My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 74: Longmen dotted six-winged silkworm

Seeing Hongyun leaving, Nagato also joined the guide and there were three people who were allowed to go out of the Hall of Ling Xiao, and then headed towards preparing to go back.

There are no contradictions and conflicts today, but the power of all parties. They all rushed back to their caves. I must want to see the opportunity that Hongjun said as soon as possible. If I can prove that I am a saint, that way Dao Guo, naturally, makes people who practice Taoism crazy.

The twelve ancestors and Emperor Junjun are too, for the internal affairs of the two groups of the lich, they have to rush back home. After all, the current relationship between the two groups is very tense, but although they are small, they are both Because of Hongjun, he didn't dare to make big moves. If there was a bit of unreasonableness, if Hongjun was angry, he might be able to wipe out the Wu clan or the demon clan by raising his hand. But as long as both sides have reasons, even Hongjun can't go against the general trend of heaven and earth. Such a reason, Emperor Jun understands it, and the twelve ancestors and witches also understand it.

Nagato also needs to pay close attention to cultivation. That saint's fruit position, Nagato is not interested, but the chance of proving the Tao is that Nagato still does not want to give up. This heaven is also part of the avenue, so I have to learn it and have to fight for it.

Nagato returned to Lingshan to practice quickly with the lead and quasi mention.

But when passing by Kunlun Mountain, Chang Men felt something.

Nagato felt a powerful evil spirit coming from Kunlun Mountain. Nagato seemed to hear the wailing of countless creatures, and Nagato stopped in his heart.

"This Kunlun Mountain is about to be born with a evil spirit and beast. This thing is full of devilishness and uncontrollable. It will definitely be a disaster in the future."

After he heard what Nagato said, his brows were slightly frowned.

"Really, we should get rid of this disaster as soon as possible to save all living beings from suffering."

Nagato is also planning this. This fierce spirit is too fierce. If this evil animal is left behind, it may cause countless disasters in the future. Nagato then searched for the fierce aura's direction, and drove past with the lead and quasi mention.

Feeling the increasing intensity of the vicious evil spirits nearby, and the grievances of the surrounding wild souls could not help increasing, which made the place's yin increase a little.

After traversing a forest, Nagato sees a huge white silkworm cocoon on an innate root mulberry tree.

The silkworm cocoon is silky smooth, and there is a hint of light yellow light. There are many wandering spirit bodies floating in the nearby silkworm cocoon, just like ghosts.

Honghuang Now, after the death of the soul, the soul has nowhere to go, so they are wandering in this flood, most of them are collected by most monks in the flood, and the ghost-like soul body is collected and refined into a panacea, which is used to increase Self-cultivation.

This cocoon seems to be constantly swallowing nearby souls, so as to continuously strengthen its own strength.

This silkworm cocoon seems to have mastered a secret method, attracting the ghosts of the soul body floating in the flood to the silkworm cocoon, and then constantly sucking the soul body.

After taking a closer look, Nagato discovered that the things in the cocoon were creeping, and was preparing to bite the flawless silk into a gap.

To know that ordinary silkworm cocoons come out, they can only bite the silk from the inside, just like hatching chicks. When the time is ripe, the chicks inside the eggshell will use the tender shell of the eggshell. It breaks, and the celestial silkworm in front of him can only successfully emerge from the cocoon after it has bitten off the white and hard silk, otherwise, it will be trapped in the cocoon.


There was a clear voice in the head of the long door.

Nagato knew that it must be the silkworm cocoon that activated the system. There must be tasks that could be completed. Nagato was also very happy. As long as there were tasks, he would receive many rewards.

"Host, hello, congratulations on activating the mission of the apostle. The cocoon in front of you is called the six-winged silkworm, which is the six-winged silkworm among the five insects, seven birds and nine beasts in the flood. This insect is natural. Brutal, eating only six creatures, with a huge amount of food, and then the body has a hard shell, not afraid of swords, guns, and fire.

Task 1: Select the six-winged silkworm and get a reward of 5 million merits.

Task 2: Take the six-winged silkworm as a disciple and teach him to reward him with a thousand-word text and 20 million merits.

Task 1 and task 2 can be selected and completed at the same time. If you complete the task, you will get a reward. If you can't complete the task, there will be no punishment, and it will not have any impact on the activation of the task in the future. "

After listening to Nagato, I couldn't help but be amazed. Before, it was a million-level merit. With the improvement of Nagato's realm, the system has become more bold. This adds up to 25 million merits, so it plays a very important role in improving the Nine Yuan Yuan merits and the Tao of Enlightenment. After all, this merit can be more useful than Heavenly Taoism merits, and there are no side effects.

But what made Nagato a little puzzled was what effect did those thousand words have. In future generations, Nagato also learned a thousand words. Is there anything else in the thousand-character text in the middle of the flood?

Although Nagato has some doubts, the most important thing at present is to find a way to get those 25 million merits in his hands. In that case, his strength will be qualitatively improved.

Nagato saw the pupa of the six-winged silkworm, and it was moving around among the cocoons. It seemed to be looking for the weakness of this cocoon, but it still found nothing.

"This thing is really a cocoon and self-restraint. I made silk by cocooning myself, but now I can't bite it."

Nagato laughed at the time of such beasts. But Nagato found that the six-winged silkworm seemed to have found a breakthrough and was biting off the silk one by one.

The six-winged celestial silk is extremely flexible, and it is also extremely hard. The good thing such as the long door can't bear it, it was bitten.

Nagato pinched a spell and hit the cocoon, and the six-winged silkworm in the cocoon gradually stopped.

At the same time, Nagato used force to slowly bloom the six-winged silkworm silk, and saw a long piece of silkworm silk, slowly receding. As the thickness of the cocoon of the silkworm became thinner, the six-winged silkworm seemed to have spirituality. Knowing that an expert was helping him to break the cocoon, he stayed obediently and did not struggle to bite the silk. But in the cocoon, spinning excitedly.

With the continuous withdrawal of the silk, the six-winged silkworm gradually appeared in the eyes of the long gate, the connection and the quasi-lift.

A silkworm chrysalis that has not been transformed appears in the eyes of the three, and the six-winged silkworm is very happy. He finally broke out of the cocoon. Now he only needs to wait a little before he can fully grow his body. Can fly.

"The six-winged silkworm is really a strange insect in the wilderness, but this worm has a violent temperament. If you don't pay attention, it may become a big disaster."

Then the six-winged silkworm looking at him said.

"This worm has a kind heart in its nature, and if it is carefully taught, there will be greater achievements."

All three looked at each other and nodded slightly.

Seeing the difficulty in transforming the six-foot celestial worm, Nagato made another spell. The body of the six-winged celestial worm suddenly changed drastically, and within a short time, it had turned into an adult worm.

"Six-winged silkworms, for good and evil, are all in one moment, but fortune is indeed a world apart. If it is evil, it is an enemy against the flood, and an enemy against the heavenly path. Dead way disappears, the soul has been scorched by fire for thousands of years. If you do good for good, you can go to Elysium and enjoy endless luck. Choose for good and evil! "

The six-foot celestial worm is inherently psychic. Hearing what the Nagato said, plus the Nagato gang breaking its own cocoon, and then helping itself to transform itself. It must be a mighty person in the middle of a flood, and such a person is much stronger than a self-cultivator, so he prostrate on the ground.

"The disciple Six-winged Silkworm listens to the teachings and hopes that the fairy can accept them and become disciples. He will study hard in the future and live up to the teacher ’s teachings."


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