My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 139: Zu Wu Rage

Hou Yi took some big witches and little witches from the tribe and hurriedly followed the daily route of Kuafu. They worried that Kuafu would not be able to fight ten gold wus alone.

Along the way, they saw a lot of sweat flowing from the place where Kuafu walked. By the time they went, some white salt sand had turned out in the sweat. These were all Kuafu sweat turned into some saltwater fields. Too.

Hou Yi was very worried along the way, because he knew that Kuafu's temper would never give up if he couldn't catch Jinwu all the time, but on land, how could it be possible to catch the sky and fly, and these gold Wuke Not an ordinary bird.

Houyi waited for the big witch and the little witch, and had no rest along the way. It could be described as starry night and journey. Following the footprints left by Kuafu, he followed along all the way. Too.

Kuafu fell down, and Hou Yi and Dawu of the ethnic group had to discuss it. He could only wait for Dawu Kuafu to stay in the tribe, but this Kuafu's body was too big to move at all. Later, they had to wait until the next day to make plans, after all, they came all the way, it was already night.

The next day, the sun star still rose from the east.

The light of the sun star shone on the body of Kuafu, and the body of the Kuafu had a golden light.

Hou Yi and all the big witches and little witches saw the scene in front of them, and they all felt very miraculous. This is really mysterious. But Big Witch didn't say anything, but just stared blankly.

As the sun rises, the golden light inside this big Wu Kuafu's body becomes more intense, and this golden light seems to separate Kuafu's body from Kuafu's body.

Slowly, this golden light covered Kuafu ’s body completely. Hou Yi also had a lot of big and little witches like this. He could n’t visually watch Kuafu ’s body. He could only cover his eyes with his hands, because The golden light emanating from this boasting father was too powerful.

After a certain time, when the light slowly weakened, Hou Yi discovered that the huge body of Kuafu became a tall mountain, and the mountain looked like Kuafu.

Kuafu ’s walking stick was also transformed into a peach forest at this time, and Taolin surrounded the mountain that Kuafu had transformed into, which was very beautiful.

There are a large number of big witches in Hou Yi who can't tell whether they are happy or sad.

Hou Yi took this group of people back to the tribe. Hou Yi secretly decided to revenge and hate Kuafu, and to seek justice for Kuafu.

This incident quickly spread to the ears of the ancestors and witches. The ancestors heard that Emperor Jun's ten sons had killed Dawu Kuafu's father. They were all very surprised and very angry.

This Kuafu father is a very powerful person besides ancestors and witches. How could he be simply killed by a few Mao children, but the fact is that he is not allowed to believe it before his eyes. The witches are very angry.

The eleven ancestors and a great witch were summoned to the ancestral hall.

At this time, Dijiang said.

"The specific reason why the Kuafu was killed by the ten golden jinwu, we don't know for the time being, but the ten golden jinwu in the flood has caused no small consequences, we will not miss the ten golden jinwu."

"Yes, these ten great golden owls, relying on themselves as the son of the demon emperor Jun, blamed all living beings on the flood and wasteland. We must find a statement from the heaven of the demon race."

"Huh, what a big deal you need to go to the Heavenly Court of the Demon Race, they are just trying to get rid of their ten princes!"

"Yes, it's not as good as us, so we grabbed the ten golden and all the culprits, and then killed the culprit, too lazy to discuss with Emperor Jun what, we Wu people are still afraid of their demon?"

"Yes, or all of them were arrested, and the interrogation is clear. Our Wu people are also people with a lot of grudges. Say nothing. "

"That's right, this matter is about Dao Zu Hongjun, we are also rational, don't be fooled by other things."

Everyone talked about it for a lot of time, and the topic became more and more biased, everyone said it was filled with righteous indignation, although some people know that if this is the direct execution of the top ten Jinwu, or any of them Only if it is possible to touch the lich war, then there will be another **** wind in the flood.

But they did not speak, because this is a time of anger, and if they speak now, they may be said to be traitors.

Dijiang said at this time.

"Do n’t worry, everyone here is some of the upper and middle leaders of our Wu clan, or the head men, we must not mess up with the square, this is the top ten Jin Wu of the demon clan killing our Da Wu Kuafu, we will definitely Give Kuafu Dawu a fair deal, but we can only be rational and handle this matter correctly.

First of all, we actually sent representatives to look for Dijun and Taiyi in the Demon Heavenly Court. To say one thing, if Dijun and Taiyi still have the same attitude, then it would n’t matter if we directly hit the Demon Heavenly Court. It ’s a fair one, and then everyone should deal with their own tribe ’s affairs, what ’s wrong, and come back here if they have any questions. "

After listening to what Di Jiang said, they all went back again. This event made the ancestors very angry. If the twelve capitals were in great anger after the previous meeting of the Tutu, Di Jun and Tai Yi dared not say a word, but Hou Tu now has great merits to do, and the ancestors and witches are happy for Hou Tu, but the current situation is indeed very difficult.

Dijiang Yi discussed, and then it was the matter of the eleven ancestors and some powerful big witches of the Wu clan who went directly to Di Jun's theory.

When he walked, Dijiang and his party quickly reached the upper court of the Demon Race.

The janitors of all the demon heaven courts are very afraid of the ancestors, because the horror power exuded from the ancestors always makes the cowardly people feel very terrified. Then the demon clan quickly notified Dijun and Taiyi.

Facing the sins of the Wuxing teachers, Dijun's attitude was to contribute all ten sons.

Although Di Jun said this, he did not think so. First of all, if he himself was the leader of the demon clan, and he condoned his son's murder, he couldn't make sense.

In order to escape the punishment, Emperor Jun can only say so. ..

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