My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 58: Quasi-listening

I was very happy to hear this, and then I thought about it.

"In this case, I want to go to Taojun's door to be taught and urge Daojun to accept me and lead."

Nagato sees that it is very flexible. When he sees a little relationship, he directly puts forward the idea of ​​apprenticeship. He does not wait for Nagato to mention it.

After seeing Jun Zhu mention this, he also quickly expressed his voice.

"Please Daojun must accept us, I will listen to Daojun's teaching carefully, and dare not insult the teacher."

Speaking of picking up, he pulled Zhunti to kneel on the ground.

The East Fandao Dao was originally intended to be leaded and quasi-proposed as two disciples. At this time, he was naturally very happy to see their initiative to worship the teacher, but there was a little joy in his face.

Seeing Dongfan Daojun's indifference, Nagato felt a little irritable in his heart. If his master didn't agree, then his monarchy and the three million merits would be gone.

"Master, the qualifications of the two people are smart and smart. I see that the two are very qualified, and each has a compassionate heart in all their hearts. I also ask Master to accept them both."

Dongfan Daojun nodded slightly at this moment.

"Okay, you two will stay!"

Hearing that Dongfan Daojun agreed to their request for apprenticeship, both the introduction and the quasi-promotion were very happy, and then the two performed the teacher salute to Dongfan Daojun. After kneeling, Dongfan Daojun led them to himself The dojo settled down and told them about the connection and the doubts.

When Nagato saw Master Dongfan Daojun, he successfully received the lead and was happily happy, when Nagato remembered his long-awaited voice in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task, congratulations to the host for obtaining a huge amount of honour, three million merits, and then the system will store these rewards in the god-level storage ring."

Nagato was extremely excited, but he was not in a hurry to refine Hongmeng's rulers at this time, because his master, Dongfan Daojun, was ready to open the way for picking up and quasi.

Although Nagato has written down all the avenues, there are still many places where Nagato did not understand what is going on. This time Dongfan Daojun is about to start preaching again, and Nagato is ready to listen together.

Nagato came to the cave house where he listened to Dongfan Daojun in the past. At this time, Dongfan Daojun was already sitting on the stage. Three futons were placed under the stage, of which the second and third futons led and Zun Ti has already sat down separately, and the first position is under the door of the master and the elder brother of Zu Ti.

After Nagato salutes his father, Dongfan Daojun nodded slightly, and then walked long distance until he sat down at the futon. He turned his head slightly and nodded at the joint and quasi-lift mentioned behind him. head.

After receiving the introduction of Zhun Ti and the Nagato, Dongfan Daojun said to you.

"This preaching will talk about the laws of the operation of the avenue, as well as the boundless Dharma, please earnestly understand."

After all, Nagato nodded and Junti nodded, and then Dongfan Daojun began to preach.

Sage preaching is naturally auspicious and frequent. For a while, the golden lotus flowed, and the beast walked, and at the same time, the monks and buddhas radiated from the back of Daotong Daojun.

Picking up and quasi-listening are fascinating and very enjoyable. The Eastern Brahma and Taoist monarchy is superb, with superb mana, and the practice method is hidden in Taoism. Quite a lot.

Although the elders listened for the second time, they had experienced a lot of thrilling things when they visited Honghuang last time. They chopped off all the way along the way, collected panda bears, experienced the tribal wars, and witnessed between Hongjun and Luo Ai. War.

The experience is different, the perception of hearing is different, and this time Nagato has made great progress.

Not long ago, Nagato just broke through to the Da Luo Jin Xian, but the foundation is not very strong, but is in the transition period from the peak of Tai Yi Jin Xian to Da Luo Jin Xian, and the top three flowers have not yet fully expanded.

As long as you enter the Daluo Jinxian, you can jump out of the long river of time, and the super-death river has the powerful ability to control the life and death of your own destiny. Compared with the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, it is a qualitative change. The two are not on the same order of magnitude. This is also the difficulty of promotion to Daluo Jinxian.

The breakthrough from Xuan Xian to Tai Yi Jin Xian is much more difficult than the breakthrough from Tai Yi Jin Xian to Da Luo Jin Xian.

As long as the Daluo Jinxian can condense the top three flowers smoothly, then it is stable.

However, the current Nagato has not successfully condensed the top three flowers, which also makes Nagato very depressed. He has been at the peak of Taiyi Jinxian for quite a long time, and now although there is a breakthrough, let himself I am very happy, but still stuck in this state, which is very embarrassing.

Now when Nagato listens to the Tao for the second time, he will re-understand the road that he did not realize for the first time. I have a deeper understanding of what I have learned before.

Nagato thought to himself that it seemed that this second study was still very precious. Nagato paid more attention to listening to Master Dongfan Daojun this time.

Nagato listened very carefully and patiently listened to the preaching of the Eastern Fan Daojun.

The time to listen to the sermon has always become very short. Three thousand years have passed unknowingly. Dongfan Daojun stopped preaching and slowly opened his eyes. With the gains, the three are currently absorbing a little bit to understand what was just said.

Dong Fan Dao saw that all three people were intently practicing, nodded slightly, and then waved his sleeves and a pure blue qi circulated among the three.

This cyan Dao Qi contains the infinite Taoism of Dongfan Daojun, and there is also the pure mana of Dongfan Daojun and the pure mana of the chaotic green lotus.

All three were immersed in it, and the speed of enlightenment was greatly improved.

The three flowers on the top of the long door slowly condensed, and then condensed into three full flowers.

One of them is a human flower, refined for refining gas, and blooms in nine colors, which are lead-colored.

The one on the left is a ground flower. It is a **** made from qi refining, and it is also a primitive god. The flower blooms in nine grades and is silver. When the ground flower is opened, the air is smooth, the road is full, and the air is full.

The one on the right is a smallpox, which is for refining the gods and still emptiness. Refining qi and refining qi before, although the qi is enough, but still can not condense the consciousness, only the cultivating **** is still vacant to make the smallpox bloom. Smallpox also has nine grades, which are golden.

Now that the three flowers on the top of the Nagato are successfully condensed, and all of them are blooming with ninth grade, the average big Luo Jinxian, and the top three flowers can make the fifth grade is already very talented. But at this time, the three flowers on the top of the long gate are all open with nine grades, and the color is pure. This also means that the long door's cultivation of Taoism is pure, but it is the supreme avenue.

It was also a great joy for the East Fan Dao to see that the three flowers on the top of the long gate have been condensed, but his face is still calm as always. ..


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