My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 73: Meet Red Cloud

Hongjun ’s preaching was really mysterious, and he fully explained the methods of Qi training and body forging. Such a thorough explanation not only made the cultivation of the long door a lot, but also made the method of long door cultivation more. Reasonable and correct, although Hongjun preaching is selfish, it is nothing more than relying on preaching to gather luck in the flood. Then make your exercises reach a certain level, so that you can fit into the road and reach the state of symbiosis with the road.

The avenue that Hongjun cultivated is actually the identity of a spokesperson for the avenue, or in other words, a manager of the avenue, but the authority of such a manager is also limited, but this identity is for the people in the wild, It is the unreachable God, the God admired by all people.

Hong Jun wants to condense his luck. The way he speaks must be the Avenue of Truth. If it is adulterated, Tian Dao will definitely feel, and Hong Jun will not be able to act as that administrator.

Through the method taught by Hong Jun, Nagato has once again promoted his forging body and practicing the Yuanshen skills. Sure enough, the harvest was very different from before.

"Sure enough, someone still needs to teach, in this way, you can learn faster."

Nagato thought secretly.

In the Hall of Ling Xiao, the preaching this time, basically everyone here, had different gains. Even the first time I heard the twelve ancestors and witches in the clouds and fog, this time I heard it, and I had a lot of gains.

Although the primordial spirit of the twelve ancestors has inherent defects, it does not mean that the twelve ancestors have no primordial spirits. The twelve ancestors and witches gradually used Hongjun's method of cultivating the Yuanshen, and gradually learned some ways to cultivate the Yuanshen. With the elementary method of cultivating the primal god, this has greatly improved the strength of the twelve ancestors. At the same time, such internal and external cultivation also makes the twelve ancestors' corpses more tyrannical.

The realm of the twelve ancestors is rapidly improving. After slow cultivation, the cultivation of the twelve ancestors has been promoted from the beginning of the Daluo Jinxian to the middle of the Daluo Jinxian. This caution is nothing to anyone else in the flood, but it has extraordinary meaning for the twelve ancestors.

Through this promotion, Hongjun also harvested a great wave of luck for the Wu people.

As in the Lingxiao Hall, Sanqing, because of its superior nature and the ability to win a holy place in the Lingxiao Hall, has greatly improved Sanqing's cultivation speed and comprehension ability. Now it is about to break to the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

The introduction and quasi-proposal also made a lot of progress in this kind of preaching. From the early days of Daluo Jinxian to the later period of Daluo Jinxian, and his self-cultivation skills are becoming more and more pure and profound.

The time for preaching always passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye three thousand years had passed. As soon as three thousand years had passed, Hong Jun stopped the preaching.

"This is the end of the sermon. After a thousand years, we will start the last sermon. Next time we will preach mainly on the method of sanctification. After everyone goes back, we will practice according to the method I gave to everyone until the third time. To preach, it depends on everyone who has a chance to prove the preaching. "

After Hong Jun finished speaking, he slowly retreated.

In the Hall of Ling Xiao, everyone slowly woke up from listening to the Tao just now, and then left the Hall of Ling Xiao.

When the long gate looked at everyone was about to leave, only then saw a Taoist shrouded in Yun Xia in a corner of Ling Xiao Temple, meditating and practicing, and a red light was revealed in this Yun Xia.

When Nagato sees this person, he recognizes that this person is a very popular red cloud in the wilderness. The red cloud is bold and likes to make friends with the wilderness.

For the first time, the seat competition in the Lingxiao Hall was not allowed by Hongyun, so it would not be possible to get a seat smoothly, and even Kunpeng was beaten down to the futon, leading to the scene of quickly grabbing seats. In the final analysis, this is also the cause and effect that the West owes Red Cloud. This cause and effect must be paid back.

Nagato sees that Hongyun is meditating, but Hongyun's face is sad, like there is another place that he hasn't realized, and he is stuck in one place, which makes Hongyun not want to give up, but he has been late to get insight.

"If you don't live Samadhi, you can show all Samadhi, and if you don't live meditation, you can show all meditations. Dao You must not be obsessed with heart. All sentient beings are rooted in nature and don't have to be too persistent.

Hongyun was in a critical period of cultivation. Suddenly, Hongyun heard a powerful voice, penetrated his body, and rang in his own soul. After listening to this, the sadness on Hongyun's face suddenly spread out.

After a while, I saw a cloud of clouds rising from the body of Hongyun, and then gathered above the head to form a colorful cloud. At the same time, a coercion was ejected from the red cloud.

Receiving and quasi mentioning, both felt, Hongyun has now broken through the late stage of Daluo Jinxian and reached the peak level of Daluo Jinxian.

Hongyun's obsession finally broke through, which made his cultivation level improve.

"Thank you Daoyou, thank you Daoyou for helping Hongyun, otherwise I don't know how long I will be trapped in that void."

Hongyun was right in saying this. Just now, Hongyun was obsessed with mind and wanted to make a breakthrough in one fell swoop to reach the peak of Daluo Jinxian. However, because of his strong obsession, Hongyun's consciousness has stayed in the void space. If you do n’t get enlightenment for a long time, Hongyun may be trapped in the void of the consciousness, and you wo n’t get sober.

"Brother Hongyun Dao, this is my elder brother's door. Congratulations to the realm of Brother Hongyun Dao raised to the peak level of Daluo Jinxian Peak. I am afraid that there are fewer than ten strong people who have been so cultivated in this flood!"

Hearing Hongyun's question to the long door, the quasi-promoters on the side came to help and explained the long door.

"Daen doesn't say thanks, Hongyun thanked Changmen Daoist for pointing the maze. If there is a need for Hongyun in the future, Daoyou said, though, Naomen must do everything he can."

When Nagato sees Red Cloud, his speech is full of heroic spirit, and he is not pretentious at all. The words spoken are really true. Nagato also admires Hongyun's bold personality.

"Hongyun Daoyou, don't be polite, just raise your hand."

Hongyun smiled knowingly, then raised his hand to the long door and the guide Zhun, and left first.

Nagato knew that Hongyun did not lie, and felt from Hongyun that he was truly chivalrous, dare to love and hate, to be kind to others, and to help others. He never remembered it. But when others have helped themselves, they must keep in mind.

This is a confidant. Presumably Hongyun also learned from the words of Nagato. I realized that Nagato is such a chivalrous sentiment, so I will smile. ..


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