My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 57: Introduce quasi-Tibai Dongfan Daojun as a teacher

"Ding, congratulations to the host for reaching the Da Luo Jin Xian, now there are new tasks to be taken, and you will get a reward after completion. Take the lead and Zhun Ti to Nai Lei Island and worship Dongfan Daojun as a teacher. , Merit 3 million. "

"No wonder I didn't feel that I had a fate of being a mentor and apprentice with the lead and quasi-professor.

The long door murmured.

But when Qin and Zhunti saw Longmen muttering to themselves, they did not hear what Longmen said, so they asked.

"Brother Nagato, what were you talking about just now?"

Long Gate was a little flustered when asked, and stammered in reply.

"Um ... um no ... nothing."

When Nagato saw the expressions of Junti and the two who were puzzled hanging on his face, he explained.

"Bringing the younger brothers and quasi-brothers, I did n’t want my master to say his name. It was n’t the time at that time. Now the time is up. I ’ll tell you the master ’s information, but now I do n’t know clearly. It ’s time to talk again! "

Then Nagato turned to speak to Dizang and Maitreya.

"The two master nephews of Dizang and Maitreya, I will take your master to go to Honghuang for a tour. You two will take care of Lingshan at home."

Having said that, Nagato used Hunyuanzhu to bring the lead and Zhunti to the vicinity of Naiji Island.

The pick-up and quasi-lift came to the sea in a blink of an eye, and they felt very incredible. The pick-up and quasi-lift came out of shape and did not go to the seaside. In the previous moment, they just appeared in a blink of an eye, and they appeared on the sea. Both of them could not believe their eyes, for fear of hallucinations.

Nagato waited until the two came over slowly.

"This is Naiji Island in the southwest of Dongsheng Shenzhou, and it is the dojo of my master Dongfan Daojun."

"This ... this is Dongsheng Shenzhou?"

"No, it is said that Dongsheng Shenzhou is in the east, very far away. It takes more than a thousand years for Da Luo Jin Xian to arrive. How can we arrive in a blink of an eye."

But Zhun Ti and Zhuo looked at what really appeared in front of them, and they could clearly feel that this is the real world, not illusory.

This made them feel the strength of the Nagato even more, and at the same time gave a high glance to the master of the Nagato, Dongfan Daojun.

"It's all sea, where is there a dojo? Could it be in this sea."

Asked in doubt.

Although here is near Naiji Island, if you don't look closely, you won't find any islands. Only Nagato noticed the subtle mana fluctuations of Naiji Island. .

Nagato greeted Zhun Ti and led him to the place where the mana fluctuated slightly.

"Look, where."

But the lead and Zhun Ti still remained confused, looking in the direction pointed by the long door.

The lead and Zhundi looked in that direction, but they only saw the vast sea, connecting with the sky in the distance of the sea.

Nagato understands the confusion of the two of them, because it was the same when Nagato first came here.

Without too much explanation, Nagato flew towards the sea ahead.

Nagato went to the place where the mana breath floated weakly, and found a chance to enter. The long door held out his hand near the gap, ready to feel the breath of mana floating with his hand.

As soon as I reached out and touched, I felt that the enchantment was soft, and the entire palm fell into it. The long door took out his hand in a panic.

Then he looked at his palm anxiously. Fortunately, there were no signs of injury and no signs of discomfort.

Both Junction and Zhunti both looked in their eyes and understood that there was indeed an enchantment covering this place. The slight feeling can also feel the faint mana floating.

Nagato glanced at the pick-up and quasi-lift, and then plucked his palm out. The palm seemed to stretch into the water, burying the entire palm in.

Receiving and quasi mentioning are both curious, and they also reached out and wanted to try.

The palms of the lead and quasi-lift were also buried in the same way. Withdrawing the palms did not feel uncomfortable.

Nagato also looked at the two, seeming to understand. Then walk straight ahead, and the water-like enchantment tightly wrapped the long door, and then disappeared. The lead and Zhunti watched the long gate pass through the enchantment, and they both moved in the direction of the enchantment.

Unsurprisingly, this method is like opening up to the three of Nagato, Zhuo mentioning, and picking up, allowing them to enter it smoothly.

The three came to the island. The island looked like the last time Nagato came. The island was surrounded by clouds, and the ground was covered with many exotic flowers and plants.

Nagato and Jun Titun were full of auras on the island, and the two were very surprised. The aura on this island is a hundred times richer than the aura on the mountain, and you can feel the energy absorbed by your body with a single breath.

When Nagato and Junti are immersed in the strange environment of the island, this is a Taoist wearing a blue robe, coming in a colorful auspicious cloud.

The blue Daoist slowly fell in front of the long door and others. The blue Daoist held a jade Ruyi in his left hand and a whisk in his right hand.

"The disciple, the longest door, visits Master."

When the long door saw the Qingpao Taoist people approaching, they were busy saluting.

Receiving and quasi mentioning were also respectfully arched.

"Tu'er, it seems that you have gained a lot during your journey through Honghuang! You have already broken through the realm of Daluo Jinxian."

"Thanks to Master's teachings, I always remember Master's teachings during the tour of the Nagato, and I felt something in the past few days, and now I have finally broken through."

Then, he heard that the old man in the blue robe was called Master, and he knew that this Taoist was Master Dongfan Daojun of Brother Longmen.

The two leaders, Zhunti and Zhunti, thought to himself that Brother Changmen was such a powerful person, then Dongfan Daojun is also a very good task. The state of Dongfan Daojun, but can feel the invisible powerful aura. If the two want to be able to worship Dongfan Dao Daojun as a teacher, then they will certainly benefit themselves without harm.

Dongfan Daojun looked at the lead and quasi-promoters, and said.

"The innate spirit root bodhisattva is transformed, and the virtues of Qinglian are conceived. It is wonderful, no wonder the breath on the body is so close, it turned out to be the same as me."

I do n’t know what Dongfan Daojun said about the connection and Zhunti, and I was very puzzled. The lead did n’t ask, but wanted to hear Dongfan Daojun continue to say, but it ’s because Zhunti could n’t bear the temper and asked. Road.

"Excuse me, what does it mean to have the same origin with us!"

"As the so-called Ten Spirits of Heaven and Earth's Creation are basically the same origin, and later they were transformed into different forms, but the breath on their bodies is almost the same. The two of you have this kind of creation, and they will be extraordinary in the future."


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