My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 87: Invite the quasi-cutting corpse

Kunpeng was moved by Emperor Jun's heart to seek for virtue, and had such courtesy to himself, plus Kunpeng was also part of the demon clan. Kunpeng was originally sympathetic to the encounter of the demon clan, and the demon clan was bullied in the wilderness, especially the little monsters who were only able to transform into a monster. They were usually bullied by the witch clan, and now the strength of the witch clan It's soared.

This led to the younger generation of demon among the demon clan, who lived in fearful life all day long. Although Kunpeng will sometimes help each other, but the Honghuang Continent is so big, Kunpeng has the ability, there is only one, and it is impossible to help other demon in the Honghuang.

Now Kunpeng joined the demon clan, but decided to change the power of the demon clan, so that the demon clan can say nothing in this flood, and no demon among the demon clan dare to move.

Kunpeng is like this. If it doesn't sound, it's already amazing. Since I chose to go out to help Emperor Jun and Taiyi, I must do my best to do my own thing.

Although he valued the Hongmeng Ziqi and his interests with Emperor Taijun, he wanted to stand on the front line with Emperor Juntai's heavenly court.

Kun Peng, Di Jun and Tai Yi are all helpless against the strong defensive force of Zhenyuanzi's fetal membranes. Facing such a strong defensive spirit treasure, staying here can only be a waste of time, but it is better to seize the time and develop the demon clan. Power, or to improve one's self-cultivation is better.

Di Jun left some dark whistle to continue to monitor the actions of Wu Zhuang Guan, and then Tai Jun Tai Yi greeted Kunpeng back to the Demon Clan.

When Tai Yi saw Di Jun, he respected Kun Peng very much, and Tai Yi always listened to Di Jun's words, and naturally also respected Kun Peng very much. Then Kunpeng started training the demon and demon crowd above the heavenly court.

And above the size of the Western Lingtai.

The Nagato is also ready to open the small stove for picking up and quasi-lifting. If you do n’t understand anything about the picking up and quasi-lifting, you can immediately ask the long door, and the picking up and quasi-lifting are well guided, which makes the picking up The improvement of the realm with Zhunti is very considerable.

There has been great progress in the promotion of quoting and quasi mentioning. Gradually, quoting and quasi mentioning felt a breakthrough in their own realm, and gradually condensed their evil thoughts into corpses.

Nagato was naturally very happy to see the progress of the two of them, the sage's blood, all of which were ants.

If there is a saint in the flood, there is a backer in the flood, and if there is a saint as a backer, do n’t say that you are walking sideways in the flood, that is, if you want to walk backwards, there is no one. Dare to stop, and there are a large group of flattering monks who follow your **** and flatter you every day.

Now that both the lead and Zhunti have a holy place in the flood, and they have a great chance to preach. If the lead and Zhunti do not violate the bottom line of heaven, these two holy positions will be sooner or later. .

"Join and quasi-promote the two younger brothers, now that you have all condensed the corpses in your body, then now you must rely on a spirit treasure with great chances for yourself, and with the help of the powerful mana of the spirit treasure, remove the corpse Chop out.

The golden lotus that merits you is your associated spiritual treasure. It is inextricably linked to you. You can use the green lotus of merit to cut out the corpse!

You must mention the Seven Treasure Trees you use and you are in the same vein as you, and have a great chance with you. You will use the Seven Treasure Trees to cut out your corpses!

At that time, the corpse will be cut, and the realm of both of you will be upgraded to a new level. "

After the long door finished speaking, and then the quotation and quasi-commendation were heard, they slowly began to condense their own corpses.

I saw in front of the eyes, a smoky black gas slowly emerged from the body slowly converging to form a human form.

When the figure slowly became clear, Nagato knew that it was the corpse that was being picked up. When all the black gas in the body gushed out, the wicking of the corpse was finished.

"it's time."

To whisper at this time.

Then sacrifice his own companion spirit treasure merit Qinglian, and then drive the merit Qinglian to connect the evil corpse with the connecting body a little bit, and severely cut it, then the evil corpse and the main body will be separated.

At the same time, the energy between heaven and earth explodes rapidly, and continuously flows into the body of the connection, which makes the realm of the connection immediately break through the realm of the early quasi-saint, but reaches the realm of the mid-quasi-saint. The connection is also constantly absorbing the energy emerging from heaven and earth.

After the energy between the heavens and the earth gradually weakened, the energy from the body slowly gathered from the body was completely refined in the body, and the state of the connection was also stabilized.

The corpses that were cut off were also drawn into their sleeves. After the three corpses are cut out, the three corpses are united with the body, together with the gang of Hongmeng Ziqi, so that you can prove the sanctification.

Zhun Ti watched that the lead had successfully cut out the corpse, but he also stepped up his pace. Finally, Zhun Ti finally finally eliminated all the evil thoughts in the body, and slowly formed a corpse in front of him that was exactly the same size as the body.

At this moment, the corpse that was mentioned quasily was also a little coldness in his eyes, and he smiled strangely at the body.

Zhun Ti is also very cautious, not disturbed by the strange smile.

At the same time, Zhunti sacrificed seven treasures of wonderful trees, and then urged mana to sever the corpse. After the same refining and absorption, the realm of Zhunti was also steadily raised to the mid-term of the quasi-Saint.

If it weren't for the large lotus under the long gate on the top of the Lingtai square, this quasi-central promotion could cause a lot of commotion in the flood.

When such a strong man is born, the power in the flood must have felt, and the most anxious among them is Sanqing! Sanqing was originally the pride of heaven in the flood. Born to be the people who gathered the luck of the air, and there are several innate treasures that make Honghuang powerful, and then there are no need to count under the innate Need for Lingbao.

At this time, Laozi, who was a higher student among the three Qing dynasties, also just removed his evil thoughts a little bit. Primitive and Tongtian were just the essence of the sanctification of the three corpses and just entered the realm of quasi-saint.

If Sanqing wants to be the second saint after Hongjun in the flood, now it seems that there are still some difficulties. After all, the current connection and quasi-provision have already reached the mid-quasi-saint.

Nagato is also very pleased with the realm improvement of picking up and quasi- mentioning, because Nagato also sensed that the quasi-Saint mid-term strongman has not yet existed in the flood, and the strongest mana is the Laozi in Sanqing. ..

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