My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 60: Escape from Hongmeng

The bear was squeezed out of a little blood by the powerful coercion of Zhoushan, and it was indeed very difficult to force it. Since the Nagato has been promoted to the Da Luo Jinxian, the current coercion is not very great for the Nagato. Hard to resist.

Nagato could not see the panda bear moving forward.

"This is too much pressure on Zhoushan. You are still low. You are waiting for me here!"

After all, Panda nodded, and then obediently stayed in place.

Nagato continued to move forward. Nagato felt faintly that there was an opportunity to wait for Nagato.

Nagato continued to advance towards the Zhoushan Mountain, but it became more and more difficult to reach the back, and the more breathless I felt after the back, Nagato insisted on advancing upward, leaning on the chaotic green lotus in his body Can still move forward slowly.

Walking to a corner, the long gate faintly felt a little mana fluctuation floating on the stone wall of the corner, which may be a congenital prohibition.

The Nagato was still not sure, and immediately took out the exquisite colorful colored glaze leaves to view. This was just before seeing a congenital one.

This is not the only way to find treasure in Zhoushan. If there is no chance, even if you come here for seven or eight times, you will get nothing, but those who have the chance will be able to obtain the spirit treasure in places that no one else can imagine.

This long door was only slightly aware of this slight fluctuation of mana by the induction of his heart.

It is only a matter of time before the Nagato unlocks the formation of the innate ban before it is completely exposed to the exquisite colorful colored glass leaves.

The congenital prohibition in front of him is not difficult for Nagato. It took just a hundred years to untie the congenital prohibition.


The innate prohibition in front of him was cracked and opened by the long door, and the long door was shrunk backwards by the aura spewing out of it. Just a moment later, I stood still and walked towards the cave. At this time, the long gate saw that the cave was empty, and there were no strange flowers, but the air here was very clear and pure.

Deep in the cave, there is a lotus platform, and the surrounding rocks are powerful and engraved with some kind of writing, but Nagato cannot understand the meaning at all. This symbol is like a kind of recorded practice, which contains powerful power.

At this time, Nagato saw the symbol on the sturdy stone wall as if a big man was standing upright. Without much thought, Nagato worshipped the stone wall for a few weeks.

Suddenly a strong voice came.

"Fate, congratulations, and you are very conscious of discovering this secret."

Nagato was frightened by this strong voice. He just looked around and no one was there, so he eased his vigilance, and this time frightened Nagato.

Looking up at the long door, he found a burly, muscular brawny man standing abruptly in front of the stone wall. An invisible coercion radiated from the brawny body.

Looking at the strong man's appearance, Nagato echoed that he had seen the ancient God of Pangu in an ancient memory. The appearance of this strong man was like the appearance of Pangu, and Longmen was very surprised.

"Could you be Pangu God, but Pangu God already ..." "Yes, I am Pangu, but I have been living in the sky and the road, this is just a trace of mana I left."

Seeing that the Pangu Great God appeared in front of him, Nagato's heart was boundlessly excited and admired, and he bowed down quickly, and was very excited.

"I have seen the Great God of Pangu, and the disciples did not intend to offend Great God of Pangu. Please forgive me!"

"I'm giving this little mana just to wait for the arrival of a loved one here, and now when you arrive, I will pass on something to you."

Nagato was so excited that if he could get a personal biography of the Great God of Pangu, then he could be said to be invincible in the future. Although this is a little mana of the Great God of Pangu, he is equivalent to a personal disciple of Great God of Pangu.

Nagato silently looked at Pangu Great God and continued to listen to the teachings of Pangu Great God.

"I've been waiting for several yuan meetings here, just to pass on some of my things to you. In the future, you will definitely help me develop the floods I created directly."

He said that Pan Gu took out a blue jade dish. This jade dish was no other. Nagato knew at a glance that it was a synthetic jade dish, because he also got a piece by accident, and he was slowly enlightening the avenue contained in it. And refining the chemical jade dish into a spiritual treasure.

The Pangu Great God slowly handed the chemical jade butterfly to the hands of the long gate, and the long door took a close look at the chemical jade butterfly, and found that the jade dish was recorded on the basis of the Three Thousand Avenues, the practice of Hongmen Ziqi Dharma, with this kind of enlightenment essentials of Dadao, it is not impossible to prove the saints of Dadao.

Then Pangu Great God took out an exercise method. Pangu Great God's hand gently pointed at the forehead of the long door, and the long door felt a powerful flow of information into his head.

"Nine Yuan Yuan Gong?"

"Yes, it's Jiu Zhuan Yuan Gong. This is the most powerful method I used to cultivate Yuanshen. Combined with your own Qinglian way, the cultivation effect is very good."

Yes, although the Pangu Great God was purified from the chaotic green lotus, it is equivalent to that the Chaotic Qinglian gave birth to the Pangu Great God. Naturally, they complement each other, and cultivation is more effective.

It was too late for Nagato to understand the mystery of the Nine Yuan Yuan Gong, and the Pangu Great God blasted a purple gas into Nagato's body.

That purple qi is nothing else, it is the foundation of the avenue, Hongmeng purple qi.

And this monstrous purple Qi, Nagato also found a trace of strange, this hongmeng purple Qi, actually got into the Hundred Yuan Pearl.

This situation distracted Nagato from being shocked.

"Is this a violent monstrosity to go away?"

"Yes, this hongmeng qi is the hongmeng qi that avenues go to one of them. It was when I was opening the sky. I grabbed it with my hand and kept it on my body. The above contains the foundation of the saints who have proven the avenues, so you have to know them carefully! "

Hearing this, Nagato was extremely excited. This monstrous purple qi is an excellent thing. It proves to be a sanctification. It is indispensable for the help of hongmeng purple qi. The sage of the avenue, and this magnificent purple qi, can also increase luck for the carrier.

But one thing is that it cannot be revealed in front of people. This is an excellent thing. However, if it is revealed in front of people, not only can it not increase luck, but it can also bring about the scourge of killing.

Nagato is not so stupid, just like the chaotic green lotus in its own body, unless it is a last resort, otherwise Nagato will not use the magic of chaotic green lotus. ..


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