My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 117: Emperor Jun and Xihe are married

After Fu Xi agreed to Di Jun's request, he returned to the Wa Palace.

Fu Xi saw Nu Wa and said to Nu Wa.

"Although this demon clan has a lot of setbacks, and the destiny of the demon clan is bound to be eliminated by heaven, but now I really want to go against the sky. I am willing to help this demon clan with my help. I hope my sister will succeed. "

Nu Wa was shocked when she saw her brother would come and beg him, but this is after all her own brother. Nu Wa is destined to escape this cause and effect even if she is sanctified.

"Brother, what do you want to come to see me today, you say it first, to see if I can help, if it is against the heavens, I will definitely not help."

When Fu Xi heard Nu Wa say this, she knew there was still room for improvement, and then she also said.

"I came here today only to ask for something, I hope my sister can lend me your red hydrangea."

"This red hydrangea is in charge of the marriage in the wild, but such a marriage, it will closely link the fate of the two people, so I don't know whether it is good or not."

"Sister, don't worry, this will not involve your cause and effect. This red hydrangea is an innate spirit treasure, and since there are such spirit treasures, there must be no cause and effect implication.

And I ’m not indiscriminately involved. What I did at this time was to match the emperor Taijun on the sun star with the mandarin ducks of the Xi and Changxi teams on the lunar star. They were originally coordinated with each other. of. If one of these innate holy spirits falls, then the other party will also be implicated. I did this just to be able to implicate their destiny together. "

After Nu Wa listened to Fu Xi's words, there was no reason to refuse, but said.

"Okay! Since this is the case, then I will lend you the red hydrangea."

After Nu Wa finished speaking, she raised her hands, and the red hydrangea appeared in Nu Wa's palm.

Then Nu Wa lent the red hydrangea to Fu Xi. Fu Xi directly combined the names of Emperor Jun Xi and He in the red hydrangea, and then bound Tai Yi and Huan Xi together.

Then there were ten thousand rays of light emanating from this red-sleeve ball, and that light was connecting the sun star with the lunar star.

At the same time, Di Jun established a special relationship with Xi and the two people, and the two people have an unspeakable attraction to each other.

The same thing is that such a connection is also established between Taiyi and Huanxi, which makes Taiyi and Huanxi have a slight connection, and it seems that they can feel the thoughts in each other's hearts.

At this time, Dijun wanted to reach the Taiyin star as soon as possible to see the Taiyin goddess Xihe, and Xihe was also very eager to see the Dijun above the sun star, so that the attraction between them was still step by step. Strengthening.

Seeing the golden light radiating from the red hydrangea, Fu Xi knew that it was the role of the red hydrangea, and then returned the red hydrangea, and returned to the demon race quickly, because there are still some details Consult with Dijun and Taiyi.

Seeing such a persistent brother in front of her, Nu Wa sometimes felt happy and sad in her heart. What made her happy was that Fu Xi finally knew what he wanted to do. Seeing how serious he was doing things, Fu Xi was really very happy.

But the sad thing is that Fu Xi is acting against the sky, which destroys the operation of the Heavenly Way. Although this has no causal force for himself, this causal force also needs Fu Xi ’s own bearing. Fuxi.

Fu Xi quickly returned to the Demon Race Court. Fu Xi saw that the appearance of the demon emperor Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi had greatly improved, and his appearance had become better. Then Fu Xi was overjoyed and said to Di Jun.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, with such achievements now, it seems that the mutual attraction between the lunar star and the Sun star has such advantages for your Majesty."

Di Jun naturally understood that this was the effect of Fu Xi borrowing Nu Wa's red hydrangea, and his body was gradually strengthening. This feeling made Di Jun very comfortable.

"Yeah, now I feel that the energy in my body is gradually becoming stronger, and this energy is also more mature, not as strong and domineering as before, but it is indeed a lot more powerful. It seems that marriage on this day can indeed increase my strength, we are going to the same day to raise relatives on the lunar star! "

When Fu Xi heard what Di Jun said, his heart was relieved.

"Your Majesty, it's not too late, let's start now!"

Then Emperor Taijun and Fu Xi took a group of little demon with gifts, and went to Taiyin Star with mighty power.

At this time, Xi He still had that kind of indifference on his face, but his heart was already churning, and Xi He also felt the arrival of Di Jun.

When Emperor Juntai arrived, Yu Xi and Yu Xi met in the Moon Palace.

At this time, Fu Xi said to Xi He and Chang Xi.

"The two goddesses of Taiyin please forgive sins. The demon emperor Jun of my demon clan and Taiyi, the east emperor, specially prepared some ceremonies before visiting the two goddesses."

Because of her young age, Changxi is not easy to control her inner excitement. At this time, Changxi's mouth is blooming. At this time, Chang Xi didn't even know his own, why did he have such a strong interest in Di Jun, and at this time, Xi He had nothing on the surface, but his heart was choppy.

The marriage effect of this red hydrangea turned out to be so powerful. They bluntly raised their feelings to a new height, and when they looked at each other, they had already explained everything.

Xihe said.

"The two of our sisters concentrated on cultivation and wanted to come to ask nothing about Honghuang. Why did the demon emperor and the east emperor come here?"

Then Di Jun waved his hand.

"You go down first."

After talking about it, Fu Xi let all the demon out of the Moon Palace. Fu Xi also understood that Di Jun was already certain that he wanted to tell Xi He himself.

Tai Yi, a person with a usual violent personality, has a lot of peace.

Only Emperor Junxi and Taiyi Changxi remained in the Moon Temple.

The four didn't know what was said in the Moon Temple, and Hou Xi and Huan Xi followed Emperor Jun and Tai Yi out.

Seeing this, Fu Xi knew that it was successful, and the marriage was completed that day.

Don't say how happy Fu Xi is at this time, this joy may be even happier than his own wife! ..

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