My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 92: Pick up and quasi mention to cut off the two corpses

In the Kunlun Mountains, Laozi, primitive, and heaven are constantly deducing, and at the same time their own body evils are constantly gathering in the body.

Now after a long time of cohesion, Lao Tzu finally took the lead in condensing a complete corpse in front of him.

After the cohesion of the corpses is completed, it means that Lao Tzu's chance of sanctification has taken another step.

Laozi has a lot of magic weapons, but only that day Xuanhuang Linglong Tower is the most suitable for Laozi to cut three corpses. Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is a great treasure of acquired virtues condensed by as many as 60% of the Kaitian merit, but its ability is not much worse than that of the innate treasure.

If you use this piece of Lingbao to cut the three corpses, the mana gained from the return of the three corpses will only become more powerful.

Soon Laozi was a corpse chopped off with the world's Xuanhuang Linglong Tower.

After the corpse was cut, the energy between heaven and earth quickly gathered, and Laozi's realm quickly rose to the realm of the quasi-saint. Then the coercion released from Lao Tzu made everyone feel the power in the flood.

Yuanzi in the town of Wuzhuang.

"Somebody has cut out the corpse? The direction of Kunlun Mountain must be Lao Tzu."

In the sea of ​​nether blood.

"What? Laozi cut the corpse first."

Above the demon heaven.

"Mid-term quasi-Holy? It turned out to be such a terrific."

Di Jun also took a deep breath.

Above the ancestral hall, the twelve ancestors and witches all felt.

"Huh, that old guy was the first to cut out the corpse."

"Huh, but we also did not lose to Sanqing by our tyrannical body."

"It's not uncommon for us to sanctify the three corpses. The sanctification of the three corpses of the Father is the best way of preaching."


For a while, there were feelings in the flood, and they did not expect Lao Tzu to be the first to cut off the three corpses, which made some powerful people have to admire. This ancient authentic foundation is good.

The primitive and the heavens on the spot saw Laozi cut out the corpse, and after reading it, he was also inspired by it, and the speed of condensing evil was faster. It's just that after five hundred years, the time has come for the primitive and the heaven to kill the corpses.

Wait until the original and the sky cut out the corpses.

There was another throbbing in the flood, and the coercion that reached the mid-quasi-sanctity was such a tyranny. If it is sanctified in the future, then I do n’t know what the point of terror is.

This makes the speed of the cultivation of all powerful forces increase rapidly.

On the Lingshan Mountain, Nagato and Jun Zhunti all sensed the news of Sanqing sanctification.

But it was just a sentence, and I didn't feel any surprise at all. It should be that three thousand years ago, the connection and the quasi mention were already three corpses.

But now, the answering and quasi mentioning are at the critical moment of condensing good corpses.

It is very difficult to remove the good thoughts in the body. The hidden heart in this body is for everyone. However, if you cut out the good corpse, you must remove all the good thoughts in the body without leaving a trace.

After thousands of years of practice, both the introduction and the quasi- mentioning are able to condense their own good corpses. When the good thoughts are fully condensed, it is the time to slash the good corpses. Immediately promote a period of time, the horror pressure at that time, I don't know if this Qinglian formation can bear it.

Nagato was also a bit worried because this quasi-holy period did not promote a small state, and the energy contained therein was extremely scary, and the gap with the former was very obvious.

This big lotus of Qinglian was originally just a kind of big form to cover up the breath, and Nagato was a little worried that the big lotus of Qinglian could not bear the terrible coercion and damage.

"It seems that if it is really unbearable at that time, it will have to immediately withdraw the large lotus of Qinglian, so as not to destroy itself when the formation is destroyed."

It didn't take long for the pick-up and quasi-proposition to gather the good corpses one after another, and when it was time to cut the good corpses, the pick-up was also to use the virtue Qinglian to cut the good corpses.

Once the good corpse was cut out, the energy in the sky suddenly burst into the connected body, and the continuous absorption of the incoming energy, and the body's cultivation behavior was the same, rubbing up soaring up, it didn't take long After a while, it was a breakthrough to the quasi-late late realm.

At the same time, there were several terrifying coercions ejected from the body of the lead. This terrible coercion made it difficult for Zhuo Ti to eat, and took a few steps back to stabilize his body.

The force of terrifying coercion, which successively impacted the Qinglian formation, and then surprised the Nagato, the Qinglian formation did not seem to be able to support it at all, and the Qinglian formation would receive it. Continuously transferred to the underground spiritual veins of the West, the Western spiritual veins have been well supplemented.

Laozi on Kunlun really felt the violent fluctuations of the Western spiritual veins, and felt such a strong influx of energy, which made him very surprised. Generally speaking, the spiritual veins can only be slow Collecting Reiki, but this time it was soaring, which made Lao Tzu doubt.

"What the **** happened in the West? Such a terrible thing happened."

Although I was puzzled, I wouldn't take the time to look at these, after all, I now want to concentrate on practicing. First of all, we must improve our strength.

And Lao Tzu also believes that San Qing is now the fastest to cultivate among the floods, and he is also the first to cut out corpses in this flood.

What Nagato had worried about before did not happen, but something that surprised Nagato even more. It turned out that this great lotus of Qinglian could transfer the received energy to the underground spiritual veins. It can make Western spirits rise more quickly, and it has very important meaning to Western spirits.

The quasi mention of cutting out the good corpse, and the promotion to the quasi-sacred late period also made the Western spirits improve again by not less than a grade.

On the Kunlun Mountain, Sanqing once again felt the burst of energy in this Western spiritual vein. There was a surprise and fear in his heart, but with such a speeding up, it is really nothing that the Western spiritual vein will catch up with the East Hope, after all, the gap between the two is really too big.

But the energy of this riot caused San Qing to fall into throbbing and speculation again.

They never dare to imagine that the realm of the Western quasi-promise and the two has been promoted to the quasi-late period, and the two corpses have been cut out.

Such a terrible speed is placed in the flood, I am afraid that it will cause a lot of restlessness.

Tai Yi and Kun Peng, both under severe injuries, gradually recovered. Continue to start cultivation, want to cut out the corpses after Sanqing.

After the three corpses were cut out in Sanqing, everyone in the flood and straits also realized the method of cutting the three corpses and cut out the corpses. ..

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