My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 103: Nagato understands the power of the blood of the Wu people

After fighting with the ten ancestors of the Wu clan, the Nine Gates' Bajiu Xuan Gong also made great progress.

The battle between the Nagato and the ancestors and witches of the Wu people is only a discussion, and they did not use very powerful exercises. What the Nagato felt was that the strength of the ancestors and witches was too strong. Zu Wu's every blow is so tyrannical.

Among the ancestors and ancestors who played against the long gate, the strongest strength should be Xuanming. Xuanming's skills are very domineering, although Xuanming is one of the two women among the twelve ancestors. , But it is true that the most powerful of the twelve ancestors and priests, although Dijiang did not fight against the long gate, but the long gate can still feel that the strength of Dijiang is not as powerful as Xuan Ming.

After the long gate and Xuan Ming played together, Xuan Ming was also the top score, because they only clicked to the end, so Long Gate could see that Xuan Ming did not use powerful exercises, if Xuan Ming all burst out, Nagato is not necessarily an opponent.

Moreover, the physical characteristics of the ancestors and witches are that the more and more brave the war, the more wounds on the body, the stronger the fighting will of the witch.

Nagato has been with the Wu clan for a period of time. It is a daily battle with the ancestors and witches of the Wu clan, or the big witches.

With the training of Nagato, among the Malays, their martial arts progressed very quickly, and Nagato's progress was also very fast, and the progress of Nagato could be clearly noticed in a day.

After taking it for more than a year, Nagato bid farewell to the twelve ancestors and then prepared to return to Lingshan.

After all, this connection and quasi mention are now sanctified, and now there are two saints in the flood, and Lingshan is basically invincible.

After Nagato left the Zu Wu Temple, he summoned a panda to gallop all the way back to Lingshan.

Returning to Lingshan, Jin Chanzi, Dizang, and Maitreya came to greet the Nagato. Jin Chanzi gradually rid the body of the violent anger because of the influence of the Dharma Dharma and the quasi-promoting Dharma. Gradually entered the door.

Upon reaching the Lingshan Mountain, I saw the sanctified connection and quasi mention.

"Congratulations to the two brothers, now it is finally sanctified."

The standard is mentioned.

"Brother Nagato, you can be considered to be back. I thought you were going there."

"Just went to the Wu people to meet some people of the Wu people, and also had a battle with the Wu people."

"Battle with the Wu people?"

"It's just a test, and I have dealt with several ancestors and witches of the Wu clan. I want to improve my combat skills, so I went to the Wu clan to challenge it."

It is very happy to mention and lead, after all, the body of the Wu people is notoriously tyrannical. If such an achievement can be achieved, then it proves that his senior master has reached a certain height, otherwise If you challenge the tyrannical ancestor, it is tantamount to finding death, and it is inevitable that some sequelae will not fall. At this time, Jin Chanzi came over and said.

"Master, you haven't had time to teach me this long time, and now I'm far behind and have both Brother Zang and Brother Maitreya."

Then Nagato was also very guilty. After all, although he was an apprentice, he was always following the lead and practicing. He never fulfilled his responsibilities as a master. Nowadays, what Jin Chanzi said is naturally very heartfelt. Guilt.

"Well, then I come back this time to see if you have the qualifications for enlightenment. Otherwise, if you go down at this speed, you are really too far behind them."

Speaking of Nagato, he was preparing to take Jin Chanzi away, so that he would not slap his face in front of so many people, because then, Nagato was still very embarrassed.

Seeing the expressions of Dizang and Maitreya, Nagato was still overwhelmed, and then said.

"Okay, let's all listen to my preaching together, and then you will go to enlighten yourself, and how much enlightenment depends on your own talents."

Then Maitre and Dizang were very happy to follow the long gate. The long gate preached that they had heard. Naturally, how much they had promoted themselves to the long gate preaching. Both the introduction and the quasi mentioning were listening to the long gate. The Tao has been greatly improved. Naturally, such a good opportunity is a good thing for both of them.

Nagato honestly preached for Jin Chanzi, Dizang, and Maitreya. After all, if you let your apprentices always follow Shishumen's way of learning, then the long door should not have face!

After the sermon was over, Jin Chanzi's harvest was the biggest, and the Dizang and Maitreya's harvest was also great. Nagato let the three of them go down to absorb and digest each other, and then they quickly learned the power of the blood of the ancestor.

The reason why this ancestor has such a terrifying strength is that it has a great continuity with the blood of Pangu, so to unlock the secrets they contain, it must be enlightened by the power in their blood, so for the long door Promotion also has a great effect.

The long blood will be collected quietly at the ancestral witch's place, and then it will be refined by mana. It will be placed in the chaotic green lotus, and then it will be cultivated.

Because of the special role of this chaotic Qinglian, the magazines in the essence and blood of the ancestral witch can be removed, and then the pure power can be extracted. The most important factor for Pangu ’s great success in the past was because of the super-purifying effect of Chaolian Qinglian, which not only purified blood, but also purified cause and effect, and at the same time delineated Pangu and Heavenly Dao, and then gained infinite power.

The cultivation of this ancestral essence blood in the chaotic green lotus still has obvious effect.

It didn't take long for the long door to come to a good understanding.

It turned out that through the cultivation of chaotic green lotus, Nagato could realize that the essence blood of the ancestors and witches had an infinite blood connection with Pangu, and there was also the power road on which the Pangu Great Divine Prophecy relied.

The Avenue of Power is also the first of the Three Thousand Avenues. One strength can break all methods. The Great God of Pangu realized the essence of the Avenue of Strength, and then proved the realm of the Half-Step Avenue.

There are also long gates that quietly collected the blood of ten ancestors, and each ancestor also contained different laws. For example, the blood of Sebbi contains the law of the weather, Zhu Rong The essence of blood contains the law of fire, and so on.

Nagato is also very happy. If after the chaos Qinglian has enlightened the road of power in the blood of the ancestors and witches and the different laws of each ancestor and witches, then you can also enlighten them.

With the help of two Taoist treasures in his own hands, Nagato is sure to reach an unprecedented height in the flood. ..

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