My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 91: The long door saved a trace of the soul

After Dijun led the demon clan to leave.

Hongxun, who came to help Hongyun, saw the self-exploitation of Hongyun, and his heart was filled with grief and anger, but Hongyun was dead, which meant that their cause and effect would be gone.

Moreover, there are less than fifty people who are still alive, and most of them have suffered minor injuries. They basically have no ability to fight, and then they all returned to their own dojos to recuperate.

The scene was just left with Penglai Xiandao and his party.

The Emperor Dong looked at the corpse full of land and was very annoyed. Although there were damages in this battle, the biggest loss was the group of repairs recruited by Hongyun and the people of Penglai Xiandao.

At present, the power of Penglai Xiandao was originally a relatively weak force in the flood, which is far inferior to the demon and witch, and now it has lost so many masters, still has not got the Hongmeng Ziqi, which has to let Everyone was discouraged.

Everyone was desperately preparing to return to Penglai Xiandao. At this time, at the place where the red cloud exploded, a purple gas slowly fell down.

The Emperor Dong was overjoyed to see that purple and purple gas.

"Hongmeng Ziqi?"

Dong Wanggong murmured, the joy was indeed beyond words.

Quickly stepped forward and grabbed the Hongmeng Ziqi in his hand, then the Eastern Prince looked closely, and waited to confirm that this was Hongmeng Ziqi.

The Emperor East laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, you have to come without any effort. I didn't expect this thing to fall on my hands in the end."

Everyone heard Dong Wanggong saying this, and they were also excited for it. They finally got what they wanted to get, and they were naturally happy. Although this humongous purple gas did not benefit them, Dong Duke eats meat, he always has a mouthful of soup.

Then the Emperor Dong immediately converged and smiled, and then put away the Hongmeng Ziqi, he led everyone back to his own dojo, Penglai Xiandao.

Above the square of Lingtai.

Nagato took the fuchsia gourd in his arms, then took out the three-light Shenshui in the ring and dropped a few drops at the mouth of the gourd.

Said in the sidelines.

"Alas, Hongyun Daoyou, who has always loved to make friends with the world, help others, and martial arts, but now it has come to an end. If the brothers do n’t help each other, Hongyun Daoyou may only be able to die, fortunately There is still a trace of primordial spirit. "

And then said in the quasi-transmission that has been made.

"Yeah, we also grabbed our seats and made Hongyun Daoyou like this."

"Brother Zhu, please don't blame yourself. If you are a good person everywhere, you were doing very well in Lingxiao Temple."

"Brother, how long will it take for these Red Cloud Taoist friends to recover?"

"Now the foundation of Hongyun has been damaged, and now it is also lucky to retain a trace of soul. Fortunately, at that time I used my green lotus body to protect his trace of soul, otherwise it would have turned into nothingness. But These three light gods have wonderful effects in healing the wounds. I believe that it wo n’t take long for Hongyun ’s soul to be stable. At that time, it will be considered that we will return his favor. "

Above the Demon Race Court.

Because Taiyi was seriously injured, if Emperor Jun gave up decisively, and then immediately will the Demon Heavenly Court, Taiyi might have fallen. And Tai Yi is very seriously injured. This time Tai Yi ’s practice is to regress for at least 5,000 years. In the next 5,000 years, Tai Yi can only heal wounds and cannot do cultivation. If one or two is counted, Tai Yi ’s cultivation For a reduction of ten thousand years.

Despite this, Di Jun was very pleased, and Tai Yi's life was saved, which was enough.

Then this time a demon demon came over to inform.

"Your Majesty the Emperor Qi Yun, I was instructed to leave behind to observe the movement of the Eastern Prince. In the end, the Eastern Prince did take a purple gas from the place where the red cloud exploded. Very happy, and then led the people to leave. "


This made Di Jun very annoyed, that the purple gas must be Hongmeng purple gas.

"Your Majesty, how?"

Di Jun froze for a moment, then said.

"Oh, it's all right, go on!"

The little demon left in confusion.

Emperor Jun was indeed very angry. It was so cheap that Emperor Dong picked up such a big bargain. Emperor Jun couldn't swallow it.

And if the Eastern Duke really realized Hongmeng Ziqi, then the demon clan would be very dangerous. I was already offending the Eastern Prince. If the Eastern Prince was sanctified, he would definitely avenge himself.

But at present, there are still many things about the demon clan. On the one hand, we must pay attention to the movement of the witch clan, and on the other hand, we must take care of Taiyi.

Taiyi is a powerful thug among the demon clan. Now that Taiyi is gone, he has to go to the East King alone to discuss Hongmeng Ziqi. The chance of victory is not great. Although it makes Dijun very unhappy, there is no way. Then plan.

Emperor Jun wanted to come to the East Emperor to consecrate Hongmeng Ziqi's enlightenment so quickly.

Then Di Jun had to fight against the Wu clan on one side, and then stepped up to practice the demon soldiers.

Now, if Kunpeng also received serious injuries, he would have to recover from Beiming, and now the demon heaven is only responsible for himself.

Emperor Jun believes in Kunpeng very much. He believes that Kunpeng is not so easy to be killed. After all, Kunpeng's cultivation base is one grade higher than Emperor Junjun. And this time Kunpeng returned to Kunpeng's hometown, Kunpeng is naturally no danger.

And in the north.

Kunpeng really returned to Beiming, which is a lot better, because he is a big fish that absorbs the essence of Beiming from this Beiming. Now back here, naturally, he can quickly improve his healing speed. .

In the palace of the demon master, Kunpeng's huge fish body lies on a huge jade platform, and continuously emits white air energy from the jade platform to warm the place where Kunpeng was injured.

Kun Peng was originally a severely injured body. While this continuous flow of energy was flowing in, the wounds of bones were deeply visible, and they were recovering little by little.

Then the white airflow followed Kunpeng's veins and entered Kunpeng's body, swimming between Kunpeng's five sheets and six organs. Wherever the white airflow went, the damaged veins and the viscera that was about to burst were slow. Slowly recovering, and forming a white mist film, constantly warming up the injured veins in the patch.

This jade platform was originally a spiritual treasure in the northern meditation, which can continuously absorb the light blue water source energy in the northern meditation water. When Kunpeng was a big fish, it was on this jade platform. Slowly Practice. The cultivation speed on the jade platform can be improved a lot, about twice as much as the cultivation in water, and the energy of cultivation will be more pure. ..


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