My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 59: Three flowers on top

Picking up and quasi mentioning also woke up from the enlightenment just now, both of them have a lot of gains, and their cultivation practices were both successfully promoted from the late Taiyi Jinxian to the realm of Taiyi ’s peak. Both of them mentioned that they felt refreshed and comfortable.

After receiving and quasi-lifting on the stage, the Eastern Fandao Daojun bowed his hand and thanked him. When he saw that the long gate was condensing out of the top three flowers, both of them were shocked.

You should know that this ordinary person is promoted to Daluo Jinxian, condensing the top three flowers is generally a good talent is the fifth grade, if the flowers bloom seven grades, plus good luck, you can become a saint. But in front of them, their brother and sister actually condensed the three flowers on the top, and the nine flowers bloomed, which shocked the two of them.

The peak of Taiyi Jinxian was promoted to Daluo Jinxian, and the cultivator operated five qi in his chest, and then condensed into three flowers of "fine", "qi" and "god" on the top.

The top three flowers are divided into one grade to nine grades, and the nine grades are the number of poles, but the number of days, which is beyond the ordinary people's grasp.

The flower blooming Jiu Pin is not tolerated by Heavenly Dao, because such a talent is too demon, such a series is not tolerated by Heavenly Dao.

Fortunately, Nagato is on Naiji Island at this time. If it is in the flooded continent, Heavenly Path will surely come down to the thundering robbery and disperse the souls of the practitioners.

The eyes of the long door slowly opened, and suddenly felt a strong momentum in the chest, supporting the whole body, very powerful, the long door tried to mobilize the body's mana, and suddenly felt full and strong, which boarded the big Luo Jinxian felt that Chang Ma could feel a completely different kind.

Sure enough, this momentum is very strong. The long door stays at the peak of Taiyi Jinxian for too long. The long time makes the long door begin to doubt himself. Originally, with his own talents, plus the twenty-four grade chaotic Qinglian in the body The power can easily break through the level of Daluo Jinxian.

Nagato has always felt that there is a force that is preventing him from breaking through immediately. Sometimes this force cannot even be felt by Nagato himself. Fortunately, it is finally broken now, and the top three flowers are up to nine products, which is enough. Prove the position of the long gate after the flood.

As long as Nagato does not die, he does not provoke forces that he cannot afford, and he is not constrained by the Heavenly Tribulation of Heavenly Dao, then Nagato is above the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and he will not die, and then rely on his own Infinite talent may also prove to be a saint.

I thought there was an inexplicable excitement at Nagato, because as long as I had a good grasp of it, I was only a little bit away from the saint. After all, the future saints' introduction and quasi-mention are now only their own apprentices.

Nagato wanted Master Dongfan Daojun to arch his hand, and then greeted the following guide and quasi-professor, at this time Dongfan Daojun began to speak.

"You now have a new perception, and your realm has also been significantly improved. You have now been promoted to Daluo Jinxian, and at the same time condensed the three flowers on the top, and bloomed nine flowers, it is bound to be impossible for heaven and earth, you Be cautious everywhere in the future, do not impulsively act. So as to avoid the disaster caused by Heavenly Dao. You will gather luck in the flood to avoid the disaster caused by Heavenly Dao. "

At the same time, Dongfan Daojun looked at the picking and quasi mentioning.

"The two of you have not yet broken through the realm of Daluo Jinxian Realm. You should listen carefully to me first, and wait until you have some insight and diligence before you leave!"

When Nagato sees Master saying this, he bids goodbye to Master and his two younger brothers, leaves Naiji Island, and then looks for opportunities in the flood.

The long door evoked a panda, but seeing the panda exudes a blue demeanor, it turns out that after listening to the preaching of Dongfan Daojun, this panda's own practice has improved a lot. The level of World of Warcraft has broken through to the third level of World of Warcraft. This strength is equivalent to the mid-term of Taiyi Jinxian, and its own flying speed and agility have also been greatly improved.

If you want to gather luck, you have to promote the operation of Heavenly Dao. At present, there is no good way for Nagato. Hongjun previously seized all the quasi-sacred luck in the flood, and he was seriously injured in the fight with Luo Ai. But Hongjun has so many congenital treasures, and with so much luck in the exclusive Honghuang, now the strength is probably restored.

At present, Nagato is turning around in the flood, seeing if there is any way to gather the luck of the flood.

Unconsciously, Nagato sat on the panda bear and passed by Zhoushan. The tribal war broke out in tens of thousands of years, and Zhoushan also recovered its vitality, without the tragic picture of the tribal war.

However, the scene was full of emotions, and the tragic pictures of the three clan wars on that day were vividly visible, so that the long gate could not be thought of, as if that battle had happened soon. In the heart of Nagato, sadness was inevitable, indicating that the panda slowly landed under Mount Zhou.

Bu Zhoushan is still green and upright, with sufficient aura and countless exotic flowers and fruits. There are no traces of the war between the three tribes at that time. After cleaning the three tribes, Tiandao quickly restored the order and vitality that nature should have.

The Long Gate looks at the towering Mount Zhou, just like the Pangu God, who is clashed with iron bones, and lifted the spine to stretch the world. Zhoushan is tall and straight, and ordinary people simply cannot bear the pressure of Zhoushan.

When the elder gate was still at the peak of the second Yijinxian, I tried to climb up to Zhoushan Mountain, but it didn't work at all. It didn't go far. I was overwhelmed by the powerful coercion of Zhoushan Mountain. The trip has nothing to do.

But now Nagato does not feel strong coercion. Now it is the practice of Da Luo Jinxian. Nagato estimates that he can probably reach the mountainside of Zhoushan with his own text!

There are too many secrets in Zhoushan Mountain, and there are too many opportunities and luck. This is the holy place of the mainland, and it is a sacred place that cannot be matched by other places. Nagato also came up with an idea from his heart to condense luck. Starting from Zhoushan.

Speaking of Nagato, he took the panda and began to climb into Zhoushan.

This Zhoushan Mountain itself is transformed by the backbone of the Pangu God, and the richness and opportunity of the formed aura are naturally self-evident, and there is a huge pressure, which makes ordinary people unable to fly in Zhoushan, even the long gate The monks of the Daluojinxian Realm can not.

The long gate walked in front, and the panda followed. At first, the panda was still very excited, because this holy place is also a dream place for many monks. There are many spiritual treasures and chances on it, but after walking a few steps, the panda can't eat it. Under the coercion of pressure, he couldn't go further.

The panda is also reluctant to give up, if it is forced to move forward, but this coercion is too large, causing the panda to arrogantly show a little blood on his body. ..


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