My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 71: Malay expansion

But everyone was half-belief and doubtful, and thought it was incredible, all with a look of doubt.

After hearing about it, Dijiang took out his dagger and made a cut in the palm of his hand, and then a large drop of blood ran down to the ground. Then, after a long while, the big witch and the little witch came out of the soil one by one. , A big gift to the twelve ancestors and witches.

The twelve ancestors could not help but marvel at the scene in front of them, but after marveling, when they came back to their minds, they cut their palms apart, and suddenly large drops of blood dripped on the ground, after a long while. Then, one big witch or one little witch climbed up from the ground, and the big witch or little witch who crawled out of the soil had more or less mastered the rules corresponding to the corresponding ancestor witch.

Looking at the large and large groups of witches and little witches that crawled out of the soil, the ancestors and witches were all surprised and excited, as long as they exercised a lot, then eat and drink well, or hunted demon to supplement their body, Then the body's sperm blood will be generated continuously. Although the sperm blood is released and it has a certain damage to its own cultivation, but as long as the Wu people can be developed and strengthened, this sacrifice does not exist.

The twelve ancestors decided immediately, and once every few days they waited for their body to recover and then bleed blood to continuously generate big or small witches.

In this way, in less than a year, the number of ancestors is much larger than before, and now there are millions of ancestors.

Later, the Wu people found that the blood of the big witch, when dropped in the soil, would also generate a big witch or a little witch with less ability. Although this ability is not as good as the original one, such an advantage is that it can quickly expand the ancestor witch. .

Just a hundred years later, the number of Wu people has expanded to tens of billions.

Such a huge crowd, it is definitely not possible to live in the Zuwu Temple. The Wu people began to surround the Buzhou Mountain and began to expand outwards, occupying the area around tens of thousands of kilometers around the Buzhou Mountain. These huge ancestors and witches In order to strengthen his own physique and continue to hunt, the demon clan in his own area, even the demon beast that has not yet formed a demon, have not let go, the witch clan's power is getting bigger and bigger, nibbling little by little The wild continent.

In this way, the blood has been cut and reproduced, so that the cultivation of the ancestors and witches has not only not improved, but also has a lot of backwards. This makes them all anxious, and they will make this breeding cycle longer, once in the previous three days, and develop to ten Once a day, then later, once a month, once every six months, and once every three years now, the ancestors want to practice, and they simply put the expansion plan on hold, after all, it takes a lot of their own blood to hurt the foundation. the behavior of.

The ancestors and witches began to practice retreat, because the distance from Hong Jun preached again, and the time was almost approaching. There are only three hundred years left, and the twelve ancestors and witches have all started to practice retreat, to sharpen their physical bodies, as well as combat skills of various exercises.

Before the retreat, the ancestors and witches also agreed to allow the big witches to separate the ethnic groups from each ancestor and witch's blood from the Zhoushan Mountains, and to develop around the Zhoushan Mountains. Otherwise, the big witches and the little witches made by the blood of the twelve ancestors and witches, if staying together all day, are not only unfavorable to management, but may also cause conflicts.

In this way, the ancestors and witches were divided into different groups and managed separately, and the current Wu people are divided into twelve different tribes. Except that the Dijiang tribe remained in its original position, the rest of the ancestors and witches were taken to different places by the great witches of their respective ethnic groups and settled in camps.

The ancestors and witches placed their ethnic groups properly, and then began to practice retreat.

In the Demon Race Court.

Di Jun and Tai Yi saw that the Wu people are now expanding rapidly, and the number of people has reached as much as 10 billion in just a hundred years. This terrifying speed makes Di Jun and Tai Yi very terrified. Coupled with the witch clan's search and hunt for the demon clan, Dijun and Taiyi had to retreat the demon clan to avoid being hunted by the witch clan. At the same time, they would temporarily capture the witch clan because they were temporarily placed in this way. At this juncture, the majesty of the Matriarch is flourishing. If you are not careful, you will send the demon soldiers who killed the Matriarch, and the whole army will be wiped out.

Emperor Taijun is also very annoyed, but nowadays, there is no good way to weaken the Wu clan, so Dijun and Taiyi are gratified that the speed of the expansion of the Wu clan has finally slowed down, not as it was at the beginning. Crazy expansion.

The strength of the demon clan a hundred years ago is obviously stronger than that of the witch clan. In addition to the twelve ancestors and witch clan, the witch clan also has some big witch. The rest of the little witches, as long as they are single or only a few, are easily captured by the demon clan and refined blood. Such good things as Pangu Jingxue are all sweet and sour in the wilderness continent.

But now the power of the Wu people has gradually expanded, and there is basically a trend to catch up with the power of the demon people. According to this situation, the power of the Wu people will exceed the demon people, and the demon people will become Mazu food.

The power of the demon clan is not weak at present. There are Emperor Junjun one or two strong men who were cultivated in the late period of the big Luo Jinxian, and their unparalleled innate spiritual treasure.

And there are ten demon sacred demon.

Bai Ze has the same body as a sheep, but has only one horn and a pair of wings on his back. It is the head of the ten demon sages. Bai Ze is also a military division of the Demon Heavenly Court. He has a supernatural power that can perceive the changes of all things in the wilderness. This supernatural power is comparable to the clairvoyance of later generations. When Bai Zehua formed a person, he likes to hold a lupin, shake his head, and shake his head, and hold Qiankun in one hand, and look like a strategist.

Ji Meng, a dragon head with a light green body, claws on his limbs, feathers on his arms, and a large mouth opening in the blood basin, can swallow clouds and spit mist, and can spray to cause rain. After its transformation, it was a handsome tall man, wearing a dragon-scale armor, and his weapon was a Cangyang sword, which was extremely sharp and unsharp.

Yingzhao, with a human face and horse face, but it is indeed a tiger-like texture on its body, with a pair of golden wings growing behind, and the sound is particularly crisp and sweet. After its transformation, it was a beautiful woman, and later married Ji Meng, good at making good moves.

Flying salivation, the body of flying salivation itself is much shorter than other demon saints, the body is shaped like a mouse, there are wings behind, and the skin of the body is crimson. After the transformation, it is still short, with a thief ’s eyes, a crimson complexion, and a frivolous appearance. He holds a sword and is chilly. Because he is short, he is very flexible, and his body is very flexible. Luo Jinxian's strength.

Fei Lian, a deer body, but with a pointed beak, like a bird's head, but this head is very huge, and there are horns on the head, and the body is covered with leopard patterns, which can withstand the wind, The speed is extremely fast. After transforming into a human being, he is a heroic man with animal skin on his back, the speed is still very fast, and the weapon is a sickle. Now it has reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

Nine infants can spray water and spit fire, because his cry is exactly like a baby, with nine heads, so it is called nine infants. It turned into a very beautiful woman with a round wheel-shaped spirit treasure and a half-moon-shaped spirit treasure. It was the imitation of the goddess Xiyue on the lunar star and the spirit refined by the sun and moon refined wheel. Treasure, day sun wheel and sky moon wheel. Although it is imitation, the power is still very strong.


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