My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 134: Top Ten Golden Cultivation

The demon clan is now in full swing, and all the people in this demon clan are also in a high position, and all the beings in the wild are in a state of overlooking, and this state also allows other groups in the wild to be a stranger. Hate and fear.

What I hate is that the people in the demon clan simply don't treat people as people, and they have a high-arrogant attitude, just like the people in the wilderness owe him. It is very dissatisfied, but it can only be complimented by good words, not daring to be negligent.

This is true of everyone in the demon clan, and being a prince in the demon clan, its arrogance is even more powerful, and it is this attitude that makes other people in the demon clan a little annoying. The behavior of these ten princes.

After all, these princes are the arrogant sons of the heavens, so it is precisely because of this, that even if the ten princes are irritating things, they will not be taken into consideration.

Under the magical effect of this innate spirit root hibiscus tree, the youngest Jinwu and Youmin will soon be well, and after the body has recovered, but the injury in his heart is really not good.

At this time, Young Min was very angry. This father praised him as a courageous dare, even dared to provoke himself, and beat himself up. This injury, young Min really couldn't swallow it, even in secret. The plan will kill Kuafu.

Although Young Min is self-willed, he is not stupid. He knows that if he does this by force, he will get a lot of harm.

After all, his father and uncle must be scrupulous. If things do n’t follow the orders of Dao Zu Hongjun, then, by the time a matter of one sentence, most of the demon clan in the wild will be destroyed, after all, the saint ’s Strength is terrifying, so terrifying.

Although this is the case, it is also unstoppable Hong Hong Youmin's determination to treat. The determination to kill Kuafu.

When did you have such treatment, generally speaking, everyone is letting themselves, and now they are suddenly beaten by one person, the unpleasant taste in their hearts is naturally indescribable, and you have originally been Very good-looking, now I have lost my face in front of my brothers and made me beaten up. This hatred must be reported back.

After Yu Min's injury is healed, Shiju is discussing what to do together.

The opinions of Zhong Jinwu are still divided. One advocated that he would seek revenge directly from Kuafu and beat him up. Others said that the father and the uncle should be told this first.

You Min has never spoken. Although You Min is the youngest brother, you are very assertive, and you will certainly be able to do whatever you want.

After all the older brothers spoke, You Min then said.

"Every brother, it's a younger brother's thing now, and it makes everyone worry. But this person really makes us very sad. He praises his father too much. If I don't give him some lessons, I can't swallow this.

I have thought about the opinions of your brothers. It is like the father and the uncle explained the situation. They are also embarrassed. After all, the demon and the witch are under the regulation of the Taoist ancestors. Yaozhangtian, Wuzhangdi, if one side unilaterally tears the clause, it may cause Daozu's blame.

If the father and the uncle came forward, they could only admonish and then let the witch punish the father, but my revenge was not reported. That day, I took advantage of my inattention and hit me a bit, but it was a stick that hit me with an internal injury. I couldn't bear the anger. Please ask my brothers to help me! "

Young Min said very sincerely, these brothers are usually extremely fond of this youngest brother. Moreover, this younger brother is usually very clever in front of your brothers, and won everyone's favorite.

After the brothers heard this, they felt angry in their hearts.

"Okay, Ju Min, you said, what do we do, we listen to you, we must help you out of this bad breath."

Then all the brothers said they would listen to You Min's arrangement.

"Okay, brothers, Youmin thanked you first! Let's go to the place where Kuafu took a look, and then make plans to see how to clean up Kuafu."

So Yu Min flew all the way with his nine elder brothers toward the tribe of Kuafu.

At this time, they did not control the orders of their father, Wang Dijun, and they were not allowed to let the top ten Jinwu Lin Honghuang.

Sure enough, wherever the Jinwu went, soon, the plants on the ground were withered, and the water source also quickly evaporated. If there is less water in the pool, it will soon be evaporated to humanity. When the cultivated rice fields were above, the fields quickly became scorched.

The power of the blazing flames is so powerful that all the creatures in the wilderness along the way are very hurt, all hiding in the tree caves, under the dense forest, or in the caves, but the heat of the flames Or let all sentient beings be unbearable.

Along the way, all sentient beings complained and complained that there were too many Jinwu, but the stones they threw, or other things, could not be hit at all, flying high above Jinwu.

It didn't take long for the ten Jinwu to reach the land, and the ten Jinwu stayed on the beautiful grassland. It didn't take long for the great flames of the ten Jinwu to stack up The temperature quickly burned the grassland, and then a fire ignited.

Soon this piece of land was scorched, and Youmin told all the other nine brothers about all the things here.

The people of Kuafu tribe and Kuafu saw the arrival of the top ten gold Uqiqi, and burned their territories as if they were not like that. They all complained constantly, but no one came forward to prepare to clean up. Top ten golden black.

This Jinwu was originally in the sky, and it was very high, they could not hit them at all, unless it was the ancestor. However, the ancestors and witches are now in the ancestral ancestral palace, which is still far from Zhoushan, and it is too late to inform the ancestors and witches.

Kuafu saw this, so he picked up the stick around him and rushed past quickly.

Kuafu's ability is also powerful. After having his first experience playing Jinwu, Hou Tu picked up the stones and threw them in the direction of Jinwu.

Then said.

"Why are you three-legged golden blackbirds?"

Afterwards, Ju Min saw Kuafu and hurried with a stick he often used, so he said.

"My elder brothers, it was this man who wounded me." & # 160;


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