed towards Hong Jun with all his strength. This speed was very fast, and it seemed that Hong Jun was coming before Hong Jun, who was about to leave.

"Okay, if you want me to die, I will fulfill you."

Suddenly, Luo Ai exploded in front of Luo Ai's eyes. At the same time, Luo Ai's self-detonation also caused the explosion of the Western Spirit Vessels that he had arranged. Unable to eat, was blown into a serious injury.

Hundreds of millions of souls on the western earth turned into nothingness in an instant, and Hong Jun escaped to his Lingxiao Palace to recover from his severe injuries. ..


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