My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 89: Red clouds are blocked

After Hongyun stepped out of the enclave of Wuzhuang Temple, he took a deep breath of air on the flooded land and sighed that he was still comfortable in the flooded land.

Hongyun was originally walking in the wilderness, and walking around is also a chivalrous righteousness. If you can help the place, Hongyun will never quit, even if the monks in the wilderness treat the treasure as a practice method, Hongyun will It should be said.

A character like Hongyun walks through the flood, so that Hongyun has a large group of like-minded friends in the flood. Similarly, Hongyun has a lot of friends, many of whom are powerful people.

Hongyun is now stepping into the flooded continent again, which gives Hongyun a new life and vitality. After all, people like Hongguang who like to travel on the flooded continent, if they stay in Zhenyuan for a long time In one place, Nagato may go crazy.

But in different times today, the red cloud of the red cloud should make the red cloud very dangerous in the flood. It is precisely because of the innocence and guilt of the common man, that is because of the magnificent purple spirit, which caused Hongyun to take a lot of cause and effect in the flood.

When Hongyun had just come out, the people of the demon clan and the prince of the East King who were ambushing outside the Wuzhuang Temple were discovered, and they all immediately reported back to Emperor Jun and the prince of the East.

The Emperor Dong listened to the spy's report, and immediately raised his interest. Immediately, he mobilized his staff to chase in the direction of the red cloud. Level.

But with Hongmeng and Ziqi, there is not much problem in the same flood.

After the East Prince had such a plan, there was no delay for a moment, and he went straight after the red cloud.

And in the heaven of the demon race.

Di Jun and Kun Peng are discussing the revitalization of the demon clan. Kun Peng proposed to let the demon clan prestige in the flood, and then formulate rules in the flood to convince all things in the world; another point is to strengthen learning among the demon clan, such as speaking skills and self-realization. Ascending, only with powerful soldiers can the demon race become the main house in the flood.

After listening to Kun Peng, Di Jun and Tai Yi both nodded.

At this moment, I thought the little monster came in, but the pace was very impatient, like what happened?

"Report, outside Wuzhuangguan, Hongyun came out of Wuzhuangguan."

After listening to the little demon's breathless report, Tai Yi was ecstatic, and he was busy pulling Di Jun to catch Hongyun.

And Kunpeng naturally heard about it, and then Kunpeng bit his teeth bitterly, then stood up and patted the table.

"Huh, I finally waited for you, and this time I will definitely call you away."

After talking about Kunpeng, he did not pay attention to Di Jun and Tai Yi, and then directly flew huge wings to chase the red cloud directly.

Emperor Jun and Tai Yi had no way to see the Kunpeng demon master. After all, the demon master was angry with the red cloud and reached the point of gnashing his teeth.

Emperor Taijun also quickly organized the strong of the demon clan, and then set off to catch Hongyun.

When Hongyun left Wuzhuangguan, he flew directly towards the depths of the flooded land, and the people monitoring Hongyun followed him. Hongyun did not know the imminent danger.

Inquiry came from the East Prince, and he was also in front of Hongyun, and stopped Hongyun directly.

"Hongyun Daoyou, don't come unharmed? The Emperor Dong came to visit."

"East Prince, what do you mean?"

Hongyun glanced at the East King Duke with a crowd behind him. He was also very puzzled in his heart and said in his mouth.

The Emperor Dong saw that now that he had reached this point, he did not need to bend around with Hongyun.

"Hongyun Daoyou, the purpose of my coming here today is to ask you to borrow something."

"The poor Dao has always been empty-handed, and there is nothing rare. It may be necessary to sweep the prosperity of the East Prince."

Hongyun also immediately realized that the purpose of the grand prince's big bulge was not for anything else, but definitely came for that humorous purple spirit. But until now, when Hongmeng Ziqi has anything to say, Hongyun will not give Hongmeng Ziqi anymore. Now he has to deny it and suffocate it.

Seeing the red cloud, Dong Gonggong didn't want to surrender Hongmeng Ziqi, and his face changed instantly.

"Huh, Hongyun, you don't have to install garlic. Which one of the floods doesn't know that you have gained a Hongmeng purple gas. Now most of the floods are looking for you, the Hongmeng purple gas. You should take the Hongmeng purple gas to me as soon as possible , Otherwise I ’ll be afraid that you wo n’t be blessed. ”

After finishing his speech, the East Prince glanced coldly at Hongyun.

In front of such a situation, Hongyun is also difficult to get out of it, and he is at a loss.

Suddenly a golden light floated from the distance at a rapid speed, straight at the Red Cloud Daoist, everyone was shocked by the fierce momentum.

Hongyun saw someone coming, but it was too late to evade and had to resist this attack with all his might.


The golden light collided with the red cloud to form a huge energy fluctuation. After the strongest wave of energy dissipated, everyone could only see clearly. Now the person who is stalemate with the red cloud collision is Kunpeng.

Kun Peng didn't care about the people around him, but only focused on fighting with Hongyun. Kun Pengyun and Hongyun each formed an invisible energy barrier in front of them.

The energy barriers of the two sides turned into a perfect arc meeting at a point, the stalemate lasted only a quarter of an hour, and then the red cloud was a turn, escaped from the state of energy confrontation, and now facing so many masters, it cannot be consumed at will energy.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Hongyun, without any hesitation, randomly took out a crystal with a pale blue light from her arms. Then he crushed the crystal hard, and suddenly a lot of pale blue gas flowed out of the crystal, heading in all directions.

Hongyun has become popular among the floods. Naturally, there are also many people who have been helped by Hongyun. Naturally, many people owe the cause and effect of the red cloud. At present, the red cloud has fallen into a crisis.

Then at this time, there was a quick flash of light from the horizon to the golden light. Until I got closer, I realized that this was Dijun and Taiyi with the demon clan.

Emperor Di Jun hated the East Prince very much, and today several forces gathered here. Both sides are aware of the other party's ideas, nothing more than just wanting to fight for the red clouds.

Tai Yi was about to provoke the East Prince, but he was immediately stopped by Emperor Jun. At present, the most important thing is to subdue Hongyun, otherwise, if Hongyun escapes, if he returns to Wuzhuangguan, by then, it is basically impossible to catch Hongyun again. ..

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