My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 108: Sacrifice the spirits and gather the demons

After Dijun went out, he walked among the demon clan. The demon clan is now severely internally divided. It can be said that it is about to collapse. The ten demon saints each brought a pair of human horses. The orders of the Taiyi Emperor and the Emperor of the Emperor Donghuang can also not be listened to, if they can be discounted, they are discounted, and sometimes they simply do not listen.

Although some were loyal to Emperor Taijun, some were already very dissatisfied. Emperor Jun and Tai one or two three-legged Jinwu held the supreme right.

Emperor Jun's trip went to the camp of the strongest Ji Meng among the ten demon saints to check the situation.

When they first entered the camp, the demon soldiers did not worship or say anything, but blocked Emperor Jun from the outside.

"I am the demon emperor Jun. You open the door quickly and tell your general to come out."

The two former two guards armed with halberds said, they said.

"We haven't heard any demon emperor Jun. We only listened to the command of the demon general Jimeng and quickly retreated."

After the two guards stopped, the halberd was thinking of Di Juncha blocking the front door. Emperor Jun walked into Jimeng's camp and ate a closed-door soup. His heart was naturally very dissatisfied.

Ji Meng was out of the account, and then asked loudly.

"Who is clamoring at the camp door."

Then the guards guarding the city said.

"The man claimed to be the demon emperor Jun."

Then I heard that Ji Meng's face was also whitewashed, and he immediately ran over, and then scolded several guards, and then greeted the demon emperor Jun into the big account, and gave a good hospitality.

These guards were also confused. This was clearly the order previously given by Ji Meng, but why was he scolded again at this time? This janitor's job is not easy to do.

Then Emperor Jun inspected the camps of several demon saints, and some powerful demon generals.

This inspection made De Dijun's determination to condense the demon clan by recruiting demon streamers a bit more, but this was not enough for De Dijun to make such a decision.

One day, Di Jun called the top ten demon saints and some demon clan executives to a meeting, mainly to discuss the next way to deal with the witch clan. After all, the contradiction between the demon clan and the witch clan has deepened step by step. Clan can be described as having their own contacts.

The demon clan captured the ancestor witch for refining Pangu essence blood, and the ancestor witch grabbed the demon clan was a meal, and after the witch clan ate the demon clan, it played an important role in their own flesh. The clan are all practicing the flesh, and eating the demon clan is very huge for their own promotion, which makes many witch clan to spend their efforts to hunt a demon clan.

After everyone spoke, Di Jun said.

"Now the witch clan has bullied my demon clan for a long time. In the long run, the status of the overlord in the demon clan may not be convinced of the existence. Please return to the camp and lead the tribe to capture a few witch clan. The Matriarchs are a little daunted and will not make such unreasonable troubles. In this case, we are all unable to develop well. "

After ignoring this matter, Emperor Jun began to observe the reactions of all parties. All the demon saints pushed you by me, and I pushed you, and they were unwilling to fight. Even if Emperor Jun sent him again and again, everyone All are lazy and ignored. This kind of shirk responsibility, and the fact that everyone is unwilling to bear, so that the demon clan has lost that strength, it is really a disaster for Xiaoqiang, and then Di Jun made the decision, We must let all the demons come together, otherwise, the demons will be scattered.

Then Di Jun invited Tai Yi Kunpeng three people together to a hidden place, not to be noticed by everyone, and then began their secret plan.

It is said that Kunpeng is also a well-known power in the wilderness. He actually knew how to use the purple green gourd to refine the demon streamer, and then Di Jun successfully refined it with the help of Kunpeng and Taiyi. The demon streamer.

After the Zhaoyin streamer was refined, Emperor Jun discussed with Tai Yi Kunpeng how to make everyone in the demon clan store a trace of soul into the Zhaoyin stream. The ten demon saints have high mana, so naturally they need Only a trace of soul can be sensed by the demon streamers.

But the ordinary little demon can't resist the call of the demon streamer, so there is no need to deposit a trace of soul.

So one day, Di Jun summoned the ten demon sages of Ji Meng, Ying Zhao, Bai Ze, Fei Tian, ​​Fei Lian, Jiu Ying, Bitie, Shang Yang, Qin Yuan, and Ghost Car respectively. In order to hold them all separately, and then hand them over to the silk soul, and then use the soul to control the ten demon sages.

After hearing the call of Emperor Jun, Jimeng entered the demon hall as usual.

Emperor Jun Duan sat on the position of honor, and Ji Meng was unprepared. He walked straight into the hall, and then Kunpeng and Tai Yi were dispatched together to injure Ji Meng. Although Ji Meng also had a quasi-early state, but Facing Taiyi, Kunpeng, and Dijun three strong men, they still can't handle it.

Then Di Jun said.

"Ji Meng, bold, you dare to rebel, my emperor Jun treats you well, alas."

Then Emperor Jun and Tai Yi showed a disappointed expression on their faces, and waved helplessly to indicate that Tai Yi and Kun Peng could start.

Ji Meng looked at the scene in front of him. Although he was puzzled, he knew that Di Jun must have misunderstood that he was going to rebel, but Ji Meng knew that although he was arrogant, he did not want to rebel, at least not now. .

"Demon Emperor, I am wronged. I have no rebellion. I am loyal to you. I have no intention of rebellion. Ask the Demon Emperor to be aware."

Seeing that Tai Yi had already given out the Chaos Clock, and at this time he was already very desperate. In front of the three strong men, Ji Meng could not escape at all, and around him might have been arranged by Emperor Jun, Running away is tantamount to death, and Jimeng only keeps begging for mercy.

Kunpeng and Tai pressed step by step, then Kunpeng said.

"Don't blame us, you must blame yourself."

Kun Peng also turned his hands into huge eagle claws, ready to catch Ji Meng, and Tai Yi's Donghuang Zhong covered him, unable to move.

Under Ji Meng's entreaties, Di Jun said.

"Since you haven't rebelled, why did you have to establish your own portal?

"I **** it, I **** it."

"So you are willing to show loyalty?"

"Willing, willing."

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