My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 70: Zhurong Gonggong to solve the birth problem

Other ancestors and witches also understood Dijiang ’s concerns, because the breeding problem of the Wu people has always been a huge problem. Even if the Wu people have an immortal body, but under the covet of the demon, they ca n’t guarantee the Wu people. How much can survive, can you stand in the flood.

Moreover, the demon clan's momentum is getting bigger and bigger. The demon clan also has Emperor Junjun, two powerful characters, which can make the Wu clan very difficult.

It can be said that the Wu people have now reached the point of life and death. Sanqing is only annoying them at present, but they are not their biggest problem at present. At present, only the breeding problem of the Wu people is solved, and the demon are eliminated, or Deterred the demon clan, so that they dare not come to invade the witch clan, and plunder the witch clan.

This witch and demon are born to be a pair of enemies. They are born enemies. The witch is physically strong, so it needs the demon to supplement its own physical energy. The witch relies on eating the demon to strengthen its own body. The demon clan can also refine the Pangu essence blood in the witch clan and then enhance their own strength. This relationship makes them have to become dead enemies, and they are the kind of dead enemies that cannot be adjusted at all.

In the ancestral palace, the twelve ancestral witches were all frowning, and they could not find a solution to this problem. Such a predicament made the big witches and the little witches too worried about the future of the witch.

Qiang Liang said at this time.

"It is better to let the big witches and the little witches retreat to the ancestral hall, and do not leave the ancestral hall, so that the demon clan will not dare to attack again, and let everyone step up to practice physical strength, only the body is strong. In order to defeat the demon clan. "

Everyone did not have other good suggestions for a time, and they only agreed to Qiangliang's method.

Qiang Liang ’s suggestion played a good role. The Wu people gathered together. The demon did not dare to act rashly. First, the twelve ancestors and witches were all at home, and the Wu people themselves were all arrogant. Only when the strength is much higher than that of the Wu clan, or a number of demon clan, can a joint force capture a single Wu clan.

And now they are all gathered together, there is no chance at all to catch the Wu people to refine.

Near Bu Zhou Mountain.

Zhu Ronghe and Gong Gong are very hot-tempered, and they are quite right. Both of them are inseparable from each other. It is absolutely impossible for them to solve things that can be solved by hands, and both of them are good. War fanatics, coming out of shape, are fighting together every day.

However, under the restraint of Dijiang and other ancestors, they did not fight too much. As long as the two had a little fight, the other ancestors would separate them, so that Zhurong and Gong Gong did not What a chance to be able to fight heartily.

This time, they suffered from Sanqing's anger, coupled with demon clan infestation, and various contradictions within the Wu clan, which made them desperately need to vent. By the way, this time there are other ancestors and princes in Dijiang because there are more important things to deal with, so it is rare to fight the fight between Zhu Rong and Gong Gong.

The two were able to let go of their hands and feet and beat each other hard. Both of them punched each other hard. Zhu Rong stormed a punch on the body of Gong Gong, and then arbitrarily added a punch and greeted each other. Gong Gong's body is blue and purple, but Gong Gong seems not to be addictive, but enjoys this feeling very much.

Gong Gong did not show weakness, but also greeted Zhu Rong's front chest and back, and thrashed on the face, and Zhu Rong was also repeatedly applauded.

Zhu Rong punched Gong Gong into the sky with another punch, then quickly jumped up, stepped on Gong Gong's body mountain, stepped Gong Gong directly into the soil, and did not forget to make up a few feet.

Gong Gong rises from the soil, facing Zhu Rong is a roundabout kick, and then moves quickly, Zhu Rong kicked back from all directions, Zhu Rong's body is kicked out by Gong Gong like a football.

In this battle, both sides had bruised noses and bruised faces, and Zhu Ronghe and Gong Gong both had wounds on their bodies.

The two of them were around Dou Zhoushan for three days and three nights. The other ancestors and witches were worried about the affairs of the Wu people, so they did not want to control them either.

Zhu Rong Gong Gong's fighting intentions have not weakened, but become more and more powerful.

However, Zhu Rong accidentally found that he threw a mass of blood from the wound and fell to the ground. He even ran a big witch out of the ground, which surprised Zhu Rong very much, and then saw that Gong Gong ’s wound fell less. The spotted blood fell on the ground, and a little witch came out of the ground.

Such a phenomenon made Zhu Rong very surprised. In the face of the coming co-worker, Zhu Rong shouted. "Stop, this is not right."

Gong Gong heard Zhu Rong say this, and Zhu Rong did not make a defensive posture, but looked at the little witch who ran out of the soil, and his heart was shocked, but the boxing strength had been sent out. The Gong Gong had to hit a spin in the air and smashed his fist into the soil.

"The Gong Gong is coming over, you see that our blood has become a big witch or a little witch on the ground."

Zhu Rong said with excitement and joy, Gong Gong looked at the place where Zhu Rong looked puzzled, and also looked at the big witch who was crawling out of the soil.

Seeing such a situation, Gong Gong tore a deep wound in his left hand, and then dripped a large drop of the blood into the soil.

After a long while, there was no big witch who appeared originally. At this time, Gong Gong was a bit anxious. When he was about to refute Zhu Rong's words, a big witch actually ran out of the place where Gong Gong had dripped his blood, and then faced Gong Gong and Zhu Rong performed a great gift.

Among the Wu people, Zu Wu has a natural prestige within the family, and other big witches and little witches worship the ancestors very much.

The situation in front made Gong Gong stunned. Zhu Rong on the side pushed a distracted Gong Gong.

After returning to God, Zhu Rong Gong Gong immediately hurried back to the Zu Wu Temple.

In the Zu Wu Temple, the remaining 10 Zu Wu are discussing how to deal with the sneak attack of the demon clan, and how to allow the population of the witch clan to multiply, and the negotiation is overwhelming. To be better, the strength of the Wu clan itself is not weak. Only when some orders are placed will the little witch be attacked and captured by a group of demon clan.

Most of the time, the Wu people looted various demon clan everywhere, and then directly swallowed to increase their physical body. Although the demon clan formed an alliance under the demon clan of Emperor Jun and Taiyi, the twelve ancestors witch Strength, will not lose to Di Jun and Tai Yi who have the best innate spirit treasure.

"I have found a way to reproduce the Wu people."

Everyone was scorching their heads, and when they heard Zhu Rong say this, everyone was surprised.

"If you find a way, you know fights."

Di Jun looked at the hurried Zhu Rong and Gong Gong, and did not have any expectations for Zhu Rong's words, he casually said Zhu Rongdao.

"Brother, it's true. We discovered it during the fight."

Gong Gong saw that Di Jiang didn't trust Zhu Rong's words very much, so he quickly explained again.

Other ancestors and priests said the same thing when they saw Zhu Rong and Gong Gong. One more person, one more inspiration, they all wanted to know, what did Zhu Rong He Gong Gong think of? Everyone provides a little inspiration, Xuan Ming also urged Tao.

"Okay, don't sell it, what is the method?"

At this time, Zhu Rongcai took a long breath, calmed himself, and then said.

"We found that with our blood, dripping on the ground can cause big witch or little witch."

"But depending on the size of the blood, Da Tuo will make a big witch, and Xiaodi will only have a small witch."

Gong Gong further explained that everyone was shocked when he heard Zhu Rong and Gong Gong. ..


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