My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 88: Hongyun emerged from Wuzhuangguan and was intercepted by everyone

In the Hall of Ling Xiao, the six saints who had the opportunity of prosecution given by Hongmeng, only now have a higher level of cultivation for the two of them, and the speed of comprehension is the fastest.

Sanqing and Nuwa are very depressed. How can they understand Hongmeng Ziqi?

Among the saints in Lingxiao Temple, Nvwa was the foundation of mana. Nvwa started to practice after returning to her cultivation dojo, but it was Nvwa ’s painstaking cultivation, but she still could n’t understand the deep purple spirit. Mystery.

And Fu Xi wanted to help Nu Wa to understand Hongmeng Ziqi, how could he know that Fuxi would not dare to approach Hongmeng Ziqi at all. As long as Fuxi is within ten steps of the Hongmeng Ziqi, the Hongmeng Ziqi will emit violent energy and exhaust the energy in the Fuxi body.

Therefore, Fu Xi did not dare to approach the distance within those ten steps, so he had to wait anxiously for Nu Wa to be able to realize Hongmeng Ziqi as soon as possible. After all, Fuxi and Nuwa's mana cultivation capacity is still too low. If there was a daredevil who was not afraid of Heaven's punishment in the wilderness at this time, and robbed Hongmeng Ziqi at the door, then Nuwa only had to send Hongmeng Ziqi to others.

Among the Penglai Fairy Island in the East China Sea.

The Eastern Prince was very satisfied with the growing team under his leadership. He was sitting in the honorable position, discussing the countermeasures with the powerful people under the seat, and seeing how to win the red and purple qi in the hands of Hongyun.

"We Penglai Xiandao is now crowded with people, it is better to attack Wuzhuangguan aggressively, I don't believe that the boundary of Wuzhuangguan is the copper walls and iron walls, that is, we can all smash a hole."

"Yes, we are now in a magnificent situation. Once the army arrives, Yuanzhen in that town can only obediently offer Hongyun and Hongmen Ziqi with both hands."

Everyone was talkative for a while, but none of them were practical. They all knew how to boast about Haikou, and there was no suggestion that they could come up with.

The Emperor Dong also heard a slight frown and a sad expression on his face.

How powerful the enchantment of these five views is, other people may not understand, but the Eastern Prince himself is very clear. He was also chasing the red cloud before the enchantment.

The Emperor East exerted 80% of his power, and the enchantment remained immobile, as if nothing had happened, even a tiny ripple did not exist. Such a terrifying enchantment also made the Eastern Emperor at a loss, obviously It is impossible to forcefully capture Wuzhuangguan, that is, let everyone in Penglai Xiandao go to no avail.

After all, it's like sending a large group of ants to shake the elephant, and the difficulty is even harder than the elephant. If you shake the elephant, at least by virtue of the advantage in quantity, you may be able to achieve a certain effect, but the enchantment is fundamental. Unshakable.

"The Wuzhuangguan's enchantment can't be broken, so even the ancient feast of the earth didn't cut the earth's membrane without holding the sky axe. It's up to you that you want to break the enchantment?"

The voice of the East Prince slowly spit out, revealing contempt.

When everyone heard the words of the Eastern Prince, they all looked at each other and were silent. After all, if it was really like that, even the ancient **** of the sky could not be cut off, now everyone in Penglai Xiandao added together None of them can cause any trace of damage to the enchantment of Wuzhuangguan.

The East Prince said slowly.

"Now the only solution is to wait for Hongyun to see from Wuzhuang himself. Before that, it is best to hope that Hongyun did not understand the Hongmeng Ziqi, otherwise, we would find death."

Then he looked at the crowd under his seat, and there was a look of sadness on his face.

It is also clear to Dongwanggong ’s heart that although the strength of Penglai Xiandao is gradually becoming stronger, it is still unable to fight against the demon clan ’s Emperor Jun and Tai Yi, and Emperor Jun and Tai Yi are unwilling to obey their orders Makes Penglai Xiandao very passive now.

Now, the only way to break the present dilemma is to hold the Hongmeng Ziqi in that hand, and then rely on the powerful power of Hongmeng Ziqi to prove the sanctification. Only in this way can Penglai Xiandao flourish.

To say that the East Prince also arranged some manpower to squat outside Wuzhuangguan, and if Hongyun had appeared immediately, he would report to him.

In the view of Wuzhuang, Hongyun and Zhenyuanzi began to study Nahongmengziqi every day, but found nothing.

Zhen Yuanzi naturally won't **** the red cloud of purple clouds, Zhen Yuanzi regards the red cloud as his best friend. Moreover, Zhen Yuanzi has no intention of sanctification at all. Zhen Yuanzi has such a powerful spiritual treasure as the earth book, and can naturally withstand the whole body in the flood.

Seeing that Hongyun was so obsessed with Hongmeng and Ziqi, Zhenyuanzi was not easy to intervene. Zhenyuanzi decided to retreat and practice.

Before retreating to practice, Zhen Yuanzi told Hongyun.

"Xiandi, although the Hongmeng Ziqi is an excellent opportunity, it is too jealous in the flood, the Emperor Juntai of the Demon Heavenly Court, and the East Prince and Kunpeng Taoist of Penglai Xiandao Everyone has great interest in Hongmeng Ziqi.

They had also been wandering for several days before the enchantment of Wuzhuangguan. They might be covered with dark whistle everywhere. If you haven't fully realized the Hongmeng Ziqi, then you must not go out, otherwise they will think Way to catch you. "

Hong Yun also promised to come down. When Zhen Yuanzi saw the promise of Hong Yun, he also let down his mind and entered the cultivation with peace of mind.

However, after more than 6,000 years of insights, Hongyun couldn't make a breakthrough in Wuzhuang's view.

It was difficult to understand the mystery, so Hongyun was very frustrated.

"Don't I have to prove the sanctification of the Red Cloud? Now that I have got the Hongmeng Ziqi, why can't I still sanctify the Tao."

Hongyun muttered.

The inability to enlighten mystery makes Hongyun naturally very unpleasant, and even cultivation cannot be practiced with peace of mind.

Slowly the red cloud was finally impatient.

"Is it my red cloud deserve this?"

What Hongyun thought in his heart was that the catastrophe that Hongmeng Zi created was inadvertently, and he inadvertently caused Kunpeng ’s seating in Lingxiao Hall. Naturally, he had formed a huge cause and effect with Kunpeng. Now that Kunpeng has Knowing that I gained Hongmeng Ziqi, Kunpeng's resentment will only continue to intensify.

"It seems that my red cloud needs to resolve this inexplicable cause and effect with Kun Peng, maybe I can prove the sanctification!"

Hongyun thought to himself that Emperor Junjun, East Prince, Kunpeng, and others should not be in such a hurry. It has been more than six thousand years, and it must have been withdrawn. After a few thoughts, he then made a decision and was ready to look for opportunities in the flood.

Or in the middle of the flood, perhaps he can also feel something. Red Cloud left a mana under the bodhi tree to say goodbye, and then got up and prepared to be in the five villages.

Hongyun was unaware at the moment, Emperor Jun Tai and the Emperor of the East and the power in the wild, all secretly watching the actions of these five views. ..

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