My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 69: Malays are in great danger

After picking up, quasi- mentioning, Dizang, and Maitreya, all of Pantao ’s brains were wiped out, and their intentions were still unfinished.

"Hey, Uncle Nagato, this flat peach is so delicious, do you still have it?"

After eating the panache several times, Maitre smiled at the long doorway.

"This flat peach is also a great supplement for the cultivation of the innate spirit. If you eat too much, it may cause the realm to rise too fast. Even if it is barely improved, it will be difficult to increase the cultivation in order to practice and increase in the future. Benefits. You should slowly digest the spiritual power of this thing, and wait until your state has been raised to a certain stage. It will be no problem for Flat Peach to serve you as a snack. "

"Oh, OK!"

Although Dizang and Maitreya are still inexhaustible, they still practiced it obediently for future development.

There are five hundred years of Hongjun to start preaching again. Nagato did not plan to travel around the wilderness, but chose to practice well in Lingshan, and strive to thoroughly understand what he learned in Lingxiao Temple. The door is now almost just to reach the late Daluo Jinxian.

The quasi mention and the introduction of the two are also the result of the cultivation of the seal. The quasi mention is in the Lingxiao Temple, and the realm is also smoothly reached the realm of the middle of the Daluo Jinxian, as long as it is thousands of years old. With time, you can raise your cultivation base to the realm of the late Luojin.

In the ancestral witch's palace under Mount Zhou.

"Huh, those three Qings are too deceiving, and they will also hurt Shebi, and I will sooner or later count them for this account."

Above the hall, Zhu Rong said sharply.

In the ancestral witch's palace, the twelve ancestor witches and a large group of witches, as well as tens of thousands of little witches, gathered in the hall.

"Yes, that Lao Tzu is too bully. He pretends to be decent and looks down on other people. That primitive look, I have long wanted to beat him eight hundred times. Hey, it ’s a pity that their defensive Lingbao is too powerful. There is no way to clean them up. "

When I saw Zhu Rong said this, the co-workers on the side were also anxiously said that suddenly his fists were squeezed, and his nails were all caught in the palm of his hand.

At this time, the big witch and the little witch in the ancestral witch hall were filled with righteous indignation.

"Huh, those three Qing nonsense, dare to claim the authenticity of Pangu, our Matriarch is the father-in-law of the **** Pangu on this wild land."

"Yes, our Wu people are the real authentic, then Sanqingdao knows to talk nonsense."

"We are the twelve great ancestors of the witch clan. The witch leader is the blood of the father and god, and he controls the laws of the vastness of the wildness. We are the masters of this wildness."

"Well, right."


For a time, there was an uproar in the ancestral hall, all the ancestors and witches justified their names for the witch clan, and then slandered Sanqing, saying that Sanqing was useless, and even some people said that the Sanqinglian Wu clan ancestors The toe of the witch leader is not as good. Not even qualified to bring shoes to the big witch.

Such complaints and anger are heard all the time.

The ancestors and witches were originally belligerent people. Because of the sky-opening disaster, the evil spirits between the earth and the earth, the unusual richness, the Pangu Great God was squeezed out of the thick blood in the big robbery grinding disk, and these blood were contaminated as soon as they appeared. A large amount of the air of Heavenly Tribulation, which caused the ancestors and witches to be contaminated with a large amount of gas of hunger when they were transformed.

This makes the ancestors and witches who have transformed into a little bit of abrupt gas, which makes them unable to control the erosion of the abrupt gas once they are angry, causing them to lose their senses, just like being mad.

The big witch under the ancestor witch, and the little witch, are also transformed by this essence and blood, so they are all contaminated with a large amount of robbery. This makes the Wu people irritated as soon as they are stimulated, but the ancestor's realm is higher, which is stronger than the big witch's self-control ability, and the big witch's self-control ability is much better than the little witch's self-control ability.

Everyone, your sentence, his sentence, constantly strengthens the anger of the entire Wu clan towards Sanqing.

It seems that it is time to rush to Kunlun Mountain now, and it is necessary to tear Sanqing to pieces to break the hatred.

However, the ancestors and witches were more suffocated than the little witches. Because of the high level of cultivation, Dijiang could suppress the traits of robbery.

Seeing that the little witches were full of enthusiasm, they continued to increase their anger, as well as all sorts of fanfare and co-working, and everyone's indignation continued one after another.

When Dijiang saw the scene, he couldn't control it, so he said.

"Everyone be quiet, be quiet."

Di Jiang said with a strong and strong voice that this voice directly penetrated the crowd, like a thunder, everyone immediately stopped the noise, but quietly waited for the speech of the witch ancestor and the big brother.

"Everyone, please be restless, I know everyone is very annoyed, but the Honghuang Continent is very large, and there are more people who are more powerful than the Sanqing. The threat of our Wu people from the Honghuang Continent is far more than Sanqing. For the time being, we dare not move us Wu clan. Our top priority now is to continuously expand our witch clan so that the witch clan can gain a foothold in the flood. "

"Yes, Big Brother is right. Although Sanqing is hateful, it does not threaten the survival of our Wu clan. We have to do a lot to continue the Wu clan generation."

The youngest sister of the twelve ancestors said Hou Tu.

Hou Tu is the youngest of the twelve ancestors and witches, and is also the least poisoned by the gas of looting. Therefore, Hou Tu is able to maintain reason most of the time.

"Yes, there are many little witches in our Wu people who have been captured and refined by the demon people, because our Wu people contain the blood of the God Pangu, so our blood contains the great power of the Great God Pan Gu. The demon clan covets the power of our witch clan, and sometimes the powerful demon clan can capture our big witch and refine it. "

Hearing Ju Mang's words, Di Jiang's brow furrowed slightly. The Wu people were originally rare, and they came out of the blood of the Pangu Father and God. Among them, the twelve pieces of the highest concentration of blood were transformed into the twelve ancestral witches, followed by the big witch, and then in the blood pool. The lower concentration is transformed into a little witch, because the blood concentration of Pangu Father God in the blood is different, and the abilities and skills are also different.

Moreover, the blood pool of the Wu people has already dried up, and even the worst concentration of blood water has been transformed into a little witch, and now it still needs to continue to produce the Wu people, and if the demon people have to continue to slaughter, the Wu people, or not It will take a long time to withdraw from the stage of the flood and then completely disappear into the flood and continent.

In the case of childbirth, because of the lack of a primordial spirit, it is not certain that a healthy Wu clan will be born, and most of them are premature babies. This fertility problem has always plagued the ancestor and witch. Due to congenital reasons, the ancestors and witches could not enter the normal male-female relationship and produce normal offspring. The Wu people now can be described as internal and external troubles!

The other ancestors saw the expression on Dijiang's face, and they frowned slightly and did not speak. ..


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