My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 116: Fu Xixian's plan for marriage

Fu Xi blurted out.

"Daily marriage."

Tai Yi was very surprised when he heard this.

"Daily marriage?"

Emperor Jun did not understand what this meant, so he asked Fuxi again.

"Dare to ask Mr. Fu Xi, what does it mean to be married?"

Then Fu Xi said.

"There are two three-legged golden black babies bred in the great sun flames on this sun star, which are two lords. And on the lunar star are also bred two innate holy spirits."

Di Jun and Tai Yi understood.

"Xihe and Changxi."

"Yes, it is these two goddesses, but at this time we still need to think long."

After Di Jun heard it, he frowned slightly.

"The two goddesses of Taiyin are very solitary in character and do not like to communicate with outsiders, and their self-cultivation is also very high. If they want to marry the two goddesses, it may be very difficult."

And Taiyi on the side said.

"But if the two Taiyin goddesses can be taken back, the strength of the demon clan will be greatly increased."

Fu Xi said at this time.

"If the goddess of Taiyin and the goddess of Taiyin cooperate with each other, the erupted energy will be very terrifying. And the lunar star and the sun star were originally Yin and Yang. There is no problem. Let's plan well, and then go to the lunar star to raise a kiss! "

Then Di Jun and Tai Yi both agreed.

Then it was preparing to raise relatives on the lunar star and capture the goddess of the lunar goddess.

Then Emperor Taijun and Fu Xi talked about the trend in the flood every day.

And Emperor Jun and Tai Yi also attach great importance to Fu Xi. After all, Fu Xi's views are very unique, and even some things can't be compared with Kun Peng.

However, Emperor Jun didn't get Fu Xi after he did not care about the advice of the demon master Kun Peng.

As an emperor who is good at employing people, Dijun naturally wants to unite Kunpeng and Fuxi closely.

I previously used the Soul Streamer to control the ten demon saints, which is also impossible. After all, the ten demon saints have become more and more arrogant, and they did not pay attention to Dijun and Taiyi at all. It made Di Jun and Tai Yiquan very annoyed. Had to use Soul Streamer to control people's hearts.

Although this is very bad, Di Jun can't consolidate the hearts of the demons.

This may also be an important factor for the destruction of the demon clan in the future, that is, Emperor Jun used this bad method to control the people under his control, and did not let them sincerely submit.

After several days of continuous discussions, both Di Jun and Tai Yi had new views on the situation in the flood.

The Wu people are not so terrible. On the contrary, the Wu people have many fatal flaws.

The first is that there is no Yuanshen. The twelve ancestors have some incomplete Yuanshen, but these are far from enough.

The Wu people have no fertility, and the Wu people can only breed on the ground by their own blood, and this method of reproduction will be extinct in a short time.

This is because the Pangu essential blood among the Wu people will become thinner and thinner, and the consequence of the increasingly thinner blood is that many later ancestors and witches are born with dysplasia.

Also, this witch has a very strong temper and is also very belligerent, so it is easy to provoke them, and the twelve ancestors and witches are originally disagreeable between face and heart. Although they are one, they are for their own Everyone will not be convinced of each other's strength. It is impossible to say that other ancestors and witches are more powerful than themselves.

Hearing what Fu Xi analyzed, Emperor Jun was suddenly bright, so he thought of a way to deal with Zu Wu.

That's the radical method, which allowed the ancestors and witches to fight internally. In this way, without effort, they can separate the Wu people. If there is a contradiction between them, they cannot naturally use the twelve capitals to call out the ancient **** of Pangu in such a coordinated manner.

This reminder is ecstatic to Di Jun. Then it was with Kun Peng to figure out how to differentiate the twelve ancestors and witches.

This point of Emperor Jun is very admirable. Knowing that Fuxi is clever, he is not good at or disdain to use Yin tricks. Fuxi is still very cold.

Kunpeng is very different. Kunpeng is the kind of person who does not reach the goal and uses different means. Such a strategy is very appropriate to discuss with Kunpeng.

Fuxi then used Emperor Jun's companion Lingbao Tuluoshu to deduce the demon clan's housekeeping team, Zhou Tianxing, to a more reasonable state.

After Fu Xi used this Hetu Luoshu, he became deeply obsessed with Hetu Luoshu.

And this Emperor Jun's companion Lingbao seems to have a good chance with Fu Xi, but also has a good impression of Fu Xi.

So Fu Xi proposed to borrow this Hetu Luoshu to study and study.

Emperor Jun likes Fu Xi very much and values ​​Fu Xi very much, and he is not good because of such a thing, it makes Fu Xi unhappy.

After all, this thing is more important to a difficult talent. Di Jun chose to lend his companion Lingbao Tuluo book to Fu Xi for research.

After a lot of time in preparation, Di Jun was almost ready, and then he was ready to raise his relatives on Lunar Star.

But at this time Fu Xi said again.

"If you go this time, if you are unsuccessful, if you want to raise your relatives again in the future, I am afraid the success rate will be even lower. Remember when you were in Lingxiao Temple, Dao Zu Hongjun once gave Nuwa a spiritual treasure, named Red Hydrangea. It can match the marriage of heaven and earth, and if it can have the effect of red hydrangea, it is presumed that the success rate will be greatly improved. "

Di Jun was overjoyed.

"There is also this kind of Lingbao. I remember that it seemed that the Taoist ancestor really gave such a treasure to the Nuwa saint."

But Di Jun said sadly again.

"Ah! Now the Nuwa lady is sanctified, and she will never ask me anything about the demon clan again. This time, he certainly is not helping."

After hearing Di Jun's words, Fu Xi thought down again.

It is said.

"I went to the Wa Palace to talk to her and said that this day's marriage is very important for our demon clan. This lunar star and sun star can nourish everything, and His Majesty Emperor Jun and Tai Yi are on this sun star. The demon spirit, and Xi and Changxi as demon spirits on the Lunar Star, if you get married, you will definitely return to make the demon's luck last for a long time. "

Emperor Di Jun listened to Fu Xi's words, and he was full of admiration, and then said.

"Then everything please Mr.

This matter also requires us to consider for a long time ..

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