My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 110: Herald of Lich

The six saints in the flood have all been sanctified, but the current competition for evangelism resources assumes that their right after sanctification is greater, or the more resources they receive, the more rewards they receive Abundant, so in such an environment, the form allows them to make more plans for themselves.

At present, there is no direct competitor for Lao Tzu's teaching, but it is just that the interpreting church absorbs a part of the people to the interpreting and preaching. But this is not harmless, after all, there are still many human races taught by Lao Tzu. Many of them can't become immortals, and Laozi's preaching is very simple. As long as they can master some truths about life, they can enable Laozi to gain benefits.

The primitive and the celestial, because Laozi chose the preaching object to be the human race, and the human race has already been chosen, the primitive is better, and the teaching is to teach all the immortals who are willing to become immortals, help the group They learned that if they cultivated shallowly, they would not be confused, and if they cultivated high, they would be ranked in the fairy class.

The two brothers of Tongtian are almost snatching the resources in the flood, and in Tongtian's anger, they set up to cut off the teaching, and they have to teach and have no class. It doesn't matter their origin, after all, it was also made by Lao Tzu and the original press.

The sages in the West, who want to mention and respond, want to pudu the people, which is the same as the Sanqing in the East, but it can also be integrated. After all, each preaching the different ways and crossing the people.

And the six saints come out, there are very few resources that can allow them to preach between heaven and earth, and the rules of heaven and earth are not comprehensive. The order of the flooded world is also incomplete. If you want to better control the floods, you must have The emergence of new rules and orders in the flood.

The demon clan and the witch clan obviously do not meet this, but the saints follow the sky, and the long gate, the lead, and the quasi-clear understand this truth, and Sanqing also understands this truth. But at this time they only have to wait for Tiandao to punish the witch and demon, and they can't do much more at this time.

Above the Zu Wu Temple, a group of Zu Wu are conspiring, how to deal with the demon clan, after all, the strength of the Wu clan is now very strong, even if the demon clan has an advantage in numbers, but if it really wants to fight, Wu clan does not necessarily lose to demon clan.

Now the ancestors and witches have improved their strength by cutting blood and breeding, but this method of cutting blood makes the body of the ancestor and witches a little unbearable, and has to go to a place other than the demon clan or the demon clan. Look for monsters, or elaborate monsters, hunt, and then use their flesh to supplement the lack of nutrition of the witch.

After all, this demon clan is a good thing for the witch clan. Above the ancestral witch palace, there are two opposite factions.

Among them, the main war faction is Zhu Rong, Gong Gong, and Shebi, but the main war faction cannot actually be called the main war faction. It only means that there is no fierce confrontation with the demon clan temporarily. Among them, Dijiang, Qiangliang, Dominated by Hou Tu.

The opinions of the two sides on war or peace are endlessly disputed.

Zhu Rong and Gong Gong's opinion is to directly fight against the demon clan, and then on the battlefield, you can strengthen the witch's flesh with the demon's flesh, and the demon clan is constantly looking for the witch's children to capture and refine it. The power of the Pangu bloodline. If there is no war, there will be countless Wu clan children die under the hunt of the demon clan.

The idea of ​​Dijiang and Houtu is that once the war is started, it will be charcoal, just like the war of the three tribes. The result of the war of the three tribes is that all the three tribes withdrew from the wild world. If it was not the patriarchs of the three tribes who realized it, they would make an oath, otherwise the three tribes would cease to exist. And if the war is going on, the Wu people will only die more people, and if they want to devour the demon to strengthen their flesh, they have to see if they can digest it.

The dispute between the two sides has been constant, and this is also a long-term inconclusive. Therefore, the tribes of Zhu Rong, Gong Gong and She Bi are often disobedient and go out to hunt the demon clan the most, and the casualties among their ethnic groups are also the biggest.

Dijiang is also powerless for their behavior and wants to manage, but the number of the Wu people is already over 10 billion. If they want to manage at all, they are all powerless.

And the least worrying thing is Zhu Rong and Gong Gong. They do n’t just go out and attack the demon clan. Usually when there is nothing, Zhu Rong and Gong Gong often fight each other together. The great witches dare not say anything, other ancestors. There is no time to control them.

The twelve ancestors and witches are also the first powerful formation in the secret cultivation of the wilderness. That is, the twelve capital gods are in great formation. To reshape the power of Pangu Father and God, and then operate together by the twelve ancestors and witches. In this way, the power of Pangu Father and Father God can be used.

The twelve gods are in great formation, and the Wu people have been practicing for a long time, but this formation is a huge test for the team's ability to collaborate. Often, one person's negligence can lead to the entire formation. Of failure.

Zhu Rong and Gong Gong are also the two people who are most prone to problems. Twelve Zu Wu siege a circle, and then start to practice, often Zhu Rong has a problem, and Gong Gong will be beaten Zhu Rong, other Zu Wu are very angry, Just watch it, don't stop it.

And co-workers often make mistakes. Once they make mistakes, Zhu Rong will run away with co-workers again. The two of you come and go as if no one has suffered.

On the demon clan, Dijun, Taiyi, and Kunpeng conspired to control the control among the demon clan. As long as Dijun waved the demon streamer, the ten billion demon crowd would arrive in a moment, and they were free to send. The top ten demon sages are no exception. It should be that there is a trace of their primordial gods in the beckoning streamers. As long as they do n’t obey, they will punish their primordial gods, making them dare to be angry Dare not speak.

Although such an approach does not win the hearts of the people, the effect within a short period of time does indeed make Tai Jun very satisfied.

Emperor Jun and Tai Yi used the immature Zhou Tianxing battle array when they dealt with the East Prince last time, and they were broken by Laozi. It led to the formation of the backlash, so that they are not fully recovered now, after all, the power of the stars is not affordable to ordinary people.

But it was this huge power that made Emperor Jun ready to start rehearsing Zhou Tianxing's big formation. If he completely mastered this formation, he would be invincible in the flood.

I am afraid that the only big battle against it is the twelve gods. ..

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