My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 135: Kuafu day by day

It is said that Kuafu got the tenth son of Dijun and Xihe last time, Youmin. At the same time, You Min was severely injured. You Min was originally the darling of Emperor Jun and Xi He. The nine brothers of the same You Min are all very caring for You Min. In such an environment, You Min has very much Important position.

You Min really wants to teach some big witch of the Wu people. After all, the big witch of the witch is really annoying. At least you think that Min Woo is so angry. You are also annoyed by your brothers.

So they decided to come to teach Kuafu personally. After all, this Kuafu is so arrogant, so arrogant that it makes people disgusted. They just stayed on the grassland for a little longer. This Kuafu is a stone that cuts his wound so deep.

But he said that Kuafu saw ten golden blackbirds as if they were ten suns. In the flood, humans and many other creatures looked at them like the sun. The sun of the sun is drinking the sun of the sun's own weight.

Originally, they are of the same origin, so the great-day flaming wine on these ten Jinwus is like the sun star at the same time, so they dare not look up.

Kuafu was very angry when he saw the flames of the ten golden black-burning continents, and now ten golden black-wings are on the territory of his tribe.

Kuafu came flying and shouted while running.

"Where does the evil animal come from, even dare to come here. Hurry up, hurry up, roar roar roar

! "

Kuafu ’s momentum is very strong, making the ten Jinwus a little shocked. Dawu is indeed very powerful. With such strength, ten Jinwus understand that if they want to be tough, they are not opponents of Dawu, so they only Able to use their flexible flying skills to teach Kuafu.

But Kuafu's running speed was very fast. It didn't take a while, but he was facing the scorching sun on this grassland with few friends.

When Kuafu picked up a piece next to him, he threw it towards the sky. This time, the gold and black were all prepared. It was easy to hide. Kuafu had to pick up a stone and throw it at them. In the past.

These Jinwu flying above the sky, the body is very flexible, Kuafu naturally can not hit.

When Kuafu saw that there was no way, he simply grabbed a large number of stones, and then threw them in the direction of the Jinwu Group, but it didn't take a while. These many stones arrived in front of Jinwu.

But in the face of so many stones, the Jinwu people had nowhere to hide, and had to mix their wings to resist.

But Dawu Kuafu ’s power is too strong, and the power of these stones is very huge, and their wings are difficult to resist. Just for a moment, their golden feathers all showed a little blood, which made the ten big golden blacks very embarrassing.

This was originally a group of people who came to Kuafu to settle the accounts, but what I didn't expect was that a group of people was taken care of by Kuafu.

This makes the top ten Jinwu unable to hang on some faces.

You Min said.

"Well, you are a big witch, Kuafu, dare to treat us like this, I want to make you look good."

After all, Youmin exudes a strong flame of the sun.

Kua father was very angry after reading it, and then said.

"Huh, some boys, dare to play with these things in front of me."

Kuafu took off his clothes and wrapped them around his waist, and then he was ready to fight with Jinwu. The muscles of this big witch's knotted muscles were golden and bright under the blaze of the sun, and the little sweat on it Under the flames, it seems more silent and transparent.

Kuafu put some stones on the ground in his hands with his hands, and then squeezed it, even squeezing a piece of stone into some broken stones.

However, Nian Kuafu threw it at ten Jinwu with all his strength. This stone was twice as powerful as last time. In this way, they were all a little worried that they would not be able to resist it.

The ten Jinwu people retreated in the air, but in a blink of an eye, it was already in front of the ten Jinwu.

Although these stones are not big, but the speed is indeed very fast, these stones hit the body of Jin Wu, all of them are painful, some stones are still embedded in the body of Jin Wu.

The Jinwu people ate a big loss, they had to go, but where did Kuafu willing to let them go, so Kuafu chased all the way, chased all the way, the Jinwus ran all the way, this vast mainland was very vast, this Jinwus flew in the sky The speed is very fast.

However, the speed of Kuafu running on the ground is also very amazing. This Kuafu has a very tall body. When Kuafu turned into a real body, he was as tall as 100 feet. When he ran, he could cross one step. Passing a small mountain peak.

These Jinwu were chased by Kuafu very anxiously. The Jinwus escaped by chance. After Kuafu saw that Enjinwu had escaped, there was no way but to take his true body and return to his own tribe.

Although this boasting father is tall, the food he has brought is even greater. If he runs for a long time, he can't bear it.

After the ancestors and witches were able to transform, they all lived together in the form of human figures, and the great witches also walked in human figures after they were transformed.

This Kuafu's first day by day made the top ten Jinwu suffer big losses.

The top ten Jinwu are all slightly injured. Although it is a minor injury, it makes you hurt. These small stones hit the body and there are many wounds.

When the top ten Jinwu returned to the hibiscus tree, they were all downcast.

After all, ten of them had never done a big witch, and they were insulted by this big witch.

Seeing the nine elder brothers with dull faces, Youmin said, looking up.

"Huh, praise father, every big witch, even dare to fight against us, we must make him look good."

"Yes, Kuafu is really abhorrent. My bright feathers are all scattered. This is really true. I will let him pay the same price."

"Humiliation for a few days, we must praise our father's blood."

Zhong Jinwu sent a full of annoyance on the hibiscus tree, and then You Min said.

"Our current strength can't beat Kwa's father. Today, our brothers have seen Kwa's strength. Now if we want to win, we still have to find other ways to stop hanging from a tree. I looked at Kwa My father did n’t want our ten Jinwu to appear in the flood, and all we went to was scorched earth. The father would be very angry. "


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