My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 95: Sanqing intervenes to save the East Prince

It is said that since returning to Kunlun Mountain, Sanqing has been concentrating on cultivation day by day, and dare not slacken in a trace.

And since Laozi cut the corpse, the Laozi in Sanqing gradually touched the edge of the corpse.

Then finally, the Lao Tzu in the Three Qing Dynasty successfully condensed the good corpses, and used the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda to successfully cut out the good corpses.

Suddenly, the floods shook, and the terrible coercion of the mid-advancement of the quasi-sanctity was so great that the power of the quasi-saint early stage in the floods was chilling.

The monks in the flood, naturally, have more respect for Sanqing, and dare not provoke such a powerful force as Sanqing.

Sanqing is always one body. If one is provoke, then the other two must be taken care of, so that no one in Sanqing is willing to fight against it.

When the demon heaven court dispatched a large army to Penglai Xiandao to conquer the East Prince, Sanqing had feelings. At first, he did not care, thinking that it was Emperor Jun Tai, who wanted to be provocative.

Then I sensed that everyone was so aggressive, so I came to look at it, but it didn't show any shape.

Only after seeing the explosion of the East Prince, did he understand why.

The three of Laozi, Primitive, and Tongtian were hidden and in the void, and then watched the Eastern Emperor explode.

God's consciousness was discovered, and Laozi discovered it.

"What a great prince, there is still a great deal of purple spirit in his hand."

I was surprised to find that Sanqing was shocked.

Sanqing was originally the Pangu authenticity in the flood, and it was recognized by Hongjun Taoist ancestors above the Lingxiao Palace.

The Emperor Dong is now the leader of the Southern Immortals who formed Penglai Xiandao. He has taken the lead and now he has gained a great deal of purple energy. If the preaching is successful, it will be a great reduction for Sanqing's luck. If the completion of the East cannot prove the sanctification, it's okay.

If the East King's notarization and sanctification will inevitably take a lot of luck, Sanqing thought that this is determined to get Hongmeng Ziqi, not much of this thing.

Originally, he saw that Zhou Tianxing, which Di Jun actually used, trapped the Eastern Prince.

"Not good, Emperor Jun trapped the East Prince with Zhou Tianxing."

Laozi took a closer look and saw it, but the Zhou Tianxing battle array currently practiced by Di Jun is not perfect, and there are many loopholes in Shang Cunshan.

Lao Tzu took out the diamond bracelet, then threw it at the Hetu Luoshu at the eye of Zhou Tianxing's big battle.

Emperor Jun is running the Zhou Tianxing battle array with all his strength. Hetu Luoshu is used to control the entire movement. He wants to completely control the East Prince and Penglai Xiandao.

Facing a sudden golden light, Di Jun did not know what it was, but Di Jun felt in advance that he would never use something to help him, but went directly to Hetu Luoshu.

Di Jun suddenly felt bad.

"not good."

But the Vajra Bracelet was extremely fast, and it didn't take long for Kung Fu to smash the Hetu Luoshu out of the Zhou Tianxing battle.

The operation of Zhou Tianxing's big formation is all dependent on the operation of Hetu Luoshu, and now that Hetu Luoshu has been beaten by the diamond bracelet, this big formation will not break.

The Great Array broke, but the power of Zhou Tianxing was still in the direction of the Great Array under the guidance of the 365 Da Luo Jin Xian's Zhaoxing Banner.

Without the operation of the Hetu Luoshu, the power of the stars cannot be effectively called. On the contrary, if the call is not timely, it will definitely be repulsed by the current formation. The consequences of this repulsion, do n’t think that ordinary people ca n’t bear it. of.

After all, it was the power of Zhou Tianxingchen, and this power was not used well to attack the enemy, and then this huge power could only be the three hundred and sixty-five big Luo Jinxian with Zhaoxing Banner, and Emperor Juntai. Come to resist.

Di Jun saw the Hetu Luoshu flying out, but the power of Zhou Tianxingchen had already fallen towards this side.

"Quick, quickly remove Zhaoxing Banner."

But it was obviously too late at this time, the power of the stars was like the speed of light, and it immediately shined on the large formation, and although everyone had now removed the Zhaoxing Banner, the power of the stars had fallen. Jun, Taiyi and 365 big Luo Jinxian all spit out a big mouthful of blood.

Zhaoxing Qi quickly withdrew, but the formation was constantly shrinking with a deformed appearance. Obviously, the formation was countering at this time, so Emperor Jun Jun and all the people in the formation were received. The strong impact of the disappearance of the deformity of this method, but all suffered from minor injuries.

Everyone in Penglai Xiandao began to rejoice that this week the big team broke under the master's shot, but immediately they felt the abnormal disappearance and the huge impact.

"This week, the star battle is really amazing."

Everyone in Penglai Xiandao all sighed about the extraordinary strength of the demon clan. If no one helps today, I am afraid they have all become the dead souls in this week's star battle.

Emperor Jun saw that the Great Array was broken, and the Eastern King Duke must escape, and hurriedly pursued again, but it was found that a mysterious yellow light descended from the sky, and then took away the Eastern King Duke's soul.

Emperor Jun felt this breath and knew that this was the Lao Tzu in the Sanqing. Er has now cut out the good corpse, although he wants to be as horrible as he has not been sanctified in his strength.

But Sanqing is bound to be sanctified, although now they are very eager to get the prince of the East Prince, but even if they offend Sanqing, even if it is sanctified, the demon clan is still very dangerous. of. In desperation, Emperor Jun did not dare to offend Sanqing, so he pretended not to see it, and then returned to the demon race.

Lao Tzu put the soul of the Eastern Duke into the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven, Earth, and left here with the original and Tongtian. The purpose of their trip was for Hongmengziqi, but now it has succeeded, and it is meaningless to stay again. .

Di Jun returned to the Demon Race and looked at the exhausted Tai Yi helplessly, then shook his head helplessly.

Then said to the people in Penglai Xiandao.

"Now the East Prince has exploded and died. You should not do unnecessary resistance. If you submit to the demon clan, the demon clan will certainly not treat you badly."

Everyone in Penglai Fairy Island looked at each other for a while, and then some of them said.

"I am willing to surrender to the demon clan, but His Majesty is the first to look forward."

After listening to the others, they also said.

"I am willing to surrender to the demon clan, but His Majesty is the first to look forward."

Although he didn't get Hongmeng Ziqi in this way, Emperor Jun Tai was also able to eliminate the power of Penglai Xiandao. ..

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