My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 102: Accept the challenge of Zu Wu

The twelve ancestors felt this powerful coercion, and they were very frightened at heart, because the power of this saint was too strong, even the twelve ancestors were a little scared, and now they have a strong body If you fight this coercion, you will still be powerless.

But the Wuzu ancestors and witches are not worried, because the twelve capitals they practiced are very powerful, even the saints can match them. The twelve capitals are extremely powerful, and they can call out the real body of Pangu Fighting, so this terrifying power makes few adversaries in the flood.

The Zu Wu itself is the kind of fearlessness.

It didn't take long for another powerful coercion to come.

"The quasi mention is also sanctified, waiting too long."

The long door murmured, after all, such a strength is difficult for many people to achieve, and now the sage of Tianding is only 7, except for the Hongjun who fits the heaven. The red and purple qi that Hongyun had received became eight paragraphs, which was no longer enough to support a saint to preach, and only six holy positions remained.

Nagato is talking about.

"This coercion is the sanctification of two of my brothers and sisters in the Western Lingshan. Don't worry, the Western world is uncontested and will not pose a threat to the East."

Then Zhongzu Wu was relieved when he heard the words from Nagato.

Others may not believe it, but they still trust the Nagato. After all, Nagato ’s ideas are consistent with them, and they all want to pass on the flood created by the Father God Pangu.

This may be the most thoroughly understood by Hou Tu. Otherwise, Hou Tu will not be able to reincarnate in the future, so that hundreds of millions of souls in the floods have their homes. This is also the order in the floods.

At this time Zhu Rong suddenly stood up and said.

"Nagato Daoyou, I heard that Gong Gong was taken by you."

The co-workers on the side are unconvinced.

"It's just a trick, there is no way to decide the outcome."

Zhu Rongbian said it again.

"Huh, if you can take a trick, the strength of the Nagato Daoyou is not weak."

Then Gong Gong was playing drums, and then said.

"Zhu Rong, you are not a screamer at ordinary times, dare you to compete with the Taoist friends of Nagato."

"Haha, how dare you."

Then Zhu Rong and Gong Gong both looked at the long door who was talking with Dijiang.

At this time, Dijiang also said.

"Don't mess up with the two wise brothers. This long-door Taoist friend is a friend of our Matriarchs. You must not be rude."

Then Dijiang spoke to the long gate again.

"The two of them knew fights all day long, and we couldn't persuade them and punished them many times. Don't blame Nagato Daoyou."

When Nagato sees that Zhu Rong wants to challenge himself, so no matter what, if he can fight with Zu Wu, the improvement of his eighty-nine profound strength is definitely huge.

"Well, I wish the Rongzu Wu to be elegant, then I will accompany and discuss with you." Seeing Nagato agrees, Zhu Rong is very happy. One is that someone can fight with himself, and the other is that Hou Tu said that Nagato is just punching and fighting together. Retreating a few meters, this strength really makes Zhu Rong can't believe it, so he is competing with the co-worker, so no one can think of it, and the face is swollen.

When the ancestors and witches saw the promise of the long door, they all waited to watch a good show. After all, it has been a very boring thing to practice all the time. Exercises.

Long Gate and Zhu Rong came to a vacant lot in front of Bu Zhou Mountain's Zu Wu Temple, and then Long Gate spoke to him at Zhu Rong.

"Zhurong Daoyou, don't be merciful, because I won't be merciful."

When Zhu Rong heard this, he was disdainful and dare to doubt the strength of Zu Wu, so it must be educated.

Then Zhu Rong pulled off the robe in his body, and then rushed towards the long door.

When Nagato saw Zhu Rong rushing, he was not panicked, but stood there dumbly.

The ancestors and witches also had a large group of witches and witches. When they saw this, they all pinched cold sweat for the long door.

Hou Tu shouted with a soft voice.

"Be careful."

When Zhu Rong saw that Hou Tu was not worried about his brother, he was indeed concerned about the long door, and he was also unhappy.

Zhu Rong's fist is strong and powerful, and the fist also contains a little fire attribute, and its power has also been greatly improved.

Seeing this punch is to hit the face of the long door, everyone dare not look at it, all closed their eyes.

Indeed, in a moment, the left door of the long door receded, and the forelegs became I-shaped, and then the right fist was lifted and the fist was blasted against Zhu Rong.

Zhu Rong's fist was impulsive, and he really stepped back the shape of the long door, and then the long door stabilized the body, and at the same time, Zhu Rong's body was fixed in the air. There is really nowhere to go.

Zhu Rong was also aware of this change in his body and eagerly wanted to land, looking for a point of support that could support himself.

But waiting for Zhu Rong to react, Nagato's left fist quickly attacked, punching Zhu Rong on his chest, and then Zhu Rong spurted a sperm of blood.

Nagato cleverly picked up the blood, and then used this blind eye method to collect the blood into the ring.

Zhu Rong couldn't help but spit out a spit, and then a close fight.

Nagato also responded quickly by waving his fist. Where Zhu Rong's fist intersects with Nagato's arm, Zhu Rong clearly felt a light power, which seemed to break his internal organs.

The long door saw the timing, and he flew away, flying Zhu Rongta out.

Although Zhu Rong stood up and was beaten up, he still smiled.

"Nagato Daoyou is really a good way. Zhu Rong admires, I admit defeat."

Zu Wu has this good thing, but if he fights, he dares to be a dare and dare to admit that he can't fight. Although violent, there is a trace of reason in the violent.

The Nagato also improved a lot during the battle. As long as it is a battle, the eight or nine mysteries in the Nagato's body are constantly running.

The ancestors and witches and clans saw clap their hands after seeing the battle. Then the other ancestors also played against the Nagato, but they were all invincible. The power of the Nagato seemed to be inexhaustible. They all played against the ten ancestors among the ancestors. It is a small advantage.

Nagato thought to himself, this is probably the merits of the Eighty-nine Xuangong, if he had realized the Eighth-Nine Xuangong to the fourth level, it must be that the ancestors and witches would suffer a big loss when fighting, if all depended on With your own mana support, sooner or later the mana in your body will be consumed ..


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