My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 138: The top ten golden and exhausted Kuafu

He said that both Jinwu and Kuafu were physically too close to keep up, but this Kuafu still kept chasing behind.

By the end Kwa's body was still sweating and raining, and the road that Kwa's father ran through was all sweat behind. The sweat flowed into the land and gradually became a river.

Kuafu is really not thirsty, and then finally there is a bigger river ahead. This time Kuafu simply changes his real body.

This hundred-foot tall real body looks very scary and scary. Kuafu didn't ask for a long time, and then he drank all the river water.

Then praised his father is very terrifying.

This real body is inherently terrifying. Although it consumes energy very quickly, the explosive power is also very amazing. Such a huge body can run a long distance in one step.

After Kuafu turned into his real body, this very fast time was to catch up with Jinwu in front.

Jin Wu had to watch his doors be overtaken, and could only be a lifeless flight. Kuafu waved the cane in his hand. These Jinwus were all in front of Kuafu's cane. They saw that they were about to be caught up. This Jinwu was a force again.

But both sides are very tired, whether it is Kuafu or the top ten golden birds flying in the sky.

The Wu people already knew that Kuafu was chasing Jinwu, and they were all very worried about Kuafu. Then Wuhou Houyi came to check on Kuafu. What he could see was that Kuafu ’s footprint Flying in one direction, Hou Yi had to take some big witches and little witches along the footsteps of the Kuafu to chase Kuafu.

So as not to praise the father for the loss.

At this time, the real body of Kuafu became very fierce, and he stepped up Jin Wu to the beach step by step.

Ten Jinwu knew that after returning to the hibiscus tree, they were safe. Otherwise, they would be unsafe no matter where they were in the wilderness, because the Kuafu was so tall, Even if they stopped on the mountain, Kuafu would still catch them one by one.

Then it may be directly held in the hand like a crushed stone, pinched to death in the hand.

Ten Jinwu people were exhausted and could not support it anymore. And some of them also received different injuries, and some of them were hurt. If they fly like this, it is very painful.

But even if it hurts, it is better than falling into the hands of Kuafu.

After turning into a real body, Kuafu chased another 50,000 kilometers, which was already the limit of Kuafu ’s real body, and at this time, Kuafu ’s cane was the slowest one to touch Jinwu. Feather on the tail.

But a vast sea appeared in front of me.

This sea is very deep. If swimming and chasing in the sea, Kuafu would have no way to chase it anyway.

When it reached the sea, Jin Wu was relieved. After all, this place is quite safe compared to the land.

At this time, Kuafu's physical strength was exhausted, but looking at the ten golden auras in front of him, Kuafu didn't want to give up, so he picked up a big stone around him, crushed the stone in his hands, and then Suddenly threw the stone out with the power of the real body.

The power of Kuafu's true body is very great, even the human form of Kuafu's power can hit Jinwu.

The Jinwu people thought that they had reached the sea, so they relaxed their vigilance, but what they did not expect was that they suddenly hit the Jinwu people, and the Jinwu people did not prepare and wanted to attack more.

But it can be easily avoided there. This gravel is very much in the sky. In a large area, it will be injured by the stone. Moreover, this is the great power of the real witch.

Ten Jinwu knew that this could not dodge, and then had to resist the impact.

But there is no way that the Jinwu people have been hit hard.

More unfortunately, Kuafu was exhausted because of his strength, and then the strength of the whole body was condensed, so that Kuafu's energy was exhausted, and he fell to the ground heavily.

As Kuafu's tall body hit the ground heavily, a dull sound was made, and this time the top ten Jinwu were terrified.

But the top ten golden blackbirds were almost exhausted at this time. If they didn't return to the hibiscus tree earlier, the top ten golden blackbirds would fall into the sea one by one. In addition to the last blow from Kuafu's father, all ten Jinwu were injured, and Jinwu was even more difficult to maintain at this time.

Not paying attention to the fallen Kuafu, and ten Jinwu stumbled back to the hibiscus tree.

When it fell to the hibiscus tree, all the ten golden ebony trees were paralyzed on the ground.

On this hibiscus tree, ten Jinwu trees have been transformed into a palace. Although it is a tree, the palace is like the tree itself. Ten Jinwu trees are very comfortable to live here, and Among them, there are not small abilities, which can help the Jinwu people get a lot of energy, and can help the Jinwu Xiu to recover.

The ten Jinwu were all paralyzed on the ground. The least injured this time was the smallest young Min, because the ten elder brothers protected the youngest brother Min Yun, so Young Min was also the least injured.

Afterwards, Minwen cleaned the wounds one by one for the nine elder brothers, and then bandaged them. Although Jumin was also very tired at this time, the nine elder brothers were all for their own sake. The father was in trouble, so Young Min thanked the nine elder brothers very much. Besides, these nine elder brothers also took care of themselves very much on weekdays, and helped them to bandage the wounds. It was not difficult.

After bandaging the wounds of these nine brothers, Youmin also slept tiredly.

The ten Jinwu were very tired, but they all fell asleep.

Although Jin Wu suffered a lot of damage, they were above the hibiscus tree, and they would be able to recover in a short time.

But the Kuafu at the beach is not so lucky.

Kuafu fell to the shore and never got up again, and behind Kuafu, there was sweat flowing from Kuafu, the sweat was now a stream, and Kuafu's hot sweat was already cold .

When Hou Yi took the big witch and a group of little witches along the footsteps and found Kuafu, Kuafu had no breath of life. Hou Yi saw Kuafu like this and fell down. He was very sad and hated the ten golden crows very much.

Then Hou Yi will take Kuafu's body back, but Kuafu's body is too big to move at all. ..


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