My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 109: The Six Saints are sanctified

When Di Jun saw Ji Meng like this, Kunpeng and Tai Yi, who had to prepare to do something on the side, stopped.

Then Di Jun said slowly to Ji Meng.

"Most of the demon clan now do not follow my orders, do you know?"

Jimeng said tremblingly.

"I don't know."


"Yes, yes, the other demon saints all ignored the orders of the demon emperor and the east emperor, and they could not listen if they could."

Emperor Jun looked at it, and said with fear and trembling.

"Ji Meng, now I'm refining a demon streamer, I just need to deposit a trace of soul into it, and then command the demon clan to make it easy for you, you think this is good."

At this time, Ji Meng had been forced by the situation in front of him and had to say.

"Very good, very good, all depends on the demon king."

"Well, if you are willing to show loyalty, then put a trace of your primordial spirit into the magic demon streamer, so that we can order a unified, scheming, you look good like this."

Now Ji Meng looked at the black and red banner next to the demon emperor, and then he gradually understood the meaning of the demon emperor, that is, he wanted to let himself give up a trace of the primordial spirit. At this time, Ji Meng was also secretly cursing in his heart, not just to let out a trace of Yuanshen, not to say early, I was scared to death just now.

At this time, Ji Meng couldn't help himself anymore. He obediently took out a trace of his original spirit and gave it to Emperor Jun.

Emperor Jun put this little primordial spirit into the Zhaoyin stream, and then the Zhaoyin stream glowed with a little white light, and then disappeared, and Ji Meng was able to clearly feel his soul and that There is a trace of connection between Zhaoyin Stream, and his soul seems to be imprisoned in the Zhaoyin Stream.

Seeing that Ji Meng surrendered a trace of Yuanshen, Kun Peng and Tai Yi followed the good method they had negotiated and took Ji Meng away from the main hall and allowed Ji Meng to return to the camp.

The boy outside the door continued to proclaim others. The nine demon sages entered one by one. Later, the demon sages who saw Emperor Jun were all quietly taken out from the other door. The demon sages sitting on the main hall It's all a little unknown.

However, the people still dare not leave alone. If they do so, it is tantamount to blatantly ordering Di Jun's orders. At that time, Di Jun has a hundred ways to clean them up, so they only have to wait for Di Jun's reception at this time.

Using the method just described, the three of Di Jun, Tai Yi, and Kun Peng cooperated with each other and acted with each other.

Then the demon emperor Jun and the Eastern Emperor freshman adopted various methods to save the primitive gods among the demon clan into the demon streamer.

With the help of Zhaoyinwa, the original ten arrogant demon saints have converged. It is also more respectful to the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi. After all, this is also the tenth demon saint's vigilance against Dijun and Taiyi.

The demon race at this time is much stronger than the original state. After that, Di Jun and Tai Yi put all the demon clan under their control, and the fighting power of the demon clan at this time has reached a certain height.

At this time, although the primitive and the heavens on Kunlun Mountain were somewhat anxious, they all saw the teaching of the founder of Laozi, and then they also expressed their aspirations.

The original said.

"I am the true **** of the Pangu Father God, Yuanshi Tianzun. Today, he is enlightened by the Tao of Heaven and is willing to create an elucidation.

Then Tiandao Yougan felt a lot of merit.

At the same time, Tongtian also realized the opportunity to testify, and then said.

"I am a man of heaven and earth, and today I feel the sufferings of the people. I am willing to make an oath to the world today. I am willing to create a cut-off education, and there is no class. Anyone who is willing to practice can become a fairy. Hope the heavens come true. "

Afterwards, Dao Tianwei felt that he had reduced the immeasurable merits. After immeasurable merits entered the body, Tongtian's body also changed obviously.

Although another three hundred years have passed, then two of the floods came to the flooded world where coercion spread.

Above Lingshan, the leaders felt the coercion, and then they said.

"The original and the heaven are finally sanctified, and now the Six Saints are out of the flood, and there are new disasters in the flood!"

Although Junti has been sanctified at this time, it is still puzzled, and then it is Wenchangmendao.

"Brother Nagato, this is a consensus."

Nagato looked at the connection in front of him, and Zhun Tied and then said.

"This is a heavenly opportunity. You still need a lot of understanding before you can stabilize the foundation."

Then the answering and preparation began to practice, during which both the introduction and the quasi-mention slowly understood the mysteries of the Dharma, and the current connection and quasi-mention recalled the teachings of the Taoist Daojun, which was actually Buddhism, and the introduction and quasi-presentation of Buddhism now basically follow the teachings of Dongfan Daojun.

Nagato's words have a deep meaning, but it is really not easy to say. After all, this is the meaning of Heavenly Dao. If it is said, Nagato may suffer an indiscriminate disaster. After all, the damage to Heavenly Dao from leaking the heavenly machine is huge. The more people know about heaven, the balance mechanism of heaven and earth will be broken.

Nagato means that the tribulation between the Wu and the Demon Clan is about to come. After all, in the flood, the now powerful tribes are the Demon and Wu Clan, and the fighting between the two groups has never stopped. .

There is also the inheritance of this ancient blood line among the Wu people, and the avenues mastered by each ancestor have a great role in the flood, so at this time Tiandao is to plan to return the rules of the Wu people to the flood. Among them, the way to release the power of this law can only be achieved by putting the Wu people into the flood.

This is the disaster that the Wu people should have. If the Wu people are careful, it may come later. However, the continuous expansion of the Wu people and the demon have caused the wild land to be smoldering. Heaven is naturally unacceptable. Too.

There are now seven saints in the flood, Hong Jun is now the body and the road, and the rest of the saints are busy preaching. Only by fulfilling the ambitions he has issued can his own be fulfilled. Otherwise, the IOU will never be clear. At that time, Heavenly Dao may receive the Holy Throne at the same time, and will also receive itself together.

And this is also the time for the saints in the flood to **** resources, and Nuwa ’s wishful guardian clan does not need to **** any resources, and the most obvious contention among the saints is the Eastern Sanqing and Scramble for resources in the Western Second Saint.

In the Sanqing period, the contention between the primitive and the heavenly missionary resources was particularly serious. After all, their aspirations to the heavenly Tao were surprisingly similar. ..

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