My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 96: Nu Wa comprehends the sanctification of merit

Laozi took the primitive and Tongtian three people back to the Taiqing Cave of Kunlun Mountain, and then Laozi urged the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Linglong pagoda, and then released the soul of the Eastern Prince.

As soon as the soul of the Eastern Prince came out, it was swaying.

The East King Duke had abandoned about 80% of his own way of self-exploitation. His Yuanshen had escaped, but he was still injured by Zhou Tianxing's big battle. At this moment, it is almost on the verge of breaking.

The original is a flip of the hand, and then a white jade bottle appears in the original hand, and then the original drops the liquid in the white jade bottle to the soul of the Eastern Duke, and after a concession, the soul of the Eastern Duke is restored to life .

The soul of the fast Eastern Duke is no longer as crumbling as before, but more stable.

The King of East recognized that the person in front of him was Sanqing, and then he arched his hand towards Sanqing.

"Thanks to the help of Daoyou today, I will recover in the future and I must return to Penglai Xiandao to thank the three for their help."

"Oh, you are insecure now, and you want to repay you. Now your Penglai Xiandao Island has already surrendered to the demon race."

Seeing all this embarrassment or the arrogant East Prince in front of him, he couldn't help but ridicule.

"Huh, that Emperor Jun is too deceiving, this matter treats me to the Taoist ancestors, it must be a crime of non-compliance with the law of the demon clan, and then the demon clan will be eliminated from the top three flowers and reduced to slavery.

Laozi couldn't stand anymore at this moment, so he said.

"Emperor Dong, don't you know your current situation yourself, this Hongmeng Ziqi is because of Dao Zuqin's thing, but you are trying to **** Hongyun, and then take Hongmeng Ziqi away, this behavior Do you still want Daozu to help you? Besides, you, the head of a male fairy, everyone with a clear eye knows that you are a real name. If you want strength but no strength, you need prestige and no prestige. You still have such a high profile all day. Was ridiculed. "


Duke Wang wanted to refute, but at this time he was speechless, because at this moment his destiny was not in the hands of Daozu Hongmeng, and the second was in the hands of the eyes.

Then after a moment of contemplation, the East Prince said to Laozi if he realized.

"Now I explode my flesh and want to escape, but Emperor Jun desperately wants me to die. Today I am fortunate to be helped by my Daoist. Now my flesh is ruined, leaving only this soul, and I hope the Daoist can point me out. "

"Well, this is almost the same. Now there is only one way in front of you, that is, to call out Hongmeng Ziqi, to practice well in Kunlun Mountain, and strive to reshape the body as soon as possible."


After listening to Lao Tzu's words, the Eastern Prince was still a little unwilling to hand over the Hongmeng Ziqi. Even if he sacrificed his flesh for the Hongmeng Ziqi, he would easily take it out.

"Dongyou, the prince, don't you want to fight haha, you have Hongmeng Ziqi. We are clear. Now if you don't surrender Hongmeng Ziqi, you might not be able to leave."

Then the original is running mana.

Seeing the current situation, the Emperor Dong had no hope of surviving without compromising himself. Qingshan was left without worrying about firewood.


After all, the East Prince took out Hongmeng Ziqi from his body and gave it to Laozi.

But Lao Tzu took Hongmeng Ziqi in his hand and found that this Hongmeng Ziqi was indeed broken into eight ways.

Lao Tzu frowned, and then pinched to calculate.

"Three emperors and five emperors, the human race is careful, it seems that I want to teach people and educate this human soul."

Primitive and Tongtian saw that the boss was holding the broken Hongmen Ziqi in his hand. Although he wanted it very much, but after all, Laozi was their elder brother and had the highest mana. Moreover, it doesn't make much sense to take it by yourself, so I won't even mention it.

The Emperor Dong was sent by Sanqing to a more secret place in Kunlun Mountain to resume cultivation.

And Sanqing also continued to practice, and wanted to cut off the three corpses as soon as possible, and then preached the sanctification. At present, Lao Tzu has already understood his mission after sanctification. It can also be said that it is an opportunity for Lao Tzu to preach the truth. Inspired by Lao Tzu, the original and Tongtian are also thinking about what sect they should create to consolidate luck.

The East Prince is now starting again, and if he wants to step into the ranks of the strong in the flood, it can be said that it is even more difficult.

The Western Queen, who is in sharp contrast to the Eastern Prince, knows that her abilities and strength are not as good as the demon clan, and her ability is not as good as the Matriarch. She simply acts in a low-key manner, and is unwilling to show her sharp edge. The name of the head is put down regardless.

The purpose of this is to not attract people's attention. Queen Mother West has self-knowledge, and Emperor Taijun cannot commit enemies with Queen Mother West. After all, it does not pose a threat to the demon race.

Since Nu Wa got the Hongmeng Ziqi, she began to practice in her own dojo every day, but her own way of doing things was inherently low, and she still couldn't comprehend after thinking hard.

"Tao Zu said that there will be another merit with me in the future, in order to prove the sanctification of the way, but I can't comprehend it every day, but I can't comprehend the meaning of this words of Dao Zu! Are I really too stupid?"

Nu Wa never thinks about how she can gain merit and prove her sanctification.

Then Nu Wa had no choice but to leave the dojo to go round and relax.

On this day, Nu Wa came to the Shouyang Mountain where the human race was created. Nu Wa saw that the human race was constantly prospering, and the vitality of the human race made the Nu Wa surprised.

"The vitality of this human race is really strong. Under such a difficult environment as the floods, they can still survive and gradually expand their territory."

Seeing the human race he created with his own hands, he is now prosperous, and Nu Wa still feels a little guilty. After all, Nu Wa has n’t paid much attention to the development of the human race since she was created, but she wants to improve her own. Fix for.

Then an idea emerged from Nüwa ’s head. This human race was transformed by the spirit of heaven and earth, but he only pinched this spirit into a shape. His merits of making people did not arrive. What is the reason?

Then Nu Wa said to Tian.

"My Nuwa, feeling that there is really little life between heaven and earth, will make people from the earth. Now that the human race has prospered, my Nuwa makes an oath here, and if she is sanctified, she will report the incense of the human race for generations."


Heavenly Dao felt that it had dropped innumerable merits, and it fell on Nu Wa's body. After the merits entered the body, then Nu Wa's body exuded thousands of golden lights, and Nu Wa's body was also after this merits entered the body. Degeneration has occurred.

Nu Wa, under immeasurable merits, proved her sanctification. ..

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