My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 115: Fuxi went out to help the demon

It is said that Emperor Juntai still had Kunpeng after a lot of conspiracy, and he set the basic program for combating the witch in the future.

1. Do everything possible to prevent the formation of the twelve capitals of the Matriarchs. After all, the formation was too strong, and even Hong Jun had to come out to control it, which is enough to prove that this formation has changed the flood. The ability of the general trend.

If you really want to stop the twelve days of the demon clan's murderous battle, the best way is to remove a ancestor, but for specific details, there is no feasible way.

After all, everyone is aware of the strength of this ancestor.

Secondly, without letting the sages in Hongjun and the floods notice, the Wu clan was calmed down, at least the living power of the Wu clan must be greatly eliminated. Otherwise, this may have very serious consequences for them. Now most of the territory, the demon have to let out.

It turned out that before the Red Army mediated, the demon clan's territory was obviously more than that of the witch clan, but now the demon clan has shrunk a lot.

After deciding on these two basic measures, Emperor Jun Tai began planning.

Under Kunpeng's suggestion, let Dijun and Taiyi go to the Wa Palace to meet the saint Nuwa.

In the final analysis, Nuwa is still a demon, even if Nuwa is now a saint, it is natural to take care of this demon.

So after Dijun and Taiyi were ready, they brought some gifts and went to the Wa Palace to meet Nuwa.

After seeing Nu Wa, Di Jun said with a cry.

"Nuwa Niangni help, now that most of the territories of the demon clan are occupied by the Wu clan, now the power of the demon clan is getting weaker and weaker in the flood, and please ask the Nuwa niangni to help us ! "

After Nu Wa saw this Emperor Jun, although she also wanted to help the demon clan in her heart, she is now a precious saint. If you come forward to solve the problems in the flood, it may lead to heaven's punishment.

After all, this is the general trend of heaven. If the general trend is changed, even a saint cannot bear the punishment of this heaven.

Nu Wa said.

"Two, now I am sanctified. I do n’t want to ask any more about things in the wilderness. Although I really want to help the demon clan like this, as a saint, I do n’t want to be bound by these causes and effects. Please understand me . "

Di Jun saw Nu Wa's answer like this, but knew there was a silver lining.

"Nuwa Niangniang, our enemies must grow up by relying on them, and now we only need Nüwaangniang to promise to protect our enemies. If our enemies are bullied by the Wu clan for no reason, we hope Nwa Niangniang decides for us! "

When Nu Wa heard what Dijun and Taiyi said, naturally there was no reason to refuse them.

"Well, if the Wu people want to be so aggressive, I will not let them go, so you can rest assured!"

But Fu Xi, who also lived in the Wa Palace, had a different view.

Although Fu Xi didn't say anything and didn't do anything at this time, his mind was secretly fixed.

Emperor Jun and Tai Yi knew that letting Nu Wa kill an ancestral witch would definitely be no more.

So he didn't even say anything, and then he left.

After Di Jun and Tai Yi left. Fuxi only came out at this time, and then said to Nüwa.

"What are the two emperors here?"

"They just want me to help the demon clan to revitalize, but the demon clan is now slowly going downhill. And I am already sanctified, and naturally I don't have to ask about things in the demon clan."

Fu Xi said after thinking for a moment.

"But after all, I am also among the demon clan. I should contribute my strength to the demon clan, otherwise, I have a cause and effect with the demon clan, which has to be repaid."


Nu Wa is also lingering to speak. Nu Wa knows what the fate of this demon clan will be. Now her brother, Fu Xi, is going to help the demon clan among the demon clan. , And Fu Xi will also be involved in the hand.

Fu Xi was very clear when she saw Nu Wa's concerns, and she said.

"Sister, do n’t have any worries. We are brothers and sisters, but now you are sanctified, and I really have done nothing. Now I am hiding all day long in your Wa Palace, and now I am going out to achieve something. Career, no matter what the result is, I have to work hard, not to mention this Di Jun and Tai Yi, their ambitions are already good, I am willing to help them carry forward the demon race. "

After Nu Wa listened to Fu Xi's words, her heart tightened and she knew that Fu Xi had made a good decision.

Regardless of the outcome in the future, Fu Xi will have to do this. Although Nu Wa is a saint, she can't control the thoughts of others. Now if Fu Xi wants to go, he has to let him go.

Di Jun and Tai Yi went to the Wa Palace and saw that Nu Wa didn't plan to ask any questions about the demon clan. They were very angry, but there was no way for them. They could not express their vitality.

Fortunately, Nu Wa, after all, promised to rescue the demon again at the critical moment of the demon clan.

It is enough to say so, otherwise, if this is the case, I do n’t know what else will happen!

Emperor Jun and Tai Yi were very anxious about things among the Wu people. At this time, there was a sudden outside notice.

"Report the demon emperor, report to the emperor Dong. There is a person outside who claims to be Fu Xi to come and meet the two His Majesty."

After Dijun and Taiyi heard the little demon's words, they were very happy, and both of them went out to greet them.

Di Jun and Tai Yi hurried to the gate of the Demon Heaven Court, and after seeing Fu Xi, they said to Fu Xi very respectfully.

"What's the wind today? Lord Fu Xi came to visit us personally."

Emperor Jun quickly ushered Fu Xi into the hall.

Fu Xi is also a cheerful person, said straight away.

"Now when I come to the Demon Clan Tianting, I want to reorganize the Demon Clan, and now I want to come up with ideas for the two His Majesty."

Emperor Jun was very happy to hear Fuxi say this. After all, Fuxi was behind the saint Nuwa. Even if Nuwa didn't look at their faces, she still had to look at Fuxi's many help demon clan.

Di Jun answered.

"Well, if we can help Master Fuxi, a think tank, our demon clan's revival is just around the corner. Dare to ask Master Fuxi what he thinks."


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